cake eaters military slang

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Junior Chief: Pejorative term to describe junior enlisted person who is kissing ass for a promotion or on a power trip, or both. When the wardroom is short on baby Ensigns and/or in shipyard overhaul periods the 1st Lt may be a Chief Petty Officer. See "Dome. Mt. Some black shoes say "Live by the gouge, die by the gouge." Love Boat: (1) A sub tender crewed primarily by female sailors; see also "Tuna Boat." Boondoggle: An inefficient meeting, event, or evolution; one that it is more fun than productive. ("Set material condition Zebra throughout the ship" is part of the standard GQ alarm.). Kamikaze: A hetero male Marine who is so gung-ho that he can only be sexually satisfied by another male Marine. Would you like a kick to help you get airborne? Public." AOCS: Aviation Officer Candidate School; since discontinued pre-commissioning programs at NAS Pensacola, FL and Bremerton, WA that trained both prior service and non-prior service college graduates to become naval officers and to subsequently qualify as either Naval Aviators, Naval Flight Officers, Air Intelligence Officers, or Aircraft Maintenance Duty Officers - program merged into with Officer Candidate School from Newport, RI in late 1990s and then in the late 2000s moved to NETC Newport, RI. (3) ("Submarine Service") Forward Area Gentleman: A crewman serving in the forward part of the submarine, a non-Nuke. The Operations Officer is usually third in command behind the Captain and the Executive Officer. Players bid on the number of tricks to be taken, trump is determined by draw. The edge of passing or failing at something, or ". Douche down: To wash, usually using fresh water. Knuckle Dragger: A member of the engineering department or a mechanic on a nuclear powered vessel. COMNAVSNACPAC, COMNAVSNACLANT: A sailor who stores a lot of junk food in their rack. It is permissible to take one when a ship is pierside connected to pier water and sewer, if no one else is waiting for the shower. Common military phonetic alphabet phrases include: Bravo Zulu: Good job. Broke-dick: Technical term describing malfunctioning or inoperable equipment. "John and I were buds on the but then he went sinker and I never heard from him again.". Mail Buoy: A fictitious bouy that mail for a ship is left on. Smurf Suit/Smurfs: Set of blue sweatpants and sweatshirt issued on arrival at boot camp; worn for the first several days and thereafter used mostly for PT. "All hands heave out and trice up." Presently, in the USN, it refers to the alcoholic brew offered at social events like "dining-ins" and "dining-outs." More recently referred to as a Carrier Strike Group (CSG). Also called No F'n Good. For instance, pull-tab sodas are referred to as "Haji Sodas" due to their ubiquitous presence in the Fifth Fleet AOR. RPOC: Recruit Chief Petty Officer (RCPO or RPOC). Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club: Those elements of the Pacific Fleet which operated in the referenced waters 1965-1975. Other usage: "PFM circuit" for electronics in depot level repair only equipment whose inner workings are not required to be known. Pussy patch: Transdermal scopolamine patch for seasickness. Fourballs: Midnight, entered as 0000 when writing logs; The "Fourballs watch" is midnight to 0600 when underway on a submarine, using a 3 person x 6 hour shift, 18 hour rotation "day" for each watchstation. Sea Otter: SeaOpDet-er; a member of a Sea Operational Detachment (SEAOPDET). The F-8 Crusader was universally accepted as a tits machine. Zero dark thirty. To drop out of a voluntary program such as aviation or submarines. Also refers to sailors who have yet to attend any schools that assign NEC (Navy Enlisted Classification) codes upon graduation. Bitchbox: Intercom or amplified circuit used to communicate between spaces of a ship. So called because most of the meat of a lobster is in its tail. RAS: Replenishment At Sea: The act or process of moving cargo and fuel from a supply ship to a warship via cable while underway. Replaced with the PFA. CO: Commanding Officer. Haze Grey Motherfucker: Sailor (or CO) who prefers to be under way as much as possible, or a ship and crew that spends a great deal of time under waye.g, We were haze grey motherfuckers.. )"Have a great day"! 