batgirl beyond fanfiction

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she exclaimed startlingly as one bullet nicked her right shoulder. He turned his head. After the Joker War, the Bat and The Cat got together after a little space, eventually the Bat and the Cat married, having a little baby girl with the best of both in their veins and the love from all of her family until it was gone, now eighteen years later, when Terry McGinnis had discovered Bruce Wayne, Helena Wayne had discovered Terry McGinnis leaving her Fathers home, so here is a question, what if Helena Wayne was in Neo Gotham? asked Danny as he reached behind him and got a large raspberry smoothie and handed to Terra. So he raced inside and took off after her. Follow the story of Bruce Wayne, from his return to Gotham all the way to his final days as the Caped Crusader. Image details Image size 7500x6000px 4.4 MB Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License Comments 97 Join the community to add your comment. "Don't be so dramatic, kid. At this rate she'd be inside with in a fraction of a second! "No, my husband is," spoke a voice behind them. He could still hear them all coughing and the vid link was very static so he couldn't tell what had happened once the battle started. screamed Robin concerningly as Batgirl laid there stunned. Anonymous reviews have been disabled. She then began to use her gymnastic skills to maneuver as silently as a ghost to the fuse box. January Prompt:Mission. Not only had they'd failed again, but she had almost broken her promise to Barbara. They're sharing a large sausage pizza while Matt was enjoying playing all the games. Even though she was fighting two of them she still seemed to have the upper hand. Terry and Terra were walking home silently. Barbara then became aware of an eerie light coming from the wall. It's just like the Batcave, antiques, relics and costumes. As soon as I get that I'll be even more ready to show my talents off. But Matt isn't going to be killed. Barbara glared at the man and said heatedly, "I'm satisfactory, lieutenant, and for your information, so is my husband. It seemed Bruce was until the end of time two steps ahead of everyone else. They did their best to avoid the traps but the two hunters were extremely strong. Dana observed as he too breathed hard. He smiled cordially and said in an almost affectionate tone, "You did a very good for your first try. A young woman that was so mysterious to everyone around her that would witness her walk on by them on any given day. But before he could even comprehend that she suckered punch him and took it back. Terry will take your money to babysit your 55 year old dad, sure. So recently I've been watching Batman Beyond as well as reading the comics based on the show and I came up with relatively simple idea of Melanie Walker aka Ten of the Royal Flush Gang becoming Batgirl Beyond (I know there's already one in the comics), an old and not really unique idea to be sure. she proclaimed as she took to the air and went back to her brother who was still trying to bring to an end the assassin. It made Batgirl giggle a bit. Completely exhausted as well as a bit dehydrated. With a bit more training and a little time the Bat Twins and Robin will go far!". So what do you think old man?" By the year 2039 Gotham had received an extreme makeover. And anyway she's got a mission, and I strongly doubt that she knows the word 'failure. She was still too much of a rookie to have really gotten used to the intense training. This is going to be totally the greatest thrill ever!". Curare sliced off three chains of meat and knocked Sam Young out cold. And not a moment too soon! They manage to get back to Cheesy Dan's after running for about forty-five minutes. The other Robins were both young men with black hair. Now they envied Max who living on her own most of the time she didn't get nagged all the time. Where do you want to go to eat?" The panther was wounded and we're careless. If Max suddenly got PMS too he didn't want to think of what would happen. "What happen to your backs?" "It so beautiful tonight don't you think so? Just follow my lead!" As she tried to back Curare into a corner she slipped on some ice and nearly fell over herself. It looked like Barbara still 'had it' in her. Still both were busy painting their faces with tribal paint. She still wanted to have her acceptance and blessing to be carrying on her legacy. He cracked his neck and knuckles and the two females suddenly got scared. "Good work. The father looked about maybe 35 to 40 and the son was in his mid teens. "Nice speech, kid, I mean, Terra, but like I've said you've got one warning. Ready, bro? It was a birthday present from my dad!" Batgirl was torn between protecting Barb and Sam, or abandoning them to go to her brother's aid. Now instead of getting that madwoman, we don't have anyone! So what did you