bonanza fanfiction little joe collapses

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It seems this kid is a bit confused and we have to help him., Joe glanced down at the shattered, broken pieces of glass that now surround him. Adam, please help me. Short rapid breathes were becoming more frequent and more painful. The men briefly glanced over at Adam who suddenly stopped at the doorway, emotional, motionless, and filled with rage when Doc Martin spoke, I will need you two men to gently hold him so he doesnt further injure himself while I administer the morphine., Adam, The sheriff placed his hand gently on Adams shoulder, snapping him out of his trance, we better go. Neither had any way of knowing what was going on in Joes fevered dreams now that all four men were standing over him. JoeLittle Joe. Adam attempted again. No, not you boy. Joe? Not my Dax. Father and son placed their cups on the table as they headed toward the door to grab their hats. Hurts. His ribs were going to take awhile to heal. Angry, hurt and scared, Joe struggled to get the words out as a tears began welling up in his eyes. He is only seventeen, Pa.. He slowly lowered his body down beside his young son and began cooling Joes forehead with a wet cloth. Whoever it was, was on foot so Little Joe knew he could easily overtake him. He needed to talk. 4 years ago 8. His sad eyes came in contact with his two brothers. Her Pa, John, the younger brother of Ben Cartwright, was . Doc Martin filled Ben in on Joes condition. I need to know cause I have been looking for her for seventeen years now. In no way did Little Joe want a private conversation with this enormous bully. Joe looked up to Adam and respected his advice, advice he often reached out to Adam for as an older adult and a brother. Joe, we have something for you. As his family surrounded him, Adam handed him a wrapped package. He kept reminding himself, that day would come. Its okay, Joe. Adam I have all the help I need. There was no immediate response, so Ben called to him again. Shhh, take it easy. Ham sandwiches again, and of course Hoss isnt here to do leftover duty. Joe mumbled as he placed the last slice on the bread. Age Gate will also appear each time a different web browser is used to access these stories. Voices, he heard voices. Joes position was making it challenging for the men to treat him. You sleep now buddy. Adam slowly and carefully made himself comfortable, until he fell asleep, as he cradling his little brother. Lynne C.'s Bonanza Fanfiction: Little Joe Zone: Bonanza Brand: Puchi's Bonanza Library : Bonanza Hideaway: Vicki's Bonanza Page: Bonanza Events Pernell Roberts: Desideratum : Women's Writers Block (While our site does have a large number of Bonanza stories, we do post fanfic for other shows) Bonanza Round up . Adam lowered his head and firmly rubbed his brow. He tried to pull his knees toward his chest, but found that even that was painful. Doc, whats wrong with him? Ben asked. Open it.. He said wewe..stole mama from them. Joe began fiddling with the bed sheets. He told me the pa and I. Tears flowed freely as he glanced up at the ceiling. Joesph., The three men in the room simultaneously glanced at each other with a puzzled look. Shhhh! Joe?. They never did find out whod done it,though they all had a pretty good idea. With a hard kick to his abdomen, Joes tortured body was back on the floor. It was a chore for Joe just to try to catch his breath. Adam! How could Joe think that? I-I tried to help him, but he was so weak and calling out for me to save his mother. She is my mother! That was the last straw. As she tucked their little tike in, Marie kissed him on his cheek.Sleep well my Little Star! Turning to Ben she said, Oh Ben, I hope he grows up to be just like you., Ben pulled her close. You dont deserve to look like her.She was just right there almost within his reach, and then .within a split second she was gone. Then the traveler in the dark, Thanks you for your tiny spark, He could not see which way to go, If you did not twinkle so. Little Joe nestled his tiny head against his mothers bosom as he finally closed his weary eyes. But theyd gotten through it. And just how, with these two giants in his home? You are going to tell me just where Marie is buried!, NooooNever! Little Joe was delayed in answering as excruciating pain now radiated throughout his whole body. I need you to get over here so I can get some answers out of this piece of trash. The man stared back at Joe with the look of Satan in his eyes. You hear me?, Hank, go find some towels we have to stop the bleeding. Charlie was nervous and couldnt believe what he what seeing. Adam, where are you? He just had to pull himself together for his little brotherfor Little Joe. Even as he grew up, the nickname stuck, and Hoss remained taller and larger than Joe. Ad-amhelp meHurtsAd-am.wh-ere are youple-ase come ho-me.Ad-am. His defeated body began ever so slightly to try to fight as tears flowed freely down his cheeks he took short, quick breathes. Open your eyes., Ad-am? Joe whispered as he slightly turned his head toward his older brother. The angel and devil were having one heck of a fight in his head. Adam looked skeptical as he gazed at Joe. Resting. Adam set the cloth back into the basin and gave them his attention.He keeps saying my mama. It doesnt make sense.. S-he died when I was five years old. With flared nostrils he answered, fighting back tears at the memory. 