34 military terms and their meanings. Material condition: Status open or closed, of various fittings, hatches, etc, which are denoted by a letter. CPO: Chief Petty Officer. Used to be called "Company Commander.". Permanent Help: Slang for a PH (Photographer's Mate) in a fighter squadron. "Grab the donkey and fuel the bird." Non-Qual Navy: Derisive term used by Naval Aviators, Submariners, and SEALs to describe the Surface Navy. Navy Shower: Not a form of punishment. Sack-o'-Lantern: A scrotum stretched across a battle lantern that has been energized. Due to the [more] lax treatment of officers, termed a jungle because of their constant disarray. ", Grab-ass: Any kind of unstructured group socialization or horse-play, usually during working hours. NAMTRADET: Naval Aviation Maintenance Training Detachment. or a dirt sailor's sleeping bag. Generally found in the Western Pacific. A common joke is to ask inexperienced personnel on watch to "keep an eye out for signs of C-GU11s in the area, over." Welded to the Pier: A Ship being in an extended period of refit at a shipyard or naval base, which prevents it from making ready for sea for several months or longer. : (Bend Over, Here It Comes Again). WESTPAC widow: Sailor's wife looking for a temporary fling, often with another sailor. Seabag locker: A room, usually on board ship, where extra uniforms, or item materials are placed until needed. Camel pack. (Dumb Ugly Bitch): woman enrolled in the Naval Academy. See UA, the correct Naval term. Refers to the shape of a gas turbine module. Lifer Stripe: The stripes located just above the cuff of the right sleeve on the service dress uniform that indicates four years of service per stripe. This 2-day class must be completed every few years by pilots and aircrew. Smiley-face art optional. MidShitHead: Enlisted common term for a Naval Academy or ROTC Midshipman on their summer cruise on a ship or a command, gaining real Navy experience between academic class years. On larger ships, the "First" may be in charge of air crew. When she did get underway she was typically towed back in, whereupon she was referred to as "USS Broke". "We're going to have great liberty this port: A tuna boat just pulled in!". )See Fast Cruise. Also said as "poking the poodle" or "screwin' the pooch." Originated during World War II when Admiral "Bull" Halsey designated one officer to oversee wardroom functions. "I could have fixed it but I don't have a key to the Gold Locker.". SSBN: Submarine, Ballistic Missile, Nuclear, class of ship. 4 acres of sovereign U.S. soil: An aircraft carrier. The first Sailor to smile loses and is required to buy a round. In the aviation community, hot racking refers to an individual who has not taken a shower before retiring to his bunk, usually after working a 12-hour shift on the flight deck. This is the expected norm in the United States Navy. Cleaning Stations: An hour-long field day evolution in which everyone drops what they're doing and cleans their spaces. Anal Palace: The fast attack submarine USS Annapolis. A common-sense way of saving it is to wet down while taking a shower and then TURN OFF THE WATER. A cake eater actually refers to Edina, MN, saying the people in it are so rich they can have their cake and eat it too. Dumb but happy. Motrin: A magical pill dispensed by hospital corpsmen capable for minor owies or to hypochondriacs; "take two aspirin and call me in the morning." Ricky Boxing: Masturbation. It is a combination of a rank (Hospital Recruit, the most junior. Mighty Mo: Nickname for the USS Missouri (BB-63), now a museum ship at Pearl Harbor. TLD (Nuclear): Thermo-Luminescent Dosimeter. Splicing such a cable was a daunting task, and the sailor tasked with such a job was given an extra tot of rum for his trouble. Usually lasts on a good day about 3-4 hours. 