think of those bizarre primordial men?" I've got a few electric batarangs! He gave a sigh of defeat and left empty-handed. Still I advise you two to not end up like Bruce. All of them turned around quickly and saw Barbara standing next to her old costume. She was closing in on them and finally mange to get to them. I've got the intelligence, yet I don't yet have the moves. Batman Beyond creado por: Paul Dini & Bruce Timm. So what's next? We may protect the innocent, but we cannot punish the guilty in any shape or form, without thinking of the consequences for such acts. Buu DCAU Batgirl Muscle Inflation. Superman Supergirl Wonder Woman. She vault over the vaulting horse, grabbed the rings and did a magnificent flip to the end of the course. As you may have guessed, this is all drawn and colored digitally. "You got it, Batman!" Super-Hearing: Batgirl Beyond' hearing is sensitive enough to hear any sound at any volume or pitch. "Hey, Commissioner, we did everything we could to help! So the threesome walked a short way to a nearby twenty-four hour caf. Terry and Terra are going to see if Mr. Wayne would hire me to be a computer technician! Whether or not they lived the Batclan couldn't say. "I wish we could still have some of that innocence," Terra remarked as she bit into her slice. "We're involved in a hunting accident. Eat my liver?". The dregs didn't even see or hear her at all. So, Robin, are you really ready to see yourself as a defender for Gotham?". All of a sudden a flash of bright blue came from behind him and hit the control panel on the wall. In addition to that that sword of hers has been sharpened by lasers to be no thicker then a molecule. All of a sudden the trio of heroes started to attack. "So you and Dick Grayson dated in college?" AU of Legacy, "I'm guessing you're not planning on leaving anytime soon.". asked one of the cops. You think anything goin' to happen? artbook batgirl batman batmanbeyond batmanfanfiction comics fanfiction muscle musclegrowth. Rule 1: You listen to me without question. All Rights Reserved batgirl harem powergirl superhero woman wonder Table of contents Last updated Sep 20, 2019 Powers: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 You and Max get in there now!" So recently I've been watching Batman Beyond as well as reading the comics based on the show and I came up with relatively simple idea of Melanie Walker aka Ten of the Royal Flush Gang becoming Batgirl Beyond (I know there's already one in the comics), an old and not really unique idea to be sure. But do you know what happens to those who fail to kill their target? I've got no doubt that I can keep up with you two. However, neither had seen a stranger looking woman. Terra panted to her mom. ", "Yes, it was like ballet on the street, we were the perfect duo. asked Terry as he sipped his drink. The original Batgirl during the Silver Age was Bette Kane. It worked! ", "Alright, Batgirl, we'll follow your plan. Seeing how the only reason I can figure out that I was spared my reality's demise is that the world needed a Batgirl to aid Batman. But he cannot do it alone. asked the son as he leapt from rooftop to rooftop. But that was snuffed out of her mind as quick as a candle stub. Terra did understand completely that while she'd been lucky to have Danny, Bruce and her mom, Mary, back in her life, it would seem her desire to have this particular friendship might not be possible. screamed Batman and he struck Stalker and nailed him. But this kid seemed to be almost inhuman! She could see into her soul when she gazed into the pools of gleaming sapphire, and what she saw was her younger self. As if to prove the point, Bruce Wayne started to slowly walk over to them, his features as usual unreadable. Batgirl is one of Batman 's side-kicks and a member of the Batman Family similar to Robin. I'll meet you at home in a few hours. Still she couldn't condone what these two were doing, even if she herself had done it a long time ago before. Since her hair was so short she didn't need to wait as long as Terra did to get it dry. "Okay, Lady, drop the sword, or things are going to get ugly," Batman said as he ready the bollow whip. inquired Terra playfully as she took out a blue hairbrush and started to brush her long silky-smooth black locks. So for the next twenty minutes Terre recounted every single detail of her life and how she came to be in this reality. So why do I need this?" "If you want to hunt us then be prepared for the fight of you lives!" Instinctively Barbara whipped out her firearm and pointed it at the assailant. Terry struggled to get free from the energy cage but couldn't. And more importantly felt it was BECAUSE she was Batgirl that she was spared from her reality's demise. So they just tried to look retentive instead. "Well, if that all done you better get home. She had to admit it was a bit better and sleeker looking then the eye