progressive easter liturgy

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If we fix our gaze upon the surface, we limit the power of these parables to do what parables are designed to do, to turn worlds and lives upside down and inside out. by our lack of courage to say yes to the Voice within. As the earth sheds its snow, it begins to drink in the warm rains and creation comes alive once again. More Worship Resources. The story I want to tell you comes from the Irish author Frank McCourts autobiography entitled Tis. It is not our beliefs about what happened in history that transform us but the extent to which we allow these glimpses into the heart of God to energize our lives. Surely, today, when troops are again amassing in Europe and the world cant seem to sake itself loose from the myth of redemptive violence, surely today, it is time for us to move beyond thinking of DIVINITY as the ultimate purveyor of violence and Jesus as the ultimate sacrifice. These perfect humans enjoyed a perfect relationship with their Creator. When we invite the earth-shattering spirit of Easter into our lives,our images of God recede into the background and we are left walking hand in hand with the unknowable. As a Pharisee, Paul believed in the resurrection of the dead and certainly he believed that Jesus had been raised from the dead. Yes, the father should never have trusted his sons with all that he had, and when his lost son showed himself to be untrustworthy, he shouldnt have been welcomed with open arms, and as for the faithful, self-righteous son, well sometimes justice demands that we abandon the rules, if we are to achieve peace. She went into her mothers study, holding in one hand a family treasure and her other hand couldnt be seen. The stories about Jesus have been told in ways that paint a particular picture of what it means to be human. He lives, and presides at this Feast! Click here to listen to a meditative sung liturgy inspired by Julians writings, Crystal was a little breathless from all the crying she had been doing and all she could manage was a whimpered, Mmm hummm. Honey, tell grandma the truth now. First of all, I hadnt been born again, and then there was the dancing, and as for my serving beer to the crowd at the Legion, well, my roommates were concerned. Said the sons of Zebedee, See to it that we sit next to you, one at your right and one at your left, when you come into your glory! Jesus warned them, You do not know what you are asking. jQuery('#submit-action').click(); Im convinced that it will not be difficult to see the glorious face of CHRIST in this: view on video. Frame 15: Honor the Divine in everyone and in all creation. You can also watch the videos of the homilies our videorgrapher is enjoying the Family Day weekend so my head is missing from the first parts but thanks to a volunteers intervention my head is restored in the third video. Apparently, my body language suggested that I was filled not with the SPIRIT but with Satan himself. When I arrived, the place was empty, and I thought I was going to make a clean get-away. In the tears of that little Ukrainian family, I began to see yet another face of CHRIST, a face I had refused to see before. To feed the hungry? O God, how many times have we sought to bury you again, for fear of what you might do to our predictable grayness? This my body, given for you. Salvation is about making us whole, ONE with one another and ONE with the ONE who is as Jesus taught with his very life is the LOVE we call GOD. But like so many athletes, when my status changed from amateur to professional, I lost my championship status and although I still qualify as a professional wrestler, and I like to see myself as a champion, Im no longer what you would call world-class. What kind of body will they have? What a stupid question! My oh, my, oh my In my sacred imagination, I can see Paul sitting up from his letter writing and nodding as if to say, there that out to stop those endless arguments about the resuscitation of a corpse.. Today, thanks to daylight savings time, the earth hasnt quickened its course around the sun. God did this in order to demonstrate that he is righteous. The liturgy was adapted by Dr. Bert Polman from a form prepared by the Liturgical Committee of the Christian Reformed Church for use during an Easter Service; this liturgy can be used for all Sundays in Eastertide. As the night lengthened, Jesus took a simple portion of bread. Our focus upon preserving the church gets in the way of our rebirth! Benedicite - a Song of Creation Benedicite - a Song of Creation (shorter version) Venite - a Song of Triumph Jubilate - a Song of Joy The Easter Anthems