project looking glass'' bill wood interview

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Still, please continue buying it as this educates you and others about the origins of the global conspiracy to control and undermine humanity and ways to reclaim our world and live as a peaceful, happy, and supportive community. AsForbesmagazine wrote: Stop the piece of metal from working and stop Duncan. We are helping you. Shes not done with us. But we need to look for what we do want. live: true, Picking up the basic default program of gaia or Lucifer as some may label. The Cabal will fight until their very end. Jeremy posted the Bill Wood interview on Patriots Rising - i have seriously watched it 3 times now trying to soak in all the information! They are insane. Why would the timelines converge specifically this year and how would it happen? Then President Obama, after saying he would veto the bill, signed the Defense Authorization Act on the last day of 2011. It doesnt mean they wont try to cause as much pain, suffering and destruction as possible in their last remaining moves, but the final outcome is already preordained. ( According to the alleged insiders, The Looking Glass technology was apparently used to look backward and forward in time, using the consciousness of an operator as a type of steering mechanism. one love and peace. I am heartened by the message of hope that you bring. 1:10:23 Evil doesnt win in the end. There are several definitions for remote viewing and a few will be suggested here. The last 45 minutes specifically are rather. This would suggest that with this technology, they fixed Jesus after being dead for 3 days and are bring him through time to our future, which should be anytime now. The Seal Teams provided final electronic guidance to the missiles from their ground positions increasing accuracy. Wood went on to say that Duncan had been told his super abilities came from the implant as well as the training. Part 5/8, The 9D Arcturian Council Through Daniel Scranton: The March 2023 Energies, Jennifer Crokaert ~ St Germaine: The Lovers Archetype, From the Bottom of Our Hearts, We Thank You, Whats Actually Happening with Chemtrails? This interview is also fabulous more food for my disclosure group (we have been discussing Quantum Jumping and the timelines) and I am so excited and inspired, as ALL of your questions were ones I wanted answered! The Oath Keepers want to create a petition to force the impeachment, if not jail, of those treasonous government officials who passed the Defense Authorization Act 2011. So much for limited government. He saw that in 2020 people were isolated and communicated with relatives and others by technology showing with his hands that its the same as they had this talk via technology. Even then Wood kept silent. By the way, KBR says of itself, KBR is a leading global engineering, construction and services company supporting the energy, petrochemicals, government services and civil infrastructure . KBR is virtually synonymous with Halliburton, the company whose CEO was Dick Cheney before he resigned to be George Bushs Vice President. We are all humpty sitting on the wall. Dolores Source mentioned that as the vibrations increase, the alien ships around the planet(as well as its beings) could be seen by people. Im a writer who wishes to share his views with you on subjects of mutual interest and listen to yours as lightworker equals and spiritual adults. When Cassidy asked when that point was, Wood replied: [] From 2040 to 2050, for the survivorseverything got better and better. (Awaken_Now Bitchute channel). There is a certain element of pain that we can reduce ifwe strive to raise our consciousness as fast as is humanly possible and make that transition a lot easier when it comes. But they had to move because helicopters kept flying over and caused a sound problem. He talks about Project Looking Glass, and the 2012 problem. Kerry Cassidy HUGE Intel: Bill Wood on Project Looking Glass Above and Beyond! I will help you. Years after the first Gulf War when we were supposedly not at war with Iraq yet he and Seal Team 9 were targeting Tomahawk Missiles on a monthly basis taking out targets that were increasingly "soft . color: '#56527d', Kerry Cassidy is an extremely smart woman -. However, now he realizes that its the end of their world. Bill Wood : Above & Beyond Project Looking Glass: An interview with an ex-Navy Seal This is an interview with an ex-Navy Seal, who, during the years 1992-2000 was sent on top secret bombing missions in the Middle East, predominantly in Iraq. They think that we cannot affect our reality and move to a positive timeline for the good of humanity. Other videos come thru fine. As the censorship increases on YouTube and channels are being deleted, please follow me on Bitchute if they take down my channel. Simple as that. Please pass on this message to Bill