6 characteristics of benedictine spirituality

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The typical person takes little time for personal renewal in the hectic daily round of activities. (320) 363-7112. Refer to each styles convention regarding the best way to format page numbers and retrieval dates. Prayer is essential to a Benedictine lifestyle. Humility is also a dominant theme in Benedictine spirituality; in fact it is closely related to contemplation. Brendan Rolling, OSB of St Benedicts Abbey of Atchison, Kansas, Sister Joan tells us that a Benedictine lifestyle is an an oasis of human peace. Recommended titles: Michael Casey, A Guide to Living in the Truth, 2001; Anselm Grn, Benedict of Nursia: His Message for Today, 2006. Her muscular Christianity is grounded in the spiritual practices of the Rule of Saint Benedict, such as silence, hospitality, humility, and peace. Benedictine monks and nuns made a commitment to living in a specific location, within a specific community, as the context for their spiritual growth and development. Downloaded from the web site of the Bodleian library: Created: 8th century date QS:P,+750-00-00T00:00:00Z/7, we acknowledge the primacy of God and look for God in the ordinary events of each day, Benjamin Schfer, who calls himself an intercessory musicianary, blog theologian, and pilgrim on the narrow road of learning to love, writes in depth about ways to foster awareness of God, requires that we never stop asking hard questions about our personal growth, The Sisters of St. Benedict in Ferdinand, Indiana explain the importance of community life in Benedictine practice on their website, Interviewed by Krista Tippett for her podcast, Kyle T. Kramer explains in his 2011 article for America Magazine that hospitality, for a Benedictine, An essay by the Sisters of St. Marys Monastery in Rock Island, IL explains that, Read the full essay to learn more about how humility helps us grow, This article on the Contemplative outreach website explains the history of, As Good Samaritan Sister Clare Condon writes, Listening with the ear of the heart, read more about the Liturgy of the Hours by clicking here. Using philosophical and theological lens, this paper attempts to 1) present the Benedictine Leadership vis--vis Care ethics 2) proffer that charity or care is the driving force of a transformational leader and, 3) purport that a caring leader, directly or . It is one among many schools that speak to contemporary hearts, yet it is particularly unique in its lasting impact on Western Christianity. Sam Rahberg is former Director of the Benedictine Center and a spiritual director in St. Paul. Benedictine hospitality requires us to moderate our own views and voices, and in this day and age, as in all ages, moderation is supremely radical. praying the Divine Office) as well as regular silent . If there is anything that everyone of us in the whole world needs more of right now, its peace. Humility requires the monk to accept the gifts of others, their wisdom, their experience, and their counsel. (February 22, 2023). Having the mind of a beginner, being receptive to starting anew, starting fresh, starting overthis, too, is a Benedictine practice. Humility enables the monk to stand in awe before the world and to receive the gifts of God and others. Simplicity of life and a sense of stewardship are also characteristics of Benedictine spirituality. trailer Benedictine, member of the Order of Saint Benedict (O.S.B. Benedictine spirituality helps us to: Focus our eyes on God and His Word Be a people of humility Live and pray in community, rather than being too individualistic Maintain prayerful discipline in our lives 1. 0000002422 00000 n This is not simply a change in my opinion or even in my ideological stance, but a much deeper change in my attitude, a real change in my way of being and doing. Listening is integral to the practice of conversatio, indeed to all the practices, which, as Laureen Virnig OSB teaches to Oblates in formation, are inseparable woven together to make of our spirituality a living tapestry. "Let everyone that comes be received as Christ" is one of the most familiar and oft-quoted phrases of the Rule. In an article for HuffPost Sister Joan tells us that a Benedictine lifestyle is an an oasis of human peace in a striving, searing, simmering world. This lifestyle disallows war and violence on any level, including the root causes of violenceambition, greed, waste of resources, class distinctions, and the hubris that leads to the oppression of others, that justifies force as the sign of our superiority. This lifestyle makes ample room for what it valuescommunity, prayer, stewardship, equality, stability, conversion, peace all [which] make for communities of love. Without humility, Sr. Joan explains, there can be no peace. Consequently he accepts the services and ideas of others, the gifts of life, and community. Only a year ago, after a year of formation, I became an Oblate of Saint Benedicts Monastery in St. Joseph, MInnesota. 1. He does not harbor illusions of grandeur but senses that all of his life is simply gift. Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. 