1 2 3 4 5 Next Last More random definitions Mae West: (Old) term for a life jacket, due to the resemblance of the chest floats to the busty actress. Chuck Wagon: (yet another name for) the USS Carl Vinson. Common overnight activity for ships underway. Golden Dragon: A sailor who has crossed the Prime Meridian or the International Date Line into the Eastern Hemisphere. Haze Grey: The color painted on Navy ships. B-52 air strike that makes the landscape look like the surface of the Moon. R.O.A.D. Landing in the spudlocker results in a broken aircraft and is often fatal. Used to prove a desired numerical answer with substantiated math, either correct or incorrect. Check Valve: A person who "does for himself or herself, but not others." "She was a 2 before going to sea, a 10 out at sea, and back to a 2 when she returned.". Transistor Theory: Naval explanation for how electrons travel backwards and holes actually carry electrical current. This is usually done intentionally when flying with an Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) flight plan, but can lead to high "pucker factor" when it is done accidentally. see also The Load. "Have your cake and eat it too". See Broke Dick. Common departments are combat systems (combination of some operations/weapons department divisions) supply, admin, deck, engineering, operations, and maintenance. ".then you smash his fucking grape! Gator squares: Putting a square on a chart, often 3 miles by 3 miles, in the middle of a body of water, and steaming around in it for hours. War Chicken: A derogatory term for the Special Warfare Insignia earned by Navy SEALS. JARTGO: Just Another Reason To Get Out. To ELTs, it's "Superior Mechanic, Almost God.". Whitney (LCC-20), as it rarely goes to sea. Mad Shitter (AKA Phantom Shitter): A sailor who does not flush a toilet. 2JV: Engineering sound-powered circuit. A-Farts: (AFRTS) Armed Forces Radio & Television Service. PFA: Physical Fitness Assessment: new name for PRT. (Originally referred to hammocks, in days of yore before berthing spaces.). Operation GOLDENFLOW: A command-wide urinalysis test. Polish a Turd: Make the most of a bad situation. Only used Chief to Chief. At aviation commands, FOD can also describe a worthless individual, i.e. Non-skid: A rough epoxy coating used for grip on weather decks. On submarines the bilge rat is usually the smallest non-qual in the division, although bilges are great places for a field day assignment (good for napping) so a senior second class petty officer might call dibs on a bilge. As opposed to other. Workups: 1- to 6-week periods preceding a deployment during which the ship and/or its airwing practice and prepare. Water wars: Water fights in the engineering spaces, including the use of hot brine, disassembling ventilation ducting, rigging temporary air hoses, and dumping trash cans full of water on the deck. Bravo fires burn flammable liquids. Alpha Dogs: Refers to Alpha Company, a division of vehicle operators and mechanics within the Naval Mobile Construction Battalions, also known as the Fighting Seabees. O-N-O-F-F actuator (or switch): The on/off button or switch on any device, usually used in the context of a subordinate not grasping how to power a device up or down. Hoover: The S-3B Viking, mostly due to its unique engine noises. Salt and Peppers: Refers to the old style working white uniform, where the sailor wore a white shirt, and black pants. Canoe U: United States Naval Academy; Captain's Mast: Navy term for non-judicial punishment under Article 15 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. White Rats: Tampons which appear after a sewage leak in the female head. Scuttle: A smaller, sealable, opening in a larger, heavier door or hatch. (2) Nickname for the CVN-69. Out of sight hi/lo: Steam boiler casualty in which the water level in the steam drum gauge glass goes out the top/bottom, requiring the boiler to be immediately shut down to prevent water hitting the turbine blades (hi) or melting boiler tubes (lo). Also used to indicate one who is in a bad mood "What's wrong with him?" Meat Identifier: A side dish during chow that helps in identifying usually nondescriptive looking main dishes. Plank Owners are "Piped Aboard" when shown proper certification. It is expected that the sailor will not have another girlfriend that same evening and not get caught with another on a subsequent evening. Green Scrubby: Mildly abrasive scouring pad. Naval method of indicating the time of day aboard ship, usually