if you can and to let him know I have a group so happy for him, and in such deep appreciation for ALL he has done to date! etc. People unconsciously are being manipulated into creating a horrifying reality without being aware of this inducement. Because the Looking Glass was placed and used on Earth, it can only show lesson paths that are meant for people of this planet, it cannot show the lesson paths meant for beings of other planets. "With regard to LG (Looking Glass): As I understand it, this device (at least 3 to 4 years ago) could not focus on a detailed sequence of activities in the future. Thank you Lisa and Bill,, Thank you, Lisa! If no [lightworker] steps forward into [leadership] Do not venture where there is no love. Well we did it in ones and twos, so that the mirror would never find us until it was too late.. and it has worked ~~ for the things you speak of ~ Lightworkers have known, some of us since birth . What events could be the trigger? And accomplished. Project Camelot - Final Excerpt from interview with ex -SEAL Bill Wood. EBE3 is me in 1964, 17 years before my birth from our future. Built by. Lisa, I just modified the name of my meetup group to simply Kona Occupy Disclosure inspired by Bill. According to Adams, our future becomes our present through our free will. This is an interview with an ex-Navy Seal, who, during the years 1992-2000 was sent on top secret bombing missions in the Middle East, predominantly in Iraq. Many spiritual sources like Princess Nakamaru and Dolores Cannon have said that the planet and some people would ascend to the 5th dimension. When I asked her if there was any way David could know the things he knew aboutColonel Bailey Arthur Williamswithout having a personal relationship with him, she emphatically replied No.. Jan contacted the radio station and asked the radio show host to send an email on her behalf toDavid Adairso that she could question him about his relationship with her father. READ THE BOOK Thanks for the memories by Taylor Bryce (Cathy OBrien). Nothing could be manipulated beyond that point. Each timeline that is shown by the Looking Glass represents a possible lesson for people to take. version: 2, I used some brilliant memes and images in this article that I couldnt find their creators. If you resonate with Bill Wood whose real name is Brockbrader, you should take a look at hisFace Book group. He was asked in another talk if the massive die-off had to do with the vaccinations campaign and he replied that it has everything to do with it (2:37 minute mark). World Bank had launched its first-ever pandemic bonds to support $500 million pandemic emergency financing facility. Dan Burisch refers to the Looking Glass devices as devices made with extraterrestrial technology made on Earth which create Stargates or dimensional portals[] Through these Stargates you could access a wormhole and therefore in a parallel dimension or in a spatial coordinate different from ours. ( (Group Update Feb 17th) Convergence of Timelines Represents the Diminishing of Duality Lessons. Did something go wrong? If somebody convinces us that a major disaster is going to happen in the very near future, a major disaster happens in the very near future. But God wins. Otherwise the Powers That Be would continue to the next level of destruction of the United States. Both my Twitter accounts (AuthorHerscu in English and one in Hebrew) have been suspended and my Facebook account was deleted since January 2020. I was told to consider the multiverse idea combined with work by Richard Gott on cosmic strings. That coincides with December 21, 2012. 2:05:18 When Kerry Cassidy asked him when he was exposed to this information, he replies that it was while he was in the military prior to 1997! Its an end game for the so-called global Elites, Powers that Be (my hope is they will soon be the Powers that were). Here is a brief clip from her interview aboutDavid Adair. Its title is Thats Life by the Scorz (Armada Music). And the pieces fall back together again, contrary to what all the kings horses and all the kings men could do. Not to reverse the final outcome. This interview was conducted in January 2012 following the earlier interview with Bill Wood in the same month; January 2012, about Project Looking Glass. This program grinds us up until we see the light. Their mission was to infiltrate North Iraq and other Middle East positions, to get close enough to see targets. It is self-contained in operation. Bill Wood was a member of Navy Seal Team 9, with three teams of three men. He is a PHONY STEALIN VALORNot a real Navy SEAL .!!! (Jesus through Linda Dillon, Heart Call, Sept. 19, 2020.). If America was to survive, everyone in the U.S. Congress and Executive Branch who had approved this act must be arrested on charges of treason or at least impeached. How the Elder knew this or what Wood did with the information is not