Evening Prayer. Nov 10, 2022 | Christmas, Featured 1, Mini-Movies, Seasonal, Videos. We lift up these prayers in the belief that we are bonded in Gods Spirit with everything that exists. Traditionally, the season of Lent is a time of repentance. Only a fool would welcome home with joy and abandon a wayward child who had used, rejected, dishonoured, and then returned only to try to use them again. The Risen One comes with hands full of love. And there was no official campsite back then. For us and for our salvation He came down from heaven, Most of us have travelled far above the Earth, we have sailed through the clouds and we know that there is no heaven up there. Dying you destroyed our death, I was prepared to move out on my terms, but not on some jumped up pastors terms. Traditional interpretations of the life of Jesus insist that Jesus sacrificed himself, took all our respective punishment onto his shoulders, died for us, upon a cross, so that our relationship to our creator could be restored. Call to Worship & Opening Prayer. If you have already donated, thank you! !P$: \6M8eQU@}gv4f~ _W $>5b?hVQqD%cf(HC +l8Z%ooP~>Q?(`0j4PCI3lho"`1R1ZZsMf7sNG? It is long past time for the followers of Jesus Way of being in the world, to repent. And all the kings horses and all the kings men, couldnt put Humpty together again. An agency of The United Methodist Church, Discipleship Ministries helps local church, district, and conference leaders fulfill the shared dream of making world-changing disciples. He greets us with peace the world does not know. Jean and I have studied the historical Jesus in depth and found him to be someone who had a powerful impact on the world because of his radical perception: He modeled for us how to live in the Truth and stand up for justice. The storyteller writes: For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life. Violence, how long will we put our faith in violence? Easter Sunrise: Outdoor Worship. Gods love pours out from the grave of despair. //jQuery('#submit-action').attr('href','/paupress/?rel=contact&pau_form=contact_form'); After what seemed like hours but was probably just a few minutes, the whales moved on and I was left to clumsily put words onto the depth of my experiences, in what the ancient Celts would call a Thin Place; a place where the lines between the ordinary and the sacred are thin, and we can see, feel, touch, hear the MYSTERY which lies at the very heart of reality. My childlike faith died that day. Perfect! The conflation with Spring and new life is no coincidence we are grateful for the cycle of renewal in all its forms. God has sent me to proclaim liberty to those held captive, recovery of sight to those who are blind, and release to those in prison to proclaim the year of Gods favour. Rolling up the scroll, Jesus gave it back to the attendant and sat down. I can hear them tut tutting at the audacity of my taking such liberties with the Gospel. Risen as he said! Set free from a Three-Tiered Universe! Amen. To free the captives? Michelle L. Torigian. The question of a physical body makes no sense to the ancients. It wasnt until this endless loop exposed the presence of yet another face of CHRIST that I begin to be transfigured. if ( '' != thisact ) { This is my song, O God of all the nations, a song of peace for lands afar and mine; this is my home, the country where my heart is; here are my hopes, my dreams, my . Repent: Metanoia: to think new thoughts Let us repent, metanoia Let us think new thoughts. The vibrancy of the vision is only exceeded by the discovery thatones spirit has a home everywhere. var thisact = jQuery('#submission-action').val(); Faced with the task of communicating the gospel, the early followers of the risen Christ, began to articulate experiences of the risen Christ in ways that the Greek influenced Roman Empire could understand giving rise (pardon the pun), giving rise to the question of a physical resurrection. Prayer of Thanksgiving The season of the church year called Eastertide lasts fifty days and includes Ascension, the day when we rejoice in the reign of Christ at God's right hand. Yes, the woman should have been content with her 99 coins. Let us do everything we can possibly do to challenge our own assumptions, to see beyond our own violent tendencies, our own selfish desires, and slowly, painfully slowly learn to love our enemies. In this way God shows that he himself is righteous and that he puts right everyone who believes in Jesus. (Romans 3:21-26), Below these passages, Anna wrote: Repent and believe! I expect people to act. Believe it or not, my wrestling skills actually helped me rise to the level of a world champion wrestler. I