over the 1MC. PQS: Personnel Qualification Standards, a card carrying various qualifications for a warfare badge or similar. Ricky Girlfriend: A male sailor's hand, used to masturbate. LDOs need their Good Conduct ribbons every bit as much as Linus needs his security blanket. Seachest: Ballast intake/discharge portals below the waterline of a ship. Nomenclature used to identify a bird to boot sailors. (example: 1/3, 2/3, Full, Standard, Flank, B1/3, B2/3, BI, BEM), Benny: A treat or reward, derived from "Benefit.". Retired RMs may often use ZUG in place of "no" or "negative.". VFA: Fixed Wing Strike Fighter Squadron, made up of Legacy F/A-18C or D model Hornets or F/A-18E,F or G model Super Hornets. ! Usually only found on submarines due to a significantly smaller number of nukes stationed onboard a submarine. Wardroom: Officer's mess, or dining room. Ditch Wog: A sailor who has passed through the Suez canal or Panama canal, but has not become a shellback. The Origin of Cake Eater Talking Cake Eater expression first appeared between 1920 and 1925, but?became popular in the 1996 film Mighty Duck. Scrambled Eggs: Gold embroidered decoration on a Commander's/Captain's cover. : : : : Cake-eater ' ''a term whose first recorded use is attributed to Thomas Dorgan (TAD) in his comic strip of November 17, 1918, and described by 'The Flapper's Dictionary' as ''any guy who is addicted to noodle juice parties, one who nibbles at cakes at such parties. For personnel aboard ship, this means to remain in bed, while onshore this may simply mean to stay home for the day. "Carry on" allows personnel to continue whatever they were doing. Walking, Talking Road Mark: Used during boot camp to refer to a recruit that is a complete loss at military bearing, appearence, and formalities, a recruit that causes his company to constantly lose points at inspections, drills, etc. Senior Enlisted Advisor, a CPO in charge of one's career. Famous for masagi girls, karaoke and Kirin beer. A required exercise regimen. The OIC of this evolution is sometimes referred to as "the FOD-father.". All Family Grams were screened by the CO/XO upon receipt, prior to distribution to the individual. Case dough: Nest egg. The term is often used in a negative way to criticize someone for being lazy, entitled, or not having the same level of determination and work ethic as others. See also A-Gang. Oscar: The buoyant dummy used during man-overboard drills. This is clearly demonstrated as the O-4 is constantly nodding in the affirmative and saying, Yessir, yessir when in the presence of the CO. H.M.F.I.C. WESTPAC: While this usually refers to the western Pacific area of operations, it can also refer to a type of deployment in which a unit heads to multiple locations throughout said area. Ring Knocker: A graduate of the U.S. voluntarily relinquishes his/her title to a "second-termer" that gets out of the Navy earlier who exhibits extreme disgruntlement and is generally accepted by the "first-termers" as one of their own. IBM (Instant Boatswain's Mate). Sea Stories almost always involve alcohol. Vampire Liberty: A day off one gets for donating a pint of blood. Khaki Brigade: chiefs who start taking over an engineering casualty or going over to see what is going on. Splash: Name earned by a sailor who has had the good fortune to be recovered after accidentally falling overboard until the ship returns home from deployment. Named for the maintenance catapult shots where only the shuttle is moved down the track with no aircraft attached. John Wayne toilet paper: Toilet paper that is rough, tough, and takes shit from no one. Split-pea on Rye. Beer Day: On many navy ships, even in the present day, all hands are given 2 beers if they are underway without a port call for a given period of time generally 45 days. Dinner plate for Marines: The front buttoned flap on enlisted dress blues. POG: (Person Other than Grunt) A term often used by Marine Infantry (Grunts) to refer to anyone who is not them. Can also refer to the air wing itself, as in CAG-1, CAG-5 or CAG-14. Brown Trout: Occurs when some Hull Tech blasts the sewer lines, causing raw sewage to be disbursed onto the decks of lower level berthing areas. FAG: (1) Fighter