mansa musa's hajj: remembering the journey answer key

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The Mali Empires western area was rich in which resource? Africa, was much more connected to the parts of the world weve been talking about than At its peak, the city could accommodate 25,000 students, and its archives held more than 800,000 manuscripts, according to Casely-Hayford. of the steam engine. (Of course, the king himself led the way on a blinged-out black stallion.) TM & 2021 Scholastic Inc. All Rights Reserved. His elaborate pilgrimage to the Muslim holy city of Mecca in 1324 introduced him to rulers in the Middle East and in Europe. attention to the Iliad and the Odyssey, which were composed and memorized by poets for centuries Then compare those points with the maps scale of miles or kilometers. It covered all or part of what are now nine modern-day countries (see map, below). @crashcoursestan After Musas hajj, he and his empire were included in the 1375 Catalan Atlas, a map of the world that was important in medieval Europe., Q: How did Musas religion affect his rule?, A: As evidenced by his hajj, Musa took his Islamic faith very seriously. He went on a Religious Pilgrimage to the Mecca which is required now by every Muslim at least once during their entire life. The empire of Mali was established around 1235 C.E. Today in the. Because Mansa Musa gave away so much gold on his journey to the pilgrimage it devalued the metal for the next decade in the cities he visited like Cairo. Keep in mind that when you watch the video, it is a good idea to write down any vocab you read or hear that is unfamiliar to you. 9.About how many straight-line miles separate Cairo and Mecca? Unique Circular Format see more in less space. day prove it, but until then, well only have oral tradition. Oh. He was an emperor of the Mali empire. Mansa Musa was the great-great-grandson of Sunjata, who was the founder of the empire of Mali. All these characters were doing the right thing to don't let their families or friends down. Many of these actions occurred during Mansa Musas pilgrimage to Mecca in 1312. Mansa Ms left a realm notable for its extent and richeshe built the Great Mosque at Timbuktubut he is best remembered in the Middle East and Europe for the splendour of his pilgrimage to Mecca (1324). Sadly, he had to borrow money from Cairos moneylenders so that he and his people could go home. What does the term mansa mean? Lord Chesterfield uses a variety to rhetorical strategies to persuade his son to excel abroad. The 14th-century ruler still tops the list as the richest person of all time. A: It is not even a contest. lots of stories that Mansa Musa attempted to engage in maritime trade across the Atlantic To log in and use all the features of Khan Academy, please enable JavaScript in your browser. Boxer Floyd Mayweather recently dropped $18 million on a diamond-encrusted watch. Siddhartha takes his journey into the woods to be a Samana because he wanted to live with them and leave his dad and his fame behind. They stopped for a few months in Cairo, Egypt. How Long Was Joseph In Potiphars House? @saysdanica If Im not mistaken. For example, when Mansa Musa is told that it is not permissible to have concubines even if you are a king he immediately replies By God I did not know that. Ancient Africa Test 5/06/16 World History, Geography Key Terms - Weathering, Erosion, Ma, The Origin of Species: The Beak of the Finch, Harold Levine, Norman Levine, Robert T. Levine, Glencoe Language Arts: Grammar and Language Workbook, Grade 9, myPerspectives: English Language Arts, Grade 7. What happens to those who give alms publicly? 1.What do we use to find direction on a map? Mansa Musa, who ruled from 1312 to 1337 CE (often referred to as the golden age of the Mali Empire), was the tenth mansa, or king, of the Mali Empire, which was located in the Sahara Desert and stretched across two thousand miles from the Atlantic Ocean to Lake Chad (Alkhateeb; Tesfu). That is the Muslim pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca. Until then, most of the people sometimes not - and when you look at it that way, it becomes not separate from, but part of, our He turned Mail into a wealthy and strong empire by defeating attacks and growing their goldfields'. CLUE. Mansa Musa was thought of as one of the most famous emperors of Mali. The group remained there for a while until Musa decided that it was time to return home. In Mecca, Muhammad 's town, this was not a popular idea because their religion persisted of multiple gods, also known as a polytheistic religion. into the greatest road trip in history. There was no central authority Direct link to BENDER's post He was the richest person, Posted 2 years ago. The empire was then divided up into provinces that were each led by a governor called a ferba ( it had been donkeys so I could say he had 100 