stated. Venezuelan President Maduro was just indicted for drug trafficking and corruption. Camelot on Telegram. I wish itweren't true because it make me sound totally nuts but, guess what? Groundbreaking in every way. wonderful interview with Bill, very inspiring and uplifting.Thanks Lisa and Bill for all that you do in these fantastic and changing(ascending) times! All the possible timelines lead to the same set of history in the future. (Bill Wood). At 1:08:22 hour mark (in the above-mentioned video), these sources claim that theres only one timeline moving forward now and in fact, all the timelines converge to this one timeline which is the timeline of awakening or ascension (which I call mass awakening of humanity worldwide) and theres nothing that the Deep State can do right now to stop it. Edit . According to Bill Wood, in the 1995-1997 time frame he and others began questioning what they were doing. It's me in adifferentbody from ourfuture, in ourpast. full-length interview by Kerry Cassidy with Ex-Navy Seal Bill Brockbrader in January 2012. An interview with an ex-Navy Seal who during the years 1992-2000 was sent on top secret bombing missions in the Middle East, predominantly in Iraq. Picture drawing is a crucial component of these protocols (Cosmic Voyage, 1996). Im in a good company. '+arguments[1].video:'')+"/?url="+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+"&args="+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify([].slice.apply(arguments))),e.parentNode.insertBefore(l,e)}})}(window, document, "script", "Rumble"); Rumble("play", {"video":"vh6yj7","div":"rumble_vh6yj7"});David Wilcock is a New York Times bestselling author of The Source Field Investigations, The Synchronicity Key, The Ascension Mysteries, and his latest excellent book Awakening in the Dream. He was put in a hospitals psych ward for six months where he was drugged until reality was distorted, by stripping his perception of reality, in an attempt to destroy his mind. Find out how this highly trained young man and his team were coerced by the military into purposely destroying villages and creating future terrorists as part of a plan that would ultimately serve their dark purpose, the war on terror and 911. From speaking engagements, interviews, television shows, and now finally breaking his silence with untold events, his story has come under intense scrutiny and admiration from a vast array of people across the world. Join my spiritual Facebook groupKnow Thyself and Return to Soul: Way of True Ascension & Enlightenment 2012. The basic concept is that by going public via Project Camelot those people will less likely be done away with. This placebo effect also led to more control over Duncan. Of course, at the end of this statement, they retract and say that it was found to be a fake document that the two FBI offices received. From 9-14 he lived a relatively normal life, although a lot of paranormal activity was going on. hashtags: true, Cassidy and Wood get into a few of these subjects that are probably confusing to the uninitiated. I do not hold any responsibility for the views expressed on the referenced contents channels. Modern Masters ethically serves small businesses in metaphysical, paranormal, healing, spirituality, homesteading, acupuncture and other related fields. After hearing all the stories, interviewing friends,scientists, witnesses and professionals, I have learned that for every unbelievable story there is a fact that is just as unbelievable. You are., 9:29 You can create whatever it is you want.. Bill did not reveal any information from Looking Glass that reveals any major triggers for the convergence of the timelines. The Seal Teams provided final electronic guidance to the missiles from their ground positions increasing accuracy. Hi! Unfortunately, this same principle is used to the detriment of humanity. I give you my divine authority to do so. Don. Open Minds TV Escape From Area 51 J-Rod Full Documentary. hahaha She passed away just one year ago. This was what sent the Oath Keepers into the open. Mental image.- From a high diving board above the earth, our soul dives into the gene-pool. Stay strong, dont submit to tyranny freedom IS coming and the all-powerful Cult is in its last desperate death throes ( 11:31 So all of you are ascending whether you realize it or not.. Bill is in a Federal Prison. We are in the darkest days in 2021/22 and into 23 before dawn breaks and a whole new reality emerges based on love and freedom. Consciousness is not something you were granted by Bill Gates. SEE AND JOIN MY TELEGRAM CHANNEL you seemed to be surprised that there are many many many of us who incarnated in order to fascilitate this grand shift. If you are one of them, or know them, please send me the link to your, or their, site to give credit. Duncan believes the electromagnetic resonance of the MRI didnt mesh with the cranial implant. He knew Iraq had no mass destruction capability and watched this be a reason to attack Saddam. What Americans are now facing is quite literally the end of the line. Lisa is an excellent interviewer. They often shot two missiles at a target and in 1997 the second missile targeted against a small, two story building on the outskirts of a small town came in 5 minutes after the first missile. 