mask. But they still had to rescue Matt. As the former Batman strolled over to them he was accompanied by his beloved and loyal dog. "I don't like this, guys. But it didn't stop her. The girls ran through two intersections, a restaurant kitchen and a few rooftops. Max quickly added to the already confused Tan cousins. Terra said nothing but slurped up more of her milkshake. After all they were the good guys. So if you'd all get back to the starting line we can get started.". Perhaps seeing how crime freely running rampant due to the extreme corruption of Gotham's PD, Terry and Melanie decide to take up the mantle of Batman + Batgirl themselves with Max acting as Oracle/Tech support/Mission Control for the two. The world seemed to fade into nonexistence as they eased their way to the other lips. Put down the sword now!" "Well, alright. After a few more tense moments, she decided to protect Barb for the moment. Right now at Gotham Plaza the mysterious father and son were immersed in some type of ritual. Sucking in a deep breath Max managed to grin broadly. "We thought you'd be back in about twenty minutes. Now let's get down to business, shall we?" Just go with them," she said with a quick kiss on the cheek and smiled encouragingly which he returned and left. "Alright, girls we need to lose these guys. She tossed the smoke pellets and soon a hazy green gas filled the park. So I hope you heed my advice, and not get involved with police business, capish?" Bruce smiled at the young woman and threw her something. "Alright, I shall wear this from now on. For a moment she just held it in silent wonder. "You okay, Commissioner? You may think it's easy to make a choice to be hero, but they're serious consequences when you make this choice. As he'd said he didn't expect anything less then absolute perfection. So I'm ready for anything that the old man can throw at me!". He went to get Matt but almost immediately found a large cut in the pipes and a dagger pined with jacket. "They're known as Stalker and his son Hunter. Consequently he's been sentences to die so he can't do just that," she explained plainly while eyeing Terry and Terra. These are characters inspired by the Dark Knight Trilogy. ", "Yes, Father, it would be. Supergirl. So don't get sloppy.". You've my word," Terra vowed solemnly to the Commissioner as she handed her the disk with information on Curare. she shot back challengingly. A well built older looking man in an orange jumpsuit was laying on the bed. So, even if he didn't show it on the outside, the twins were sure that he was a tiny bit unsettled by all this too. Batgirl relayed sharply to her mentor. Except now, he wasn't wearing any flashy armor. It's we wanted," Terry stated proudly. "Well, Terra, I will agree with you on that point, that this training and kicking ass will definitely keep you young and healthy. When all three of the teen heroes got together they all sat down at a table. ", "Sounds like a good plan to me, Batman. replied her husband coolly. But I'm sure there is someone who does hate pizza! Barbara managed to knock her husband safely out of the way, but the woman didn't even slow down. And you'll find that bo-staff will come in handy. damianwayne redhood nightwing +17 more # 9 When Assassins Learn to Love (Dami. If there are anyone busier then the city's D.A. Then she tossed her long hair over her shoulder and smiled. Mom is expecting us to be home by six. Mary was very frightened and worried. Additionally she informed them both of their other responsibilities. Do you have anything to say in your defense?" We're lucky that they didn't take our picture when we saved Eco-City last weekend. Bruce, on the other hand, didn't seem as taken aback by Barbara's visit as his apprentices were. Taking into account the last time I saw you, you and everyone else was about to die," she intoned solemnly. Bruce just stared at her unblinkingly. She didn't kill them but she defeated them as if they were mere children. Secondly I've heard this speech from you prior to coming to this reality, just so you know that too. She seemed confused and looked at what was in her hand. So just put it on already!". "If you three are done acting like children you should know there been a break in at the Museum of Tribal Arts. Now if you excuse me I need to lend a hand to my partner!" But I do feel like I ran through Hell. cried Batgirl and she immediately changed course and fired a blue batarang at him which he easily blocked. Join the heroic adventures of Batman and his partner, Lady Moon (A.K.A Serena Pisces), as they work together to protect the denizens of Gotham City from the many evil super villains inhabiting it. Despite the fact that it was unmistakably obvious to one and all that the three adolescent heroes were all pooped, they still obeyed their mentor. Still just to be safe we won't all go in at once. Now if you wish to redeem yourself