assloads of gold, but no. He is best known for his pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia. in West Africa, which meant that the Muslim kings were trying to extend their power over Most of the time, people have some type of experience in their life that marked them in some way, so they want to make good decisions when it comes to protecting their families and friends ,mostly everyone wants to keep the people they care about safe, like Farah Ahmedi that lost her brothers and father ,and to keep herself and her mother safe, she had to reach freedom, or like Bilbo Baggins ,he took the choice of going on an unexpected journey for his friends, and Walt Masters ,he was able to risk his life so he didn't disappoint his dad. Online:, Public Domain, Link. took hold, as it almost always does. [theme music] First, lets turn to written records. He built houses in Cairo and in Mecca to house Common Core: RH.6-8.1, RH.6-8.2, RI.6-8.1, RI.6-8.7, SL.6-8.1, W.6-8.2, C3 (D2/6-8): Civ.14, Eco.1, Geo.2, Geo.6, Geo.11, His.3, His.14, NCSS: People, places, and environments; Global connections. Which general direction did his hajj take to Taghaza? It had a library collection that made the European libraries seem small. Fridays are holy days for Muslims, and every Friday during his hajj, Musa reportedly ordered that a mosque be constructed wherever he happened to be., After the trip, he devoted himself to turning Timbuktu into a center for Muslim learning and culture. Musa built on that wealth by conquering Timbuktu and other major cities along trade routes in the Sahara. And each of those lenses may show us the past as if had long traded with West Africans, with the Berbers offering salt in exchange for West Take your students' learning even further with the new KS3 History Depth Study . What might Europeans think about western Africa after viewing The Catalan Atlas? How is Mansa Musa described in the caption to the right? Right, so along the way Mansa Musa spent freely In 1324 Musa embarked on a hajj, a religious pilgrimage to Mecca, traveling with an entourage that included 8,000 courtiers, 12,000 servants and 100 camel loads of . During his pilgrimage, for example, he spent a lot of time shopping at Cairos world-famous markets. Musas net worth was more than three times that much. multiple lenses, we discover a complicated, diverse place that was sometimes rich and of Venice - no, Thought Bubble, like actual merchants of Venice - right - they saw him 98%. Musas journey was a 4,000-mile hajjthe Muslim pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca. AP Modern Must Know Dates 95%. According to document A, The Muslims gathered together, and the Greek army marched against them The battle they fought at al-Yarmuk was of the fiercest and bloodiest kind. The Muslims fought very hard to get more land. 1. His wife Inari Kanute, officials, soldiers, camel drivers, merchants, and slaves all joined him in the journey. 3. That was especially important, since refrigerators werent invented for another 500-plus years. Historians estimate that the gold he gave away during his hajj alone would be worth more than $100 million today. - Yeah thats true, Me from the Past. I'll see you next week. The area was full of natural resources, including salt and gold. us without the benefit of metallic adornment. By 1500, almost all of Musas kingdom, along with his gold and riches, had disappeared.. John Green points out that most sub-Saharan African histories were preserved by oral tradition rather than written down. Mainly because he lived hundreds of years ago. Learn facts that you cant learn just from reading the Bible So he oversaw the building of schools and mosques to promote the study of Islam. That may seem like a bad deal until you consider that without salt, we die, This distinction is the cumulative result of his offspring assimilating over five generations into the United States cultural fabric. Musa's pilgrimage to Mecca brought Mali to the attention of Europe. Mansa Musas hajj influenced the worlds perception of West Africa because it showed how many people were Muslim and the amount of resources West Africa had. The Mali Empire had gold and salt mines within their empire as well, allowing them to trade with other civilizations. Africas big - its like, super big - much bigger than it appears on most maps, actually. That was the empires first great mansa. the most accurate and reliable form of description, but then again, we do live in a print-based In true centibillionaire fashion, he didnt go it alone. Hi, my names John Green, this is Crash Course: Rihanna reportedly spends $1 million a year on her hair. luxury goods like porcelain and books. Not only did the Trans-Saharan trade routes bring commodities such as gold and salt but the Islamic religion as well. do so in comments; also, if you have questions about today's video, ask them, and our team who of course visited the city, because he was having the best life ever. Ocean, and some historians even believe that Malians reached the Americas. Tesfu, Julianna. The kings of Mali - especially Mansa Unfortunately, the shopkeepers of the city tricked and overcharged Mansa Musas people whenever they shopped in their markets. throughout the city that took years to recover from. So for example, when Mansa Musa returned from his hajj, he He is most well-known for his pilgrimage to Mecca that happened in 1324. 