dont know about you but for most of my life I have been taught that the place to learn about God is the Bible. For Paul, like Jesus, lived as a Jew in Palestine under the oppression of Roman Empire, which insisted that peace could only be established and maintained through violence. Congregational Prayers (may be solicited), which may be preceded by other joyful and appropriate responses to the Easter Gospel. Try as I might, I could never convince either of them that I was saved by grace. Sign up for an account and get your newsletters right away! As a kid, this Canadian epic always sparked my imagination, as I dreamed of those, strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold. for The Artic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold;The Northern Lights have seen queer sights and on and on it goes spinning a which always fills me with glee as I warm my soul by the heat of the cremation of Sam McGee, wondering about all the other strange things done in the mid-night sun. Today, like Jesus, we too can proclaim liberty to the captive minds and recovery of sight to those who have been blinded by ancient ways of knowing. Leader: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. If you look into the dust for long enough and contemplate its mystery, you shall find a resurrection. Weve heard these interpretations of Jesus life, death, and resurrection so many times that they have almost become indistinguishable from the idol that we have created to stand in for the Mystery that we call God. //jQuery('#submit-action').attr('href','/paupress/?rel=contact&pau_form=contact_form'); Jesus reveals CHRIST. This dear friends is what it means for you and me to sit at Jesus side. As a result of this splendid isolation, we spent several weeks as the only family camped in this idyllic bay. read more A Good Friday Prayer by Lenny Duncan on March 1, 2021 | 0 Comments The text beginning with the Invitation is read by pastor and people from the hymnal. Let us metanoia Let us think new thoughts about who Jesus was and why Jesus died. With visions of a grand and glorious past they were free from the dangers of the violence being wrought upon their world by the forces of the Roman Empire. What can we see in the wounds which are depicted in this story? Gig Harbor, WA 98335 Alas, such a deep breath choked on the frigid air, as if my lungs rejected their own impulse to breathe, lest they themselves freeze as solidly as the lake beneath my feet. Neglecting the truth that choosing to follow Jesus results in a changed life. -Michael Morwood. Some of the people remained in the fragmented remnants and developed compensating mantras. As we enter this season of Easter, we ask that the warm winds of the Spirit encircle this table and accompany us on our journey. It is the vison of the foolish who are prepared to risk it all for the sake of what we have lost, the SHALOM we long for. Apparently, some Lutherans are in this Pentecostal pastors opinion, a bit losey-goosey when it comes to atonement theories. Whenever you drink it, do this in remembrance of me.]. Long ago, when torture broke the remnant of his will, You will find service ideas, readings, prayers, seasonal resources and much more-many you can search by scripture text. ~ 1 Corinthians 11:26. We do tend to point to those characters in order to personify the MYSTERY. This question has generated more than a few sermons of its own. and for the mystery of life beyond death. *All sing: (suggested: "I Serve a Risen Savior" or "Christ Our Lord Is Risen Today"). On this the Feast Day of Saint Francis, an evening prayer service with texts from St. Francis. Somehow, the flight of the billionaire Bezos phallic Blue Horizon thrusting its five privileged passengers across our screens will capture more attention from those of us who are wealthy enough to own screens, than the roughly one and a half billion men, women, and children who are consigned to live in poverty. //jQuery('#submit-action').attr('href','/paupress/?rel=pauContent&pau_type='+thisact); As the ancient storytellers weave their tail, Elijah was familiar with the voice of YHWH, so much so that he dared to argue with the voice. Frame 6: You are a special and unique image of God. Some walking away to become refugees, joining the endless flow of the displaced. This page features the work of the Liturgy Commission of the Anglican Church of Australia. Non-violent resistance is dangerous. And God called thefirmamentHeaven.. Scholars tell us that the letter was written between the years 53 and 57. Some of these messages convey ways we might experience subtle resurrections and deaths in our everyday lives. Years ago, a good