I want you to see if you can track her down," Barbara commanded sternly to the lieutenant. I dont know. Even before my reality imploded, you and I at least saw eye-to-eye on one particular subject. He expected Hunter to reply again, but this time it was his father. For countless years the Dark Knight and his allies, Robin, Nightwing, and Batgirl had danced the sweet tango of battle in the never ending war of evil of their home. So let's not bicker and just do a speedy sweep of the city?" Melanie Walker (also known as Ten) is a recurring character of Batman Beyond. Sometime before "Dead Man's Hand" (The episode she was introduced in) Melanie realizes that her family cares more about their criminal lifestyle, than what she would like. pointing at the Batmobile with envy in her eyes. (why won't you let me die?) It still struck its target. You may not be popular at Hill High. The Twins taking advantaged of their being caught off-guard and attacked. 2/26/2022 - The Other Side of Paradise by Nergd. And I'll also need my own vehicle! Still, it's no justification for what you've done here, Bruce!". Come along D.A. Everyone stand down!" The father then smeared on an animal skin a symbol. She pocketed it and left the park. Although, Commissioner, I also strongly know this as well, and that is it's not up to us to have the final verdict. But how could they ditch him without worrying about him? All it takes is one choice, one decision and everything is subject to change. Batgirl commanded and leapt into the air and did a few flips before releasing her electric batarangs as did her comrades. Rule 2: You give me the best you got. Terry, what happened? "Alright, follow me," he said as they walked over to the supercomputer and he pulled up the picture from Interpol. ", Batman was still too out of breath to answer, Batgirl despite being fatigued herself, at least got her second wind back first and had to smile. But Bruce shook his head knowingly. All the same Max's you're gonna need some extra protection. She took her scimitar and used to cut a lamppost hoping to pin them down. But I do believe. So now a new player comes to protect the dark knight city, meet Terra, Batgirl Beyond! inquired Robin impatiently to her leader. This is the hunt of a lifetime!". That was rules for the other Robins and I don't expect anything less then perfection. So she slipped on the mask and looked in the mirror. It was amazing that the fire system didn't go off from the giant fire that they'd cooked up. Max didn't know she was being followed too. Dana replied pointing at the pink and orange pipes. He was for a moment shocked at what he was seeing, as the blue skinned woman made an insane and possible kamikaze move. ", For a moment it seemed like that question was a bullet that pierced Barbara's heart. So with that warning everyone quickly got out of costume. So it wasn't as easy a choice to make as first imaged. His reflexes and strength were almost equal to her suit amplifications! But if you wish to continue with this lifestyle you've got to obey a few rules. Still she shook it off and returned to the point of why she had come here to begin with. I own none of them. Let's do that! Batgirl Beyond fanfiction and other related art found here: [link] Base used for pose reference is found here: [link] Batman and Batman Beyond (c) DC Comics. But they did return Matt home where he excitably told his mom the story. However, that was a mistake most people didn't realize they shouldn't make. Max immediately squealed with joy as she saw what was on that rock. Terry had a harder time only managing to lose his hunter by giving his jacket to a bum. It was of a bat! His mission: to protect his town from evil. Meanwhile another training exercise was going on. Until he did. It's just way to obvious! All Rights Reserved. "Well, for starters, you two, this woman, known only as Curare, is as deadly as her name. No-one forced us to do anything. For the newest member of the Batclan it was a lesson she had yet to fully comprehend. And I meant it! Neither knew however they're being watched. She gave them a funny look and replied, "Ancient history, Terra.". "Now ain't the time to quarrel. or: Nexus's YOTP 2023, Hey, don't cry, room full of vampires in Gotham(()), i felt bad tagging the ones that dont have signficant roles, kind of a big group ordeal but everyone tagged gets a moment dw, am being my truest autistic self abt these vamps. I just hope I get my own shway ride soon. "All we require is privacy," replied the young son without even looking at the infuriated bellhop. hissed Terry panicky pointing at the skylight and sure enough they're there. Hold your fire! "He went tubing." His mission: to protect his town from evil. ", "I did. I'm afraid I don't know much more then that. C'mon kid lets play some games. But when she went to thank them they'd vanished. Huntress was on a patrol like any other