58 Stories. Thank you. With somber eyes he shook his old friends hand then glanced back at Hoss. Love At First Sight. Come on, buddy. He vaguely saw who gave him a towel, but slowly began erasing his crimson covered hands. Joe couldn't help it. How are you feeling, buddy? Now seated next to Joe, Adam was anxious to find out. He felt the wet blood as his throbbing shoulder met the desk. No, Adam, He started again. He was hurt, helpless, angry and now more afraid for his life than ever. I love you, brother., Joe? Shocked out of a surprisingly deep sleep, Adam sprung up in his chair. Joe I have been so disrespectful of you recently. Think JoeThink. Ben and Hoss had no idea what was unfolding in front of them. One of them was larger than Hoss. he finished as his concerned eyes met Adams. God, I should have been here. I want to check on those wounds of his for infection. After administering the medicine he began examining Joe. Little Joe clutched his side, as his contracting muscles began pulling on his abdomen and chest, making it harder to breath. His eyes barely open, Joe gave a slight nod. Shhh, I gotcha Joe. Adam reassured him. Please come home. Im trying to hold on, Adam. His son hasnt spoken since his biological mother died of pneumonia, when he was just eight years old. It is up to the law now. Do you want us to get you anything? He added before he and Hoss exited the room. He was cold, wet and clammy with sweat beading across his brow as his breathing was becoming labored. They said it was his fault, too.. Adam made a tight fist, while squeezing his eyes shut. He just stewed in the back, thinking about being back at the warm house, reading a book in blissful peace. Like Ben, he, too was worried now for both of his brothers. Why? He asked. Let me go! He bit his lower lip as his nostrils flared, while a single tear fell from his eye. By the time Adam started pushing himself to to his feet, he was so stiff he could almost believe hed suddenly aged twenty years or more, however, it didnt matter how he felt. Heck they had both apologized right? It wasnt going to be easy, but could it ever? Pa, I dont know what came over me. This had to stop and Joe knew it. Pa, where is the medicine the doc left? Adam shot Ben a worried look. He couldnt stand to see his little brother like this. Ben tried to sooth his son. Adam, help!. Dax, get in here now! He threw Joe back into the house with such force, that Joe stumbled and fell flat on his back. Firmly pulling his hair and causing his head to jerk back, the man squatted and began speaking loudly while staring hard into Joes eyes. Joe cautiously lifted his eye lids and stared straight past his father who sat in the chair beside him. It was evident that Adam was having difficulty concentrating. Well, with a little coaxing, a very drunk Dubois confessed as to why he came here. The sheriff looked at each of them in turn. He imagined pa must have come and gone several times without once disturbing Adams sleep. Joe stopped swinging for a moment as he searched his thoughts for reasons. Adam listen. Striving to lift himself up on his good elbow Joe found it difficult to focus. He really didnt know where to start. Believe me, I did not do it intentionally. W-H-O-A! Long time ranch hand Charlie yelled, trying to collect his horse as two oversized riders recklessly galloped passed him and the two other ranch hands with him. His eyes focused though on what was right there, foremost in front of him, his mothers gravestone. Oh God, how bad? Realization sank in hearing an ugly, familiar voice and recalling now where he was and what had just occurred. Love the JAMs and JPMS and, of course, the SJS! He could have died, pa! Hows our patient tonight? Doc Martin greeted the man. I wanted to tell pa, but I couldntI just couldnt. His breathing was beginning to slow. He would return home retelling these storing to Dax, however, he never seemed to get it right and the boy would just get frustrated with him. This just cant be real Joe, Joe. Joe suddenly grabbed Adam, NoooPl-ea-se. With what little strength he had, Little Joe attempted to tell Adam what had happened. M-y mot-her, not his. Adams nightmare returned and was staring right at him once gain. Breathing itself was painful. Adam? Ben hurried through the door followed by Hoss. How I wonder what you are! Thanks doc.. The sun is about to set . I love you ma. Joe I promised your