8. Well, first, it tells us there were African kingdoms, ruled by fabulously He is most well-known for his pilgrimage to Mecca that happened in 1324. Mansa Musa was the king of Mali; he was a powerful and generous leader. When he became the 10th king of the Mali Empire, the kingdoms of Gao and Mani were under Mansa Musas rule. What Are The Names of the Thieves Crucified With Christ. These events are recorded on the Bible Timeline Poster with World History during that time. the best life ever. The rest of the empire started crumbling in the 1400s, with Timbuktu falling to invaders. Well send you updates on digital features and tips here throughout the year. Those who were not killed by thirst or hunger in the desert died when they were attacked by bandits. Along the way, Musa spentand handed outa lot of gold. They spent gold until they depressed its value in Egypt and caused its price to fall.. Mansa Musas pilgrimage also brings up a A: Musa died in 1337. It still stands in Timbuktu today. But this time, the great king had no money nor gold to give away as his treasures had run out. He was the first Muslim African ruler to make the pilgrimage. This is the richest guy anyone has ever seen., Q: What happened to Musas empire after he died?, A: Musa died in 1337, somewhere around age 55. What is your estimate on the time it would take Mansa Musa caravan to travel from Niani to Cairo? In 1324 Musa embarked on a hajj, a religious pilgrimage to Mecca, traveling with an entourage that included 8,000 courtiers, 12,000 servants and 100 camel loads of pure gold. Islam spread rapidly and this was was due to the choices that the leaders made through cultural diffusion, strategy for the wage of war, and esteemed morals. 4.The Mali Empires western area was rich in which resource? Conrad, David C. Empires of Medieval West Africa: Ghana, Mali, and Songhay. Read the cover story,Caravans of Gold: Fragments in Time,on theBlock Museum of Arts exhibition. To log in and use all the features of Khan Academy, please enable JavaScript in your browser. Over time, Islam attracted new followers through military conquest, trade, and the appeal of message, which contributed to the rapid spread of Islam. One of Musas mud-brick-and-wood structures is the Djinguereber Mosque. He also handed out gold to Egypts poor and sickand to just about everyone else he encountered. So there was this king Mansa Musa, who ruled Easily See 6017 Years of Biblical and World History Together! Posted 2 years ago. his attendants, and as he traveled through the world, a lot of people - notably the merchants but here you are listening to me talk! What kinds of states were built along the eastern coast of Africa at this time, and how were they linked? Based on the account recorded by the scholar Shihab al-'Umari only a decade after Mansa Musa's pilgrimage, the red line traces the route taken by the ruler and his large entourage in 1324-25. Lets go to the Thought The Middle Ages: Dictionary of World Biography. Sundiatas story, the first mansa for Mail, is mostly a legend, but there have been some evidence of his rule. Islam is still the dominant religion in Mali, but that may be the only aspect Mansa Musa would recognize about the country today. - not again! Because of his kingdoms abundance of gold, Mansa Musa was known as one of the richest men who ever lived on earth. It was under the leadership of Sundiata. however, is a bit more complicated. Mansa Musa was the tenth emperor of the Mali dynasty. 8. for some African histories, including the legendary tale of Mansa Musa. Weve already talked There were only a few written records. Mansa Musa was a very wealthy leader of Mali who decided to go on this pilgrimage to Mecca to complete one of the 5 pillars of Islam, and he gave some of his gold to people who lived in the cities along the way where salt was abundant and gold was very valuable. Musas journey was a 4,000-mile hajj. One of the greatest caravans to ever cross the Sahara was led by Mansa Musa, the legendary ruler of the vast West African empire of Mali. QUIZ. Mali became West Africas most powerful state back in the 1200s. If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources on our website. He is trying to tell his son to succeed and make good decisions without coming across as overbearing or domineering. This trip would take him 1,500 miles across a fearsome desert. It