day, when one of her Rogues, Wormhole, had went and sent her on the hunt for a villain named Chronos, putting her on a journey through time to catch this danger to reality, but she can handle that, we just have to worry about how she will react to a younger version of her dad, before Duke, before Cass, before Damian, before her mother's fall there's no telling how Helena Martha Wayne will react. You give me all you got and more and I'll see if you can help become a worthy heir to the Robin legacy. "It's totally shway! And that is we should defend the innocent. Bruce had a smug look on his face. challenged Terra with a defiant look on her features. I mean God!" Don't get in my way. asked Bruce as Terry stared at her in wonderment. Don't worry, honey, I'll make certain you remain safe. Batgirl threw her grenade into the air where a bullet hit it and blinded everyone else. Wait till it gets dark, then attack from the front and I'll cover the rear." Both of our backs were broken in five places", "They'd to replace both of our spines. And Max did very well for her first real mission. I guess I'll just have to get my hair dry the old-fashion way. If someone went out their way to make sure you came, its best to keep your guard up. She had to concur with her brother though. Login to review. So she wanted to make the new Bruce just as proud in addition to euphoric as the old one. She left in a huff not even giving her men more orders. Robin, you render inoperative their equipment. I'm confident that we can make you and your son stay at the Gotham Plaza one to remember. Right at the moment the new trio of heroes was at a recycling plant. After all when have the police EVER scared the scumbags who live in this city? Anonymous reviews have been disabled. Okay, I see the fuse box on the northeast wall. Barbara stared her brilliant blue eyes hard into the young girl's ones. It's got the best pizza and ripping games! Both were neon green as he watched through a special lens. But what matter most to them at the moment was they finally won Barbara's respect and at least for Terra she had somewhat rekindle her friendship with Barb. They ran faster then they did in the obstacle course. "It's an honor to be in the presence of the former Batgirl. The trio was hiding in the rafters and trying not to be seen or heard. So don't go get it blown up. Because it sure ain't good, in my opinion to be perfectly frank," remarked Terra tersely as she shook her hair out. Who were those freaks?" She threw her sword at it but Batman tried to grab it in midair. After awhile even that got old. He had pulled up an incredibly blurry photograph of the assailant whom Bruce identified as Curare. And she now knew she had her blessing for being the new Batgirl. Alright I'm keeping tabs on that new one. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. There's more suits here then at the White House! replied Terry. All of them had a different reaction to their surprise visitor visit. She caught it in her hands and looked. Batgirl fired a batarang and knocked the blowgun out of their assailant hands. If I see so much as a pointy eared shadow I'll have you both up in front of the Supreme Court! Beyond the Bat 10 pages May 21, 2020 Kt DCU Batgirl | Bruce Wayne Oracle Stephanie Brown | Batman Dc Dc Comics Alfred Robin Joker Nightwing Two Face Catwoman Arkham Gotham She and Terry had just taken off their masks and now were staring intensely at the image. However, I'm not so happy with you and the rest of the squadron. Both Terry and Barbara order coffee, but since coffee made Terra gag, she ordered a milkshake. For those like us who live for the thrill of the hunt this was a tragedy. ", "Well, the way my father and I see it they are ageless souls inhabiting the greatest warrior of each generation. And they had bungled up Barbara's clever trap. My father and I have no real interest in you. They'd to lure the hunters away from here. I want all that can be spared to keep Sam safe. It was better then just trying to cook something for just her lonely self. You and your husband alright?" Batgirl Supergirl Wizards Lair Supergirl and Batgirl Team-Up 2006 Contest. More then I expected of a silly bird. He watched fascinated as Stalker and Hunter did a ritual to prepare for their hunt. After all you are in charge of the whole police force. Batgirl attack Hunter from behind and then Robin threw a bola whip around them. Woman did n't even see or hear her at all giving her men more orders, she to. Some type of ritual replied pointing at the Museum of tribal Arts wanted, '' she with. Man can throw at me! `` of time two steps ahead batgirl beyond fanfiction... She bit into her soul when she went to thank them they 'd vanished starters, and... Did return Matt home where he excitably told his mom the story of Bruce Wayne, his. 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batgirl beyond fanfiction