1:12:35 and now we have the looking glass technology that is telling us (that God wins in the end, the mass awakening). To demonstrate this, Ill share insights about our creative abilities and power to affect our reality from Mass Awakening (p. 44): After reading the book The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy MD., I understood the principle and was able to heal myself from a recurring health condition that was being treated by antibiotics and made me extremely weak during my studies in the UK. I haven't watched the video in years, so if I remember correctly, Bill Wood explains that the good guys have won, and project looking glass . The targets they were destroying were not military facilities. (Archangel Michael: Do not Get Caught in the Drama of White Hats or Black Hats, Nov. 12, 2019; Im neither qualified to be a spiritual teacher nor do I wish to be one. Please visit the - ADVERTISEpage for rates and details. Thats the big secret. I have often wished I think the interview also created lots of questions. You can't even spell her name. And this is where the story gets very interesting. Beloved ones, do not allow yourselves to be distracted, yes, by the chaos. However, I dont know if the aliens could interfere so heavily with humanity like that. Then I metJan Williams, daughter ofColonel Bailey Arthur Williams(USAF Ret.). A dumb b1tch with a convicted sex offender. Well maybe crematoriums would fall under the category of Refuse Collection. But if the person was a Christian, they may see the infamous crucifixion event. ( for transcripts of informative videos. The operator would sit in a chair that was apparently recovered from a downed extraterrestrial craft capable of interfacing with consciousness directly. (, According to Courtney Brown (Cosmic Voyage), the biases of the operator would have a direct effect on the images collected. However in order to make informed opinions, I am a firm believer that one should hear everything that is out in the public sphere. I have a friend in Portland Oregon who is almost deaf. As he put it in his last words of the video: And if there is no truth, there will not be peace and [peace], Sweet One, is the Plan. links: '#9560c7' The paper sets up general requirements to subcontractors for them to make proposals as to what they can do to get in on the action. [] And your consciousness is a key part of that (setting the timeline). But I entrust this to you as well. Remembering, embodying, and expressing your true Self. Eventually Wood was contacted by people who knew the details of his life but were wearing White Hats or as Wood called them The Oath Keepers. You can see the entire interview on a mirrored YT channel, as the original video was removed from this platform. Advertising space is now available for like-minded companies and individuals. I would sincerely like to thank everyone who contributes to my channel. To understand what is a timeline, please check my article about the Mandela Effect. Cassidy was actually worried the helicopters could disrupt the video recording by use of an Electromagnetic Pulse. new TWTR.Widget({ He explains how this technology works in the following lecture on Rumble: !function(r,u,m,b,l,e){r._Rumble=b,r[b]||(r[b]=function(){(r[b]._=r[b]._||[]).push(arguments);if(r[b]._.length==1){l=u.createElement(m),e=u.getElementsByTagName(m)[0],l.async=1,l.src=""+(arguments[1].video?'. I tried to understand the information provided by Bill Wood about the Looking Glass from the perspective that duality is a lesson for people to experience and learn about duality, since he did mention many times that duality is a lesson for people to learn. \"After Brockbrader's second release from prison he was a little active on the Internet, making claims the government was conspiring against him. And when she asked him about Duncan, Bill told the biggest secret of them all. According to, Burisch worked directly under the orders of the Majestic 12., Majestic 12, according to FBI records is, a secret committee created to exploit a recovery of an extra-terrestrial aircraft and cover-up this work from public examination.. Wood also said a good telescope could see things on the Moon and Mars that are man-made. But now I see it is the end of their world. As the U.S. was not at war with Iraq during those years, this is State Sponsored Terrorism! Your $5 or $10 contributions make such a big difference and helps me to get by as I continue this work. The village had about 35 nomadic type people with no real structures and certainly no reason to spend $1.3 million dollars on a missile attack. These were the people who had not forgotten their oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Pat: Pay especial attention to the last 45 minutes, starting at 1:46. This is my clarion call to all of humanity to embrace love, to embrace truth, to embrace peace, Build what is divinely beautiful. The use of time lensing technology has all but confirmed a future they could not alter. 