many years ago in fact, when my life as an adult had only just begun, I was backpacking around Europe, and I began to hear people talk about the land of the mid-night sun. All tears are part of the river of life. Standing beneath a clear blue sky, looking out towards the horizon, I tried to breath in some of the vastness which stretched before me. We lose our capacity for peace and joy, we struggle to show compassion and to connect with others, and we may find ourselves slipping into toxic and destructive attitudes and habits. My words are not up to the task of describing CHRIST weeping in this way. The reality of the systems in which we are intimately entangled is being played out on our screens. I am tweaking this for this Sunday credit to your site will be given. People: Almighty God, who through your Son overcame death and opened to us the gate of everlasting life, grant that we who celebrate our Lord'sresurrection may arise from the death of our sin through the renewal of your Holy Spirit and may hear and obey your living Wordof truth;through Jesus Christ our Lord, who now lives and reigns with you and theHoly Spirit, one God forever. Let us give thanks to our Creator. But they will not be tears cried in vain. If we look at the stories that have been told about Jesus, the stories that have contributed so much to the creation of the idol that masquerades as the Mystery we call God, we discover a narrative that seems preoccupied with Jesus death. var thisact = jQuery('#submission-action').val(); So, it made it difficult for us to work up much speed. Where, O Death is your victory? Let it go. Sure enough, the vase slipped off as smooth as silk. (BL),,, Singing the Sacred, Vol 1 2011 World Library Publications, Jesus Christ is alive and lives in me. For Christ is risen! Good Shepherd Sunday in Quarantine - Easter 4A. REPENT God Loses His Home. we invite your life to fill us; Beginning with the traditional opening from Charles Wesley, this moves into a progressive Christian expression of resurrection. Nor were they trying to teach us to live as reckless fools. //jQuery('#submit-action').attr('href','/paupress/?rel=pauContent&pau_type='+thisact); Although it can sometimes feel like the demands of others, the restriction of our freedom that comes from living with others, and the constant struggle to maintain strong relationships with others are too painful and exhausting for what they cost us, the alternative, which is to isolate ourselves, is far worse. For we have been blessed with the ability to grasp so many more details about the Cosmos in which we live and move and have our being, than our ancestors could ever have imagined. Frame 5: God is everywhere, in all of creation. Evening Prayer Audio the silences are intentional. What tombs are there in the Church that exercise the same function? It was Jesus who introduced this meal to his followers. May this Spirit help us to recognize the Christ-presence in our midst. Lent & Holy Week BEYOND Atonement! Neither Anna nor I knew we were engaged in a long pointless argument which had been going on since round about the fourth century. Metanoia is an invitation to think new thoughts. Jean and Mike give some personal examples of deaths and resurrections in their lives, both big and small. give us the new joy and justice of Easter, Responsive Chant Psalm 118: 1-6, 15-18, 24, Anthem, or Creed, Prayers or other Response of Faith here. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. I do know that the followers of Jesus held dear their vison of Jesus, in whom they saw the CHRIST. MEDITATION ON THE BREATH OF LIFE (Psalm 46:10a) Needed: a leader to welcome the people and lead the meditation. Send us your: ResourceEventNewsIdeasnow All crosses can be transformed into trees of life. The seed you sow does not germinate unless it dies. For more information on the Commission, its mandate and membership, please click here. One: On this day, we celebrate the risen Christ So, this morning Id like us to take our focus off Jesus death and all we may have heard, or learned about why Jesus died so that we can see what it was about Jesus life that endeared him to his followers. window.location.replace(''); We know we still have work to do. He is risen indeed! These parables have an air of foolishness about them, if we see them as simple stories told by Jesus about the way a personified god loves us. . How the living things that are descend from things that were. Do you still have a hold of that candy? Mmm humm. Growing up I had a very clear advantage as I developed my wrestling skills. So, let me get to the point, so that those who like nothing better than to use the Bible to bludgeon anyone who dares to stray from their narrow understanding of the text, they can simply hit ALL CAPS in their keyboards, without having to read any further. The safety of the mountaintop must have been glorious. And each and every time we find what has been lost is a time for celebration. He opened the scriptures, explaining everything; and they knew him in the breaking of the bread. Vladimir Putin created in the image of the DIVINE. It is a scary proposition for a pastor to venture out on a journey without the familiar trappings of familiar liturgy. (LogOut/ As a whale gently brushed the underside of the dingy, a strange calm came over me and I was not afraid. It is time for us to be LOVE in the world. 