Attack Guy: F/A-18 Hornet/Super Hornet pilot or naval flight officer ("NFO"). In modern times it is an aluminum rubbish bowl. : Diesel Boats Forever: (marking on an) unauthorized pin showing a non-nuclear submarine. See "air wing.". Cake-eater definition: (US slang) A well-off person who indulges himself or herself; a playboy . Useless piece of machinery. Players are first dealt 1 card each then 2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13, 13-12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1. "Recruit, go get me an ID10T form, and step on it!". : an effeminate party-going dandy. OBA: Oxygen Breathing Apparatus. Also, a wet dream induced by ship's motion. A container (usually zipper-closed) for toilet articles such as soap, razor, shaving cream, deodorant, etc; especially for expeditionary sailors. DLGN: Destroyer, Leader, Guided Missile, Nuclear, class of ship. Work for 1st division varies among ships depending on size. In aviation, non-flyable, usually for maintenance reasons. As in "Shit can that chit, you're not getting any liberty.". Everyone else working while you watch the clouds go by. Have a Navy Day: Has two separate meanings. Pisser: (1) A urinal (not a toilet). Often refers to all chiefs, E-7 through E-9. LSO: Landing Safety Officer or Landing Signals Officer. Cunt Hair: A very small unit of measurement, used when eyeballing something. one that is given one hour before shift change and will require at least 3 hours to complete. "Oh, about a cunt hair." Lifer Dog: (See "Lifer," above) "Call me an asshole, call me a cocksucker, call me a son-of-a-bitch; just don't call me a Lifer Dog.". USS Lake Cham Pain: The USS Lake Champlain. SWCCs are more commonly referred to as Special Boat Teams or Boat Guys., Dirty-dick: To rub genitalia on someones cup or soda can as an act of retribution or to be funny; see also "cock swab.". Also referred to as a "talking kneeboard." Wolf Ticket: Highly suspect information. Refers to the locals in and around Naval Air Station Patuxent River. Used mostly to supply breathing air to shipboard firefighters before civilian firefighter equipment was approved and adopted. Also called Vitamin M and Grunt Candy, the latter especially when dispensed to Marines. The watchstander is dressed in protective gear carrying a 10 to 12 foot pole. Sea Stories: Often exaggerated or embellished tales from previous deployments or commands told by seniors to juniors. SLJO: Shitty Little Jobs Officer. Uncle Sam's Canoe Club: The US Coast Guard. Golden rivet: The rivet, made of gold, which according to folklore every ship is built containing one of. ", FEP: Fitness Enhancement Program. Not a single aspect is successful. Khakis: Term used to describe senior enlisted members (E-7 and above) or officers, due to the khaki-colored working uniform typically worn by them. Cu Shing: The sound of shit when it hits the fan. (example: 2MC, 5MC, 23MC, 26MC). The most junior officer aboard ship, who has to handle the most demeaning or illegal duties demanded by HQ. Zero: Officer. Also called an Ensign Salute. 2. Missile Sponge: Usually a frigate or destroyer with limited air defense capability stationed on the outer ring of a battlegroup, as they are the ships most likely to be hit in a convoy. Can house: Bordello. In flight training, a down is a failed flight. Air Force Gloves: Pockets. Sweat pump(s) / Sweat pump(s) on line/ on overload: See "sweat the load.". Hollywood Shower: To take a long shower that wastes water (See Navy Shower). Meatball: (1) Fresnel Lens Optical Landing System, a visual landing aid used by naval aviators landing on a carrier. Bug Juice,the JP-5 infused koolaid served aboard aircraft carriers, Appendix:Glossary of U.S. Navy slang/Unit nicknames, Butt Puckering: A term used to describe a harrowing or scary experience. Chub Club: The mandatory physical training to which sailors are assigned if they are overweight. (It is usually impossible to be triced up in a top rack, as top racks usually have no ceiling.). I had to attend stupid-shoot and stupid-swim after the other trainees were at the club drinking 15-cent beers. The nickname is based on its color and flavor. Also known as pounded the pooch or popped the puppie. Aviation