2:03:39 Thats the big secret.[..] #Camelot #projeto #trecho #Above/Below project. Copyright (c) 2019 Shoshi Herscu * All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice with a link to this article. Its Sumerian technology that utilises spinning discs and argon gas injection to create its own screen. By programing in what you want to do, the computer would provide different possible future outcomes and the percentage of that outcome becoming reality. Remote viewing and Project Looking Glass are few of the most suppressed technologies out there. this might be a possible avenue to open the world of Lisas interviews to millions of potential listeners. What our DNA learns through these spikes in the Schumann Resonance is to hold more light, to hold the increased frequency. Because there is no computer hook up to LG tech. However, those trained remote viewers started experimenting on more interesting targets than seeing behind the Kremlin walls and began to examine the UFO phenomenon. It was the only time when I cured myself without taking any medicine, only by applying the principles that Joseph Murphy discusses.. Free energy devices would revolutionize the current world economy and society and the Bad Guys would loose control. Especially of interest to those new to these subjects. This computer somehow uses string theory to determine the possibilities of possible futures. 14:15 Literally, when they are removed from power here, they will no longer exist. The way things are, so I explainedit. They were not letting him talk about the spiritual aspect of 2012. Thank you for your help. Also, he came to me in 2002 so I know he's real I justdidn't know who he was until I saw him speaking in this video 15 years later. avatars: false, Courtney Brown, Ph.D., is an associate professor of Political Science at Emory University (excerpt from his bio as it appeared in his book Cosmic Voyage (1996). The virus is non-terrestrial beings. Yes, this is sounding like the plot behind Avengers: Endgame, but its a fascinating premise: the glass is actually a portal for us to not only view alternate timelines but also to use it as a sort of time travel device thatll allow those who possess it to influence our current timeline. Under the direction ofCurtis LeMay,Colonel Bailey Arthur Williamswas assigned to oversee the design ofPitholem, the rocket that was created by Adair and launched fromWhite Sands New MexicotoArea 51. The reason for keeping this secret was to protect the fact there were alternatives to petroleum and liquid fueled rockets. SourceLight Seeing you home Mike Adams goes further and explains that there are multiple possible futures and free will is the method by which we choose which future actually materializes. (Health Ranger Report situation update on March 30, 2021). If we can move beyond our fear of the Bad Guys and their version of reality to embrace this new reality, we can limit the trouble times and pains of rebirth. In responsibility, there is no. (Read more), Whats Actually Happening with Chemtrails? Noone except for me would talk like this. He added that he hoped hes wrong about what he got from this remote viewing session. About researchers and whistleblowers :We, Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan, do not necessarily agree with or endorse all of the views presented here. Image: The Orion Cube might be the Looking Glass device (, Wilcock claims that looking glass device operates in a similar way as the pineal gland in the human body, which is able to create a highly coherent energy vortex or torsion field under certain conditions allowing an individual to receive information by non-physical means. (, Earlier versions of the project developed an actual portal that an individual could move through to jump in time. ( Interview with ex -SEAL Bill Wood the gene-pool a key part of that ( setting the timeline ) on. Same principle is used to the detriment of humanity with Halliburton, the whose! ] steps forward into [ leadership ] do not hold any responsibility for the by! In metaphysical, paranormal, healing, spirituality, homesteading, acupuncture and other East! Through to jump in time, please follow me on Bitchute if they take my., dont submit to tyranny freedom is coming and the all-powerful Cult is in a chair that was apparently from... 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project looking glass'' bill wood interview