2 0 obj Embrace the HOLY foolishness which lives, in, with, through, and beyond you. Lift up your hearts. Father's Day Service Outline and Ideas. Moments when as Paul would say, we put away childish things. Moments in which the Christian short-hand explanation of Jesus death has died in you. United States When soap didnt work she reached for the butter. What is the anonymous gospel-storyteller we know as Luke trying to tell his community with these parables? Resist making the characters in these parables all about us. Just like the people in the story, I want to be transformed by the story of Jesus; transformed from someone who cowers in a place of safety, filled with fear and doubts, into a powerful member of a movement to create peace through justice. If a few well-placed bullets could reunite and restore that little Ukrainian family, maybe Jesus was wrong about non-violent resistance. In Jesus they saw CHRIST. April 17, 2022 (Readings on USCCB website) . HOMILY: Resurrection Springing to New Life. Your support is needed to help ProgressiveChristianityorg. This time also allows a moment for the congregation to "get settled" and ready to hear God's written word. Heidi Carrington Heath, Sabbath: SALT's Lectionary Commentary for Second Week after Pentecost, Year B, Into the World: SALTs Lectionary Commentary for Easter 7. Leader: For Christ indeed has been raised from the dead [here the minister lifts the elements], the First-fruits of those who have fallen asleep. Resist with reckless abandon, our fear of the very passions which flow from the LOVE which is the MYSTERY which allures us onto the pathways of justice and peace. <> Forgive us, Merciful One. jQuery('#submit-action').attr('href','/paupress/?rel=pauContent&pau_type='+thisact); Remember those first gatherings of the people who followed Jesus teachings met in secret because they feared for their lives. Im in real danger of losing my ability to follow Jesus on what appears to all the world to be the foolish path of non-violent resistance to empire. If you have already donated, thank you! Everyone knows that.. So, there could have been half a dozen or there could have been only one whale. Contemplating the miracle that these parables survived, were told over and over again, written down and preserved by people persecuted by empire, I have to believe that they are more than nice little stories all about how we should live.They have to be more than mere speculation about the character of YAHWEH, casting the CREATOR of ALL that is, was, and ever more shall be as a fool. Resist the distractions of all that we have, all our treasures, our land, our homes, all the trappings of the empires in which we are entangled. Friends, let us come out of the darkness and join together in the light of Gods love. Frame 4: A smile from you can bring joy to anyone and everyone you encounter. For none of us can do this kind of relentless, reckless abandon constantly. We pray to theLord. May this meal be blessed as we gather to celebrate together. Repent from the Greek word metanoia made up of two Greek words: meta which means, beyond and noos which means mind. Metanoia is an invitation to move beyond your current way of thinking. Well, like, this egg falls off the wall and if you study biology or physics, you know you can never put an egg back together again. Certainly, in the church the Bible is considered to be the supreme authority of the nature of God. Thats why, as we explore the meaning of [], John van de Laar2023-02-22T21:50:58+02:00Feb 22nd, 2023|0 Comments, John van de Laar2023-02-22T21:48:30+02:00Feb 22nd, 2023|0 Comments, John van de Laar2023-02-22T21:46:03+02:00Feb 22nd, 2023|0 Comments, By admin|2023-02-06T21:10:20+02:00Feb 6th, 2023|Categories: Lectionary Resources, Year A|, 02 April 2023 And so Holy Week begins! Especially not when the Pastor insisted that there were sinners in need of prayer and headed over to the two of us and gathered us all in a prayer, a like no prayer, Id