mother and I promised myself that from that day forward I was going to keep you safe. I believe if it wasnt for Dubois finding his son with this, Joe would be a goner. He slowly handed Ben Maries slightly wrinkled picture as he scanned each mans watery eyes. Yes sir, he has three, Im the youngest. So vowing to help his son, hed promised him he would get up enough courage to ask Marie to marry him and then Dax would have a mother who would tell him bedtime stories again, something that had always seemed to suppress his nightmares. Little Joe was speechless, however, words were not needed to see just how much he appreciated what they had done. He continued as he and Hoss carefully pulled Joes wet pants off while Ben was ready with a clean pair. No, I dont mind at all. I didnt understand. Adam slouched forward as he looked up at Ben. Uh yeah, lets go. Joe breathed in a breath of fresh ai,r remembering what Hop Sing had said to him just a couple of weeks earlier, when hed struggled to approach his father at the desk, his mind taking him back to the far different struggle hed faced at the hands of the monsters in his nightmares. I realize now that I have to I should have been there as your brother and not as a parent. Okay, Im done. The doc cleaned up his mess and tools. Ben walked back to his chair beside Joes bed. Ill be alright, pa. You tend to Little Joe.. He is a hard worker, a strong worker, and has made me proud and would have made any mother proud. With widened eyes and a sinister gaze, he grit his yellowing teeth as he lowered his massive body next to Joes head. While there, Adam would also be filling out paperwork at the lawyers office for an upcoming contract. Adam froze as the gruesome discovery made it very difficult for him to collect himself ,however, he swiftly knelt down beside his baby brothers head. Word about his interest had eventually reached Maries mother-in-law and shed arranged a meeting with David, freely supplying him every detail he needed to find her. It wasnt the most comfortable position, but he was tired. Menu. Do you know what that means?, It means youre a man, fit to do a mans work. Dadburnit, he mumbled to himself, as he meandered over toward the window. Slow your breathing buddy. Can you, My ma-ma. Joe was struggling to speak as he looked at his brother. Son,we promised, Ben softened his voice as he lay his hand on Adams shoulder. Im afraid the wound on his face might leave a scar, but its near his hairline so hopefully it wont be that noticeable. Youre safe. It was his Pa. Hey buddy, were here. There was another familiar voice Hoss. Looking for Little Joe . Your father didnt deserve her, and had no right taking her from us. Joes tiny grin now disappeared as fear began to slowly paint its ugly picture on his face and within his mind. She died years ago. With a gloomy look, he stared at Joe as he tried to explain to him the reality of his mothers whereabouts. Why was he allowing himself to look possibly at making a mountain out of a mole hill? October 9, 2019 23 Comments on Little Joe Cartwright, So Far (by pjb) Summary: A vintage piece from the days when Joegals ran rampant around the Bonanza community. How about a buggy ride? Adam, it hurts so much. Alerted, all three men simultaneously were now attentive to Little Joe. Ben glanced over at Hoss, and with raised eyebrows answered. The system is programmed to remember your information for two years; though it does appear that major update(s) to this plugin will result in the need to reverify your age. are the property of their respective owners. He was not only dealing with an overgrown ape who had most likely bruised his legs, but now he had an angry, drunken mammoth. Yup, and youre stuck with us. Hoss grinned. He was limited in what activities and chores he could do, and still moved slowly. I dont know, but it doesnt look good. He said pointing at the house, The three men abruptly halted their horses, quickly dismounted, tied them to the hitching post and ran through the open door. Martin will be here shortly. Little Joe snapped himself out of his man-made fog and dragged his feet slowly back over to the chopping block. Im here for ya Little Joe. A tear slipped down his heavy-hearted face. Hey brother, you ready to go? Adam was already seated in the buggy. He was even able to walk past the place on the floor where hed lain where his mothers picture had fallen when the intruders had invaded his home and changed his life.he could see it now without losing his breath and reliving it all over again in his head. He had been the one lately who Joe had been out with, working fences and finding strays. He wanted revenge to whoever did this to Little Joe. Joe eased his way over to her headstone and, laid the flowers atop it as he carefully and painfully knelt down. Dead or alive, she was his mother! Cleaning up had been the last thing on Adams mind, and both Charlie and Hank were too focused on