Queer: The enlisted rating AQ, Aviation Fire Control Technician; since merged into Aviation Electronics Technician (AT). Newbie sailors are sometimes sent all over base to locate an ASH Receiver as a joke. Eternal Patrol: The last and still on-going patrol of a submarine lost at sea. STREAM: Full Episodes Of SEAL Team On CBS All Access "John Wayne it." Dirty-shirt wardroom: (Aircraft Carrier): Forward wardroom immediately below the flight deck for pilots wearing (sweaty) flight gear and working ship's officers. Acey-Deucey Club: A recreational facility that serves alcohol for first and second class petty officers, or any Enlisted Club that caters mostly to First and Second Class Petty Officers, but still allows all enlisted personnel. More Affectionately "Tiny Little Dick." Brain Fart: A condition when, under stress, one cannot recall or perform something that would normally be easy or second nature. Air Department: Consists of 5 divisions, usually manned by Aviation Boatswains Mates. Air Wing: The aviation element on board an aircraft carrier consisting of various squadrons. F.U.B.I.S. USS Zippo: Derogatory name for USS Forrestal (CV 59). Dock jumpers: The unfortunates who would have to leap ashore to tie up when no "line handlers" are available. Kippy: Neat or nice. The 43P-1 book containing MIPs stayed in the work center and was a deep red color with 43P-1 across the cover. Meat Gazer: Unlucky individual designated to make sure the urine in a "Whiz Quiz" actually comes from the urinator's body. Conforms to MIL-STD-2041D to prevent corrosion to nuclear components. Alternately, often used by nukes to suggest someone ought to put forth at least a little thought before giving up on a problem. crud: An upper respiratory infection usually caught in boot camp by new recruits bringing viruses from all over the country. Rider: (1) Most often associated with the submarine service; an individual aboard a submarine not a member of the crew who is assigned to the sub for a period of time to perform a specific mission; usually intelligence related. Nuke Milk: A disgusting powdered milk used when the fresh milk runs out. Often the result of a serious engineering casualty. Usually speaks in unintelligible english with a heavy New England or southern accent. Often leads to mistakes that can produce lethal results. I dont want to die.. Usually applied to a young junior officer, such as an O-1 (ENS / 2ndLt), and O-2 (LTJG / 1stLt) or an O-3 (LT / Capt). Fit Boss: Officer designated by the Commanding Officer to be responsible for the command Physical Readiness Program. This was normally either 5 or 10 minutes in duration (never long enough). Drive On! So called due to the number of fires that have broken out on board ship. or " Aw, Boop!" The term is used, regardless of the officer's age or gender, when the officer has gained the respect of subordinates. Chem Wipe: Also known as Kim-Wipes, though they bare no resemblance to the far more delicate Kimberly-Clark product. Stain Us: Derogatory name for USS JOHN C STENNIS (CVN-74). NQP: "Non-Qual-Puke": A non-qualified crewman who is not yet able to stand watch. Sea Warrior: Used by naval personnel whom have never set foot on a ship, usually in response to being called shipmate. Demanded by HQ transistor Theory: Naval explanation for how electrons travel and. 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Good Conduct ribbons every bit as much as Linus needs his security blanket that makes landscape... Air Strike that makes the landscape look like the Surface of the meat of voluntary. As `` Haji sodas '' due to its unique engine noises only be sexually satisfied another! The Club drinking 15-cent beers a worthless individual, i.e no `` Line handlers '' are available girlfriend a! Go by electrons travel backwards and holes actually carry electrical current hour-long field day in... Buttoned flap on Enlisted dress blues used during man-overboard drills every few years by pilots and aircrew mood `` 's... Who would have to leap ashore to tie up when no `` Line handlers '' available! The Suez canal or Panama canal, but not others. math, correct...

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cake eaters military slang