ever been part of. That Paul didnt much care about a physical resurrection ought to give us the courage to see the notion of a physical resuscitation of Jesus corpse for the late first century development that it was. O God, let us take in the moment of this day of crucifixion, not remembering it in the context of what came after it, but how it left Jesus' disciples and followers in tragic sadness and heart-wrenched disillusionment. Through this meal which has stood the test of time, we covenant to love you, God. It was the summer of 1978, when twenty-somethings like myself, we couldnt get enough of the Bee Gees and their Disco tunes. O Easter God, who shatters all the familiar tombs which we create, enable us to move beyond slavish conformity either to old understandings or to new fashions and with joy embrace your ever-changing, ever challenging future. We believe that death is not the end, but rather a transformation into new possibilities. The term liturgy merely means "the . I fumbled for my phone and hopped out into the frigid air desperate to capture a photograph which has always eluded me. jQuery(document).ready(function(){ Today, in the midst of colossal violence, it is long past time for us to see beyond our conditioning about what to believe about resurrection so that we can focus our attention on practicing resurrection. Listen carefully. They not yet but already here EMPIRE of DIVINITY is here in every stranger who welcomes a refugee, in every aid worker, doctor without borders, in every reckless fool who risks it all for the kind of justice which makes peace. Alleluia! By J. Wayne Pratt. }); Bert Polman ( is a hymnologist who is a professor and chair of the music department at Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan. They may not want to hurl me off a cliff, although some have wished me dead, or at the very least judged and punished by their god of eternal torment. And while we are at it, it is long past time for us to project LOVE onto the MYSTERY which is DIVINITY. The Apostle Paul denies that Jesus resurrection was an actual physical resurrection. We share this bread and drink, as Jesus shared a Passover meal with his disciples, and we partake of it together as our pledge of openness to the Spirit of Love in our midst, and as our remembrance of Jesus who invited us to do even greater things than he did. Great is the mystery of faith: The apostle Paul who was the first to write about Jesus, portrays Jesus as a doorway into the ultimate. I knew I was about to drown. The hands are up like a shot. I dont mind confessing my own fear. There is so much more we can do and offer our readership with your support! and to the one in the 1789 English Moravian Hymnal. Then he said to them, Today, in your hearing, this scripture passage is fulfilled., Words 2004 Hope Publishing Company; LiscenSing 1975, When It Comes to Resurrection, We Look For What We Have Been Conditioned to See! that we may further your reign of peace and justice in every place. Lent (Latin: Quadragesima, 'Fortieth') is the solemn Christian religious observance in the liturgical year commemorating the 40 days Jesus Christ spent fasting in the desert and enduring temptation by Satan, according to the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke, before beginning his public ministry. For those of you preaching on the text fromGenesis 32:3-31: You may not be able to tell from looking at me. Indeed, we are shown to be false witnesses of God, for we solemnly swore that God raised Christ from the deadwhich did not happen if in fact the dead are not raised. I can only hope that each of you, have endured such moments in your life. Social Justice Lectionary, Bruce Sweet, 2014. He was teaching in the Galilean synagogues, and all were loud in their praise. But it cannot be like that with you. and we bless the earth and all that fills it. But as it is, Christ has in fact been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep., Ah Paul, you sure know what youre doing! This story was written by the anonymous gospel-storyteller we know as John some 70 years after Jesus' death, some twenty years after the Jewish war with Rome in which the Empire destroyed the Temple, raised most of Jerusalem to the ground, and sent Jews and the followers of Jesus into exile. Scroll, Jesus gave it back to the task of describing CHRIST weeping this! Been glorious everyone who believes in Jesus come out of the nature of God the frigid air desperate capture!, explaining everything ; and they knew him in the image of the Bee Gees and their tunes! That death is not the end, but not on some jumped pastors! 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