looking after both Joe and Adam to bother with the mess left behind. Joe, its only Hoss. Adam was quick to respond and was at his side in an instant. I would like to thank my beta reader, freyakendra. Hoss wasnt that old and Ben was struggling himself, so Adam took it upon himself to care for his little brother. They were a family, always there for each other. He allowed his mind to wander and paused there momentarily. Adam and Ben scanned the room only to find Hoss sitting in the wing back chair by the window. ! Little Joe weakly screamed. Little Joe was screaming Pa, screaming for me to help him. Adam, help me please! Roy Coffee finds Joe Cartwright, newly kidnapped and held hostage, on the side of the road miles away from the Ponderosa. This was Joes first clue to try to high tail it back into the house, close the door and grab his gun, however, before he knew it, he was violently yanked backward and quickly swung around, facing his attacker once again. Hoss and I were without a mother for too long and when Marie came along it was like she was our own mother and she took us under her gentle wing without question. You did all of the characters justis, especially Adam and Joe . Let me go! If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. As she rose from the rocker she noticed Ben leaning against the wall by Joes bed, I love you so much Marie! He walked over, kissed her and then watched as she gently lay the boy down in his bed. Did you get them ? Ben anxiously asked . Do you know who these men are? Maybe Seth decided to come and see me.. They had kept Dax home and tried to teach him what they could, however,when his wife died, Dax was devastated and stopped communicating. Adam interrupted him. "Your boys are fine! Let me go. You got nothing better to do but to play with that?, What chance are you gonna have to use an epee out here in the west?, Youre a Cartwright! It had been very easy to connect with Marie and shed quickly accepted the boys as her own. By: . Your email address will not be published. I cant explain it, but it was obvious that Adam was somewhere else. Just a slight wind beginning to rustle some of the upper branches of the pines. Take it easy son.. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). I guess that is why I jumped on you when I saw you playing with that epee. I.. I Adam voice cracked as he searched for words. For that, I am sorry. His heavy eyelids finally closed and although his heart was in the right place, realized here is where The end didnt justify the means. This story is part 3 of the "Child of the Heart" series. Just what do you meanwas? The stranger began to drag Joe like a rag doll across the hard floor toward Bens desk. Little Joe and Hoss walked out and Ben put an arm around Little Joe's shoulders and said, "Little Joe, thank you for helping with Sparky. It's clear that the 15 year old has been hurt in many ways. Please consider turning it on! What had just happened? What happened? Adam looked directly at Joe. An argument between brothers sets off a series of events that turns into an unstoppable torrent of trouble which leaves one of Ben Cartwright's sons with a terrible task to perform, and another near death, trapped in the Belly of the Whale. The tears flowed down his face and lightly wet the pillow. With half a sandwich in one hand, Joe casually opened the door with the other. Okay, easy, now lay him back., Adam? Joes opened eyes and met his older brothers. My mama. Joes glassy eyes weakly met Adams. Im sorry., Your brother is young and strong. the Doc responded without looking up. Hoss and Little Joe Cartwright. Can you help me sit up?, Sure. It was painful and slow going but, Adam managed to get him into a comfortable sitting position. Son, I understand your concern, however, I have made my decision. He leisurely walked around the desk. He had been extremely busy getting his chores finished on time, which left less time to spend with Adam. You dont deserve to look like her. Shhhh, your gonna be okay son. Ben tried desperately to calm the agitated young man. When Doc Martin had entered the house along with the Sheriff and Jimmy, none of them could help but notice the pile of bloody towels that had been abandoned on the blood-stained floor. He turned and stared at Joe. Bonanzabrits. He knew Joe couldnt hear him, however, this one sided- conversation was already beginning to soothe his soul. When the blazing sun is gone, When he nothing shines upon, Then you show your little light, Twinkle, twinkle all the night. Marie smiled as the five- year- olds tired green eyes met hers. Blood oozed from her head, staining the dirt beneath her as she silently lay on the ground. Im here, Joe., Adam, why? The seventeen-year-old kid was now searching, asking for answers from his older brother. I am keeping my fingers crossed I posted it correctly and you enjoy it. If this little wiggle worm would only stay still I wouldnt have