4qAB0Lfb+ ``v@ BK j Demonstrate good will, humility, trust, accountability, justice, faithfulness, obedience, peace, and discipleship. Monastic life was punctuated by the rhythms of prayer during the hours of each day. It sets up a framework of life, an institution, of which the essential and constitutive elements are firmly determined: life in common under the government of a superior called an abbot, who has the help of a prior and other officials and takes counsel of the whole assembly of monks, even the youngest in the community. Read the full essay to learn more about how humility helps us grow in the love of God and deepens our bonds with each other. Through contemplative prayer, the monk becomes an emptiness so there is space for God as well as space for others. In the East it dates back to the 3rd century with St. Anthony, and in the West to the 4th century with St. Martin and other founders of monasteries. Co-Director of the Spirituality Center. The ideal of this pattern of conversion is meant to be incarnated in a special way for the community in the abbot, who is expected to be a symbolic center exercising a centripetal force that draws individuals into a truly Christian community of life for God and others in Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. At the heart of his contemplative tradition are values which are directly opposed to blindness, materialism, and greed. Living the Benedictine spirituality, as a monk, an . How have we been equipped by God to do so? It is humility that makes us happy with what we have, willing to have less, kind to all, simple in our bearing, and serene within ourselves. It only takes 2-3 minutes to read her article. Characteristics of Benedictine Spirituality. For the readers convenience, I will include only six of them here along with a simple explanation. Only a year ago, after a year of formation, I became an Oblate of Saint Benedicts Monastery in St. Joseph, MInnesota. . Cultivating awareness of God is important for all who seek a meaningful spirituality. But what does the Bible teach on this issue? Stewardship of resources, as a Benedictine practice, flows out of the commitment to stability, explain. He is author of Ice Break: A Collection of Poems (Aetos Publications, 2019), Enduring Ministry: Toward a Lifetime of Christian Leadership (Liturgical Press, 2017), and The Gospels in Poem and Image (Aetos Publications, 2016-2019). This invitation to listen came to Benedict from the heart of the Old and New Testament traditions. Benedictine prayer has several characteristics that make more for a spirituality of awareness than of consolation. Sam has experience in parish ministry and holds a masters degree in theology from Saint Johns University (Collegeville, MN). Balance is less about achieving perfect equilibrium than it is a pendulum which continuously swings back toward a central point. 2019Encyclopedia.com | All rights reserved. All monks are by definition "solitaries," for this is the original meaning of their name, which comes from the Greek word monachos, derived from monos, to which corresponds the Latin solus (alone). New Catholic Encyclopedia. Im interested in connecting person-to-person with others who share my values, who want to participate with me in building a meaningful network of relationships that will serve to support us on our spiritual journey. Patience does not relieve us of our natural feelings of aversion, irritation, and indignation, but it controls and rises above these feelings Our Lord felt the natural impulse to avoid suffering, but He set aside and refused to listen to this feeling: Father not my will but Thine be done.Where does this patience show itself? He writes: "The will develops its own gifts, seeking to perfect them in the order of nature and of grace so as to bring the faithful soul to spiritual maturity. The School of Benedictine Spirituality is willing to help people enhance their spirituality, which is claimed to be a search for the sacred that is seen as "a blend of humanistic psychology with mystical and esoteric traditions and eastern religions aimed at personal well-being and personal development" ( Benedictine spirituality, 2013, par . //. In this article, I have merely collected and summarized what other, more experienced Benedictines have taught and published. It is regular, converting, reflective, and communal. It is a comprehensive rule of life for the whole church and all her members. Closely related to both listening and humility is the virtue of obedience. Music students do their instruments. 1) They know that not one-size-fits-all. Strong communities embrace stability and are open to necessary change. New Catholic Encyclopedia. There were also other forms of monastic life, but they were more or less eccentric in comparison with the two main types and sometimes led to abuse. The diffusion of the Rule of Benedict in the West was slow. 4. We are moved to profound respect for the ways the Creator puts resources at our disposal to further the kingdom of God. c. smith, The Path of Life (Ampleforth, England 1995). Finding God in All Things. As Sister Julie explains on the blog A Nuns Life, The Liturgy of the Hours is made up of specific prayers said at various time (hours) during the day and night. startxref In her blog, Presbyterian minister Lynne Baab offers ways for those of us who do not live in a monastery to embrace stability. People are tired and worn out from striving against unhealthy systems. e. de waal, Seeking God: The Way of St. Benedict (Collegeville 1984). Benedictine obedience is ultimately directed not to other humans or to ourselves, but through the agency of others and the deepest yearnings of our own hearts, in love, to God. What are the characteristics of Benedictine spirituality? It encourages a life balance between corporate worship, spiritual reading and work in the context of community. 