took more than 12 years for golds value to bounce back. and gave away lots of his riches. Religion may have been a large motivating factor for this trip, but Mansa Musa did not journey on his hajj just for religious purposes. He has a net worth of about $112 billion. trading partners in the North and the rest of the Mediterranean. They converted for economic reasons. whereas without gold, we only have to face the universes depraved indifference to because they brought with them ironwork and agriculture. By the time Musas reign ended, the Mali Empire spanned about 1,200 miles of West Africa. Camels. Dorado. World History, and today were gonna talk about Africa. His net worth would have topped $400 billion in todays dollars. Oh, right. Tales of his incredible wealth and charity quickly spread to North Africa, Europe, and the Arab world. They took with them everything they needed in the desert, including a mobile mosque they would construct so the emperor could pray., Fourteenth century Arab historian Shihab al-Umari wrote that Mansa Musa flooded Cairo with his benefactions. Direct link to Cayden Jones's post Why is Khan Academy a non, Posted 2 years ago. Mansa Musas journey and his lavish spending in Cairo introduced his West African kingdom to Europe, North Africa, and West Asia. Mansa Musa Pilgrimage . Musa built on that wealth by conquering Timbuktu and other major cities along trade routes in the Sahara. Musa's journey was a 4,000-mile hajjthe Muslim pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca. The early Islamic empire expanded by using different methods such as conquering lands, spreading their religion, treaties, or bribery. How might learning about Mansa Musa and other ancient rulers affect peoples perceptions of Africa? And maybe, you know, in five centuries The Joseph Kuchar family, who spent the first years after arriving in the United States residing in Baltimore, Maryland, is American in the truest sense. Q: How does Musa stack up to todays wealthiest people? Many people in Mali make their living by farming. I dont think the last part is accurate either. One specific way he did this was by trading gold and salt and then using his wealth to build new mosques for the city and universities for the students to learn about the Islamic world. DISTANCE:Every map has its ownscalethat compares distance on the map with the actual distance on Earths surface. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1977. world. Musa was mansa, or king, of the West African empire of Mali. For the word puzzle clue of mansa musa pilgrimage, the Sporcle Puzzle Library found the following results. @realjohngreen 7.Which general direction did his hajj take to Taghaza? One of the greatest caravans to ever cross the Sahara was led by Mansa Musa, the legendary ruler of the vast West African empire of Mali. Once Musa crossed from Africa into Asia, most of his route to Mecca was in which general direction? What reason might explain why the people of Sudan were willing to trade large quantities of gold for salt? Levtzion, Nehemia. And everywhere you went, you were treated like a king and then you Mansa Musa was a Medieval African emperor who ruled over Mali from 1312-1337. He had good reason to show off his fortune. Along the trip, Musa spentand handed outa lot of gold. Mansa Musa is known for leading the pilgrimage of 60,000 people to Mecca in 1324 with tons of camels carrying pounds of gold! Most famously, when he reached Alexandria, at the time one Mansa Musa was the wealthiest religious leader of all empires in Africa. They are trying to please Allah. A Golden Age: King Mansa Musa's Reign. Qu dicen? Mali gained its independence in 1960 but has since suffered droughts, rebellions, and a military dictatorship.. Follow us again! (European countries colonized much of Africa around that time.) It was an amount most people cannot comprehend. Levantmonos temprano para ver los animales nocturnos. He was the first Muslim African ruler to make the pilgrimage. major Swahili cities were founded well before Islam arrived in the region and that, in fact, if mansa musa wasn't rich what whould happen to the gold? According to the verses, why must the Hajj be completed? 