to keep re-stitching him. A slight smile formed across his face which lightened the tension in the room. I am sorry, Joe. He was hurting, and feverish, but had seemed to be coming back to them. Hank I need you to go and get some water boiling. You were one of Maries two big mistakes! Is he gone? His breathing slowed a bit, however, he was still trembling. Adam was about to get up when the doc held up his hand. He was finding understanding and forgiveness, the forgiveness he needed for himself, for the only way for him to eventually help Joe was to help himself first. Just listen to them complaining," Deborah said, smiling, as tears . Over the next couple of weeks the Cartwrights were still bewildered about Little Joes refusal to talk about his terrorizing nightmares, however, they were there for him in case he wanted to open up. Hey Pa, look who I found. Hoss said as he rushed is the room with everything Ben had requested. You dont deserve to look like her. Son, you never think something like this can nor will happen to someone so close to yousomeone you love. Bens eyes filled with tears as he remembered Marie. Summary: Left home alone despite Adams misgivings. Come on son.. He staggered as he bent over Joe, who now lay in agony and bleeding from his side as well as his shoulder. Joe, we got the men who did this to you. Adam carefully squeezed Little Joes hand and then reached for the wet cloth again, confused to find the water wet and cold. Is Joe alright?. Have you seen them before? He was very careful with his tone as it was very clear that he now had two sons who needed his help. Joe is either the star or co-star in each of these stories. So much blood, pa, and I didnt know what to do. Tears began to roll down his cheek as he stared at Ben. Joe tried to pull away, however, between his crippled body and the clump of hair within Davids grip, it was a battle he could not win. Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Little Joe Cartwright/Original Male Character(s). fine. Hed only been five-years-old and couldnt really understand why Marie had gone away. Lorne Greene. His fever masked his ability to feel any pain let alone know anyone. Shirley Monroe. Over the next month Joes healing, both physically and mentally, although slow was progressing, as was his relationship with the family. He mildly shook his head attempting to clear the fogginess as he raised himself to his elbows. No, thanks. Adam leaned into the bed as he gently held his little brothers now clean right hand. Joe stopped again, standing breathless and distraught and staring at his careless pile of split logs. His eyes freely welled up, however, he quickly wiped them before others noticed. He unfortunately was also devious and prone to avoiding work whenever possible. Joes head hurt. She. Why? Hoss and Ben were just as confused as to what was going on, however, were beginning to surmise it all tied to those men. Joseph, can you hear me son? He stroked Little Joes hair. Oww. Little Joe, come on wake up. Like Marie gave me. Were here Joe. With somber eyes Adam glanced over at his little brother. Do you understand? I tried over the years to keep you out of trouble and I suppose I have. Come on buddy, stay with me. Reaching down he grasped his brothers limp, bloody hand. I have been no more mature than he. Charlie, his shirt and hands now bloodied, was clearly engrossed in doctoring Joe that it took a moment for him to realize that Adam was beside him.Adam, we couldnt get a good look at the guys. Where? Joe took a sip of his own coffee. When the door opened, Adam glanced up to see pa and Hoss walk into the room. Do you think Im blind and deaf? Joe manages to pull her out and leans against her and starts crying. I didnt let them take you. He then painstaking rested his head against her headstone, expelling all of his emotions. Never! Joe was not going to give him the satisfaction and show him just how frightened he was . His shoulder still hurt like hell. The wound on his side was no doubt getting worse, and he most likely had some broken ribs due to his intruders beatings. Doc Martin followed belong behind him. He knew it was true, but, Little Joe would never knowingly treat Hoss that way. He grabs the broom and limps outside. Letting his eyes wander further he found a picture of his mother. Seventeen-year-old Little Joe watched the summer sun peak over the tops of the pines as he stood by the pile of logs ready to be chopped. No clouds in the sky that might cast any funny shadows. BEN, ADAM AND LITTLE JOE: THAT'S CAUSE THERE ISN'T ONE!! Who is she? Learn how your comment data is processed. Well that is one way to air out your feet., Caught by surprise, the man glanced at his son than quickly back at Joe, His son?. Adams chest was still a replacement pillow for Joe as his arms carefully supported his younger brother. Slow your breathing buddy., Okay, Hoss, hand me that bandage over there, please. The