3 Views. The wisdom of Native Americans has often been quoted as a way of thinking about the long term implications of our present actions: What is the impact of our decisions on the seventh generation? We are called to consider ourselves part of Gods larger and longer story, living a legacy which was a gift to us and inspiring others who will follow. Yes, work, too, is a basic tenet of Benedictine Spirituality, Chris Sullivan nexplains in her blog post Work and Prayer in the Style of St. Benedict for Loyala Press. How do we respect all things as vessels of the altar (RB 31:10). St. Benedicts chapter on humility is one of the longest in the, The Benedictine practice of Liturgical prayer is one of Benedictine spiritualitys most visible, unmistakable hallmarks. The Rule revolves around five practices: Prayer, Work, Study, Hospitality and Renewal. Poverty of spirit, simplicity, sharing and giving, self-denial prompted by love, freedom of heart, gratitude, care for persons, and sound judgment with regard to created things should proceed from exposure to God in prayer. This religious practice refers to St. Benedict and his spiritual practice. But Benedict also reminds the monk that there is a wicked zeal which leads to death. is an Italian saint and one of the first followers of Saint Francis of Assisi. Encyclopedia.com. In this article, Benjamin Schfer, who calls himself an intercessory musicianary, blog theologian, and pilgrim on the narrow road of learning to love, writes in depth about ways to foster awareness of God. The term was applied to two principal types: the hermits who lived alone or in small unorganinzed groups, and the cenobites who lived in community. Here are some of the characteristics of Benedictine spirituality: For Benedict, the spiritual life was about listening to Godthrough prayer, Scriptures, the depths of our own experience, through listening to others in our community and the wider church. endstream endobj 10 0 obj <> endobj 11 0 obj <> endobj 12 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/ExtGState<>>> endobj 13 0 obj <> endobj 14 0 obj <> endobj 15 0 obj <> endobj 16 0 obj <> endobj 17 0 obj <> endobj 18 0 obj <>stream This grows our ability to rest in stability. Benedictine Spirituality - also known as Monastic Spirituality. This listening is not merely an intellectual or rational activity; it is intuitive, springing from the very core of the monk's being where he is most open to God and most open to the word of life that God speaks. The third Benedictine value is conversatio morum, which translates to "conversion of life." This value involves a commitment to personal and spiritual growth, and it involves constantly seeking to improve oneself and to live in a way that is consistent with one's values and beliefs. St. Benedict speaks of steps in humility, comparing them to the rungs of a ladder which we climb one by onean image that implies not a strict order of ascent but a more general sense of movement growth. . Digital nun, writing for ibenedictines.org tells us,The practice of mindfulness, which for a Christian must always be the practice of mindfulness of the presence of God, is not something we learn in a few hours or even a few years. People are seen as an integrated whole: Body, Mind, and Spirit. The rule did not become a text of the past or a dead document; rather it continued to live and to vivify, but its very fecundity, its inexhaustible youthfruits of its discretionexplain how it was able to inspire different realizations. <<8F8BC2AF36339D4C919A3718E673BE78>]>> This little rule for beginners serves to develop a spirituality made up of practices, which Benedictines incorporate into their relationship with God and their interactions with the people with whom they live and work. Benedicts rule calls us to a daily rhythm of listening, obedience, and conversion of life. People are seen as an integrated whole: Body, Mind, and Spirit. God speaks to the monk through Christ, but the monk is called to see Christ not only in the superior but also in the guests, in the sick, in the young, and in the old. Hence the monk must be poor psychologically because he realizes his dependence on others. You can learn more about her in her Living Spiritual Teachers Project profile. Practice is how people develop the skills to get adept at anything. . Stop the madness; listen to the God who loves you. The Rule of Benedict opens with the word "listen" (ausculta ). The rule is marked by a strong sense of the individual monk's personal worth and dignity. The Benedictine practice of service to others is intimately entwined with the reverence for all creation, and another of the great foundations of Benedictine spirituality. It shows itself in the way (emphasis mine) you put up with the many things of your daily life, sickness, death, war, persecution, mishaps and misfortunes of every kind. In other words, without awareness of God and without gratitude, indeed, without the interweaving of all these practices into our lives, patience cannot exist. Ignatian spirituality is a spirituality for everyday life. Hence, conversion to Christ and response to his love through the power of the Holy Spirit are the goals of obedience. Augustinian Spirituality does not take us out of the world (into the . In Benedictine practice we acknowledge the primacy of God and look for God in the ordinary events of each day. Saint Benedict Benedict of Nursia lived from ca. Furthermore, he avoids anything that would be excessive or beyond the capacity of the average monk. More than a founder in the juridical sense of the word, its author had been an educator, or better, a spiritual father, and he aimed at forming consciences capable of spiritual liberty.

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6 characteristics of benedictine spirituality