6.Mansa Musas hajj to Mecca began near which river? A very rich place rich enough to conquer some day. people (some sources say 60,000) and, most importantly, 100 camel loads of gold. Gold in the empire was seen as a trade item and a source of currency, and much like the Ghana only gold dust was used in trade as the nuggets themselves would be placed in the kingdom. DISTANCE: Every map has its own scale that compares distance on the map with the actual distance on Earths surface. He wanted to show his commitment to Islam. Creative Commons Attribution/Non-Commercial/Share-Alike. The kings were used to collect taxes and build new towns. The empire was founded by Sundiata Keita, when he united the tribes of Malinke. The leader of this journey was the rule of Mali, Mansa Musa. Sundiata was their fist Mansa, which was a ruler/king. Musa wanted his people to learn to read and write Arabic so they could understand the Koran, the Muslim holy book. Smith is an expert on ancient Mali at Ferrum College in Virginia. Heres everything you need to know about the mighty emperor and the secrets of his success. African gold. But that would not have been a lot of money for African emperor Mansa Musa (MAHN-sah MOO-sah). Many world history classes dont even discuss events that happened before 1450especially those in Africa.. How do we know if Mansa Musa is the richest person to ever live? Also along for the ride was a mind-boggling amount of gold. After the trip, he devoted himself to turning Timbuktu into a center for Muslim learning and culture. Muller, Our script supervisor is Danica Johnson, the show is written by my high school history RANK. In 1324 CE, Musa, a Muslim ruler, decided to begin his pilgrimage to Mecca, called the Hajj, which is the fifth pillar of Islam. This provides evidence to his piety as he immediately accepts this belief with complete devotion, and his, The Islamic religion began in 610 AD. The Islamic empire conquered parts of North Africa which helped spread the influence and wealth of Islam. His expansive kingdom included all or parts of modern-day Mauritania, Senegal, Gambia, Guinea, Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, Nigeria and Chad. A very harsh journey through the Sahara desert consisted of little to no water, lots of flies and even some dead and lost people. with Islam - for instance, giving women more equality than was seen in Islams birthplace. Define ferba 7. I am not convinced of the last part that he became broke and borrowed money from money lenders. But those celebs spending habitsand their bank accountswould have been chump change for African emperor Mansa Musa (MAHN-sah MOO-sah). It is told that he was the richest person ever in history. It could be used to preserve meat and other foods. His voyage to Mecca was extremely luxurious as he took new inventions from gunpowder to paper with him on his way to Mecca. Direct link to Bart's post Do you think, you could m, Posted 2 years ago. You went from Mali to Constantinople to India (Gold was still relatively rare back then. . about Africa. history. Then compare those points with the maps scale of miles or kilometers. @thecrashcourse that one. Mr. Green Mr. Green! look at lots of sources, and lots of kinds of sources if we want to get a fuller picture Mansa Musa was the grandnephew of Sundiata. Therefore, on his way back from Mecca he borrowed all the gold back at the. What kinds of goods and other resources were traded through the Swahili city-states? 8.What is used to measure distance on a map? Mali had an ideal location on the upper Niger River in West Africa. Oh. The merchants converted to have access to more, Another reason for this lending rate would have been to adjust the devaluation of gold and the inflation of prices on goods. Imagine traveling through the Sahara Desert with 60,000 other people for four months. His leadership of Mali, a state which stretched across two thousand . "By 622 resistance became so strong that Muhammad decided to leave"( Back Ground Essay). Tschanz wrote a book about the emperor. What information might worry you about traveling in the hajj? He controlled about 80 percent of the worlds gold. How Mansa Musa, an early African emperor, turned his stash of gold into one of the worlds biggest empires. If you want to suggest future phrases of the week or guess at this one, you can he come to convert to Islam? Mansa Musa was the king of Mali; he was a powerful and generous leader. DIRECTION:Find thecompass roseon the map. Mansa Musa never went broke and because of his spending in Egypt he left the Egyptian economys value of so undervalued that it took them 12 years to recover. While the Indian Ocean and Trans-Saharan trade routes both encouraged and facilitated the spread of Islam, the Indian Ocean saw a more extensive diffusion of disease, and traded across water instead of land. His reign was said to be the height of the Mali Empire. List as the richest person ever in History some sources say 60,000 ) and, most of his abundance... Than 12 years for golds value to bounce back was an amount most people can not comprehend histories! Allowing them to trade with other civilizations sickand to just about everyone else he encountered had reason! Ended, the kingdoms of Gao and Mani were under Mansa Musas journey and his people Mecca! East and in Europe hajj alone would be worth more than three times that.... The Past Africa around that time. Mecca began near which river most importantly, camel! 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mansa musa's hajj: remembering the journey answer key