doc was quick with his work. The only thing I can think of that prevented Dubois from making sure he was dead, is this. The sheriff reached in his vest pocket and carefully pulled out the precious item. Son, the doc has all the help he needs right now. With a firm grip, he drew Adam to his feet. Hurts. His breathing was becoming rapid. Well, as comfortable as he could be. I am now.. Marie, my mothers name was Marie. Joe frowned as he was still struggling. It hurt bad, his stomach began to churn. Im here for you buddy. Tears welled up in his eyes. Ahhhh! Joe let out a weak cry as the weight of his body pushed the sharp shards further into his back. I am leaving Joes medicine here with the instructions. Adam help! He tightly closed his eyes as he squirmed in the bed in an attempt to free himself from his imagined attacker. Placing his hat back on his head, Adam took one last glance back at Joe. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). Come on, Dax. Little Joe eat breakfast. Slightly hunched he shuffled into the room. You did the best you could. Its not your fault, Joe and its not pas either. It felt like bees were continually stinging his back where the pieces of glass from the decanter had dug into his flesh. Run. He froze when he heard Dax cry out, Ma . No,No Noooo, Noooo! He continued to lead them astray. Coming! He shouted, alerting the guest. He was now experiencing excruciating pain in his left shoulder, and could only guess the severity of his injury. Sparks fly, drama ensues. He had no knowledge of Little Joe until Joe told them who he was. Lets go get your mother. And then they were gone. I promise, well get whoever did this to you and save mama. A tear slipped out and fell down the side of his face, recalling just how hed treated Joe yesterday and what hed said. Noooo! Joes cry elevated as did his fight. His heart began to race, while he stared right past Ben seated there next to the bed. Was Was? My..Ma-ma.. Shhh, Joe its okay, buddy. Adam gently placed his hands on Joe to try to calm him. Thats mine! Joes thoughts reeled as he realized Dax was clinging to his his mothers picture. Flashes of red were appearing in front of him. You dont deserve to look like her.Joe heard an annoying echoing in his head as the doc slowly took the dressing off. Why? Ma-ma, ma-ma, mama. Hank, would you be willing to help the Sheriff and I find these., Pausing, he closed his eyes and clenched his teeth, then with a tear in his eye glanced back at Little Joes almost motionless damaged body, find whoever did this to my brother? Adam, usually could keep a cool, collected head in a situation like this, however, he now found himself backed into a corner and out of control, almost like a caged animal. Pa, do you really think he is that responsible?. Pa and Ikilled her. Placing his right hand on his abdomen Joe winced for his short rapid breathing was hurting his ribs and wound. Pa? he repeated as a tear slipped out. Ad-am help me, pl-ease., Joe, Im here buddy, Adams eyes flew open. Mama ma-ma The words barely escaped his slightly ajar mouth as he began to call for his mother, almost expecting her to come. Pictures To Draw. It isnt your fault Joe, it isnt anyones fault., No! Joe perked up catching Adam off guard. It was very clear to Doc Martin just how out of it and in shock the man was. The most beautiful dress for my beautiful wife.. With a tremendous heave, Joe struggled to his knees, ready to attack the bully who now towered over him, but Dax gave him a hard swift jab to the stomach adding pain on top of pain to his already bruised ribs, and Joe to collapse back onto the floor. David began to drink heavily. Hurts.. When a snow cave collapses, trapping his brother and his friends, Sparky knows what to do. Its gonna be okay Joe. How the hell can someone tell something like that to a kid? With tear filled eyes he glanced down at his little brother then laid his cheek on his curly hair. To get through the hardest journey we need to take only one step at a time, but we must keep stepping. Joe went ahead a took another one of those steps through the front door. Old friends hand then glanced back at the memory he just stewed in the room only to the! He allowing himself to care for his little brother like this can nor happen! Mothers bosom as he tried to help him is used to access these stories asleep as... Slowly handed Ben Maries slightly wrinkled picture as he bent over Joe, who now lay him,... Busy getting his chores finished on time, which left less time spend. With flared nostrils he answered, fighting back tears at the warm house, reading a book in blissful.... Look good breathing was hurting his ribs and wound meandered over toward the door,. Rag doll across the hard floor toward Bens desk kissed her and then reached for the men to him... His hairline so hopefully it wont be that noticeable was making it to. 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