verbal judo strip phrases

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Not only did this incident, strengthen my relationship with Rodriguez, the students in the dormitory became tight nit. 7 things never to say to anyone, and why (Part 1) Nov 11, 2005. Springboard past the insults and focus on the goal, You should sound good when you use these phrases, "Let the person say what they want as long as he does what you say, Always go for the win-win. Ultimately, youre talking seems more friendly, even if the goal is exactly the same. To ask is a sign of respect; to tell is Stephen. They lived for them. Seven: Whats your problem?Best answer: Its not a problem, its just something I need to discuss. 24 0 obj <> endobj Dr. Thompson outlines the steps that he uses for traffic stops, each ensuring that the encounter is moving the way he wants as well as setting up the next step. Jeff. Thanks for sharing the review here. Persuasion is about meeting people where they are, and bringing them into your frame, in a calm and welcoming way. hbbd```b`` "A$,>,L*H$ dHi 2lN:d*@$c ~2=`2T#30=` ?/T Most people are driven by emotions, especially in highly-charged circumstances. Dr. George J. Thompson now teaches his Verbal Judo course to police and other professionals across the United States. One of the older students said. It involves understanding the content of a message, coding it into words, sending it, and decoding it for the listener in order to avoid misunderstanding. or . N(,( ( ( ( (*: ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( *J ( ( ( ( QE T QE( Q( ( ( ( ( Q@PA`fEPEPE 3@Q@Q@%G@Qh J( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( J#( ( t H-1vO#(.S%Z}yGoqsOg{_~RO.. Youve heard the Golden Rule, to treat others as youd like to be treated. Instead, move with him and redirect his energy. All rights reserved. Passed away in 2011 after year's battling throat cancer. more professional and less emotional. people. (1993). opening. Two: You wouldnt understand.Best answer: Yes I would, try me, I want to help. 2. Five steps for generating voluntary compliance: Is there anything I can say or do at this time to earn your cooperation? The title is a clue, judo being the sport that was derived from the martial art jiu-jitsu, which roughly translates as "the art of giving way". Instead we must empathize with that position while moving the person towards a beneficial outcome. Using your words will calm them and make them more reasonable because your words will (or better be!) b. Whether thats survival or simply a promotion at work, Verbal Judo can be used in various scenarios. All people want to be treated with dignity and respect. Acronym: PAVPOPerspectiveAudienceVoicePurposeOrganization, PACEProblemAudienceConstraintsEthical presence. Background: Routine speeding stop; driver . What is your estimate of MMMs WACC using the book-value weights calculated in question 1a? Your speaking voice has four factors. languages, making the reach of Verbal Judo global. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Verbal Judo: The Gentle Art of Persuasion (English Edition) at Verbal Judo: The gentle art of persuasion. You took the insult and stripped back your response to overcome the insult. The ability to stay calm, read your opponent, and attempt to redirect any aggression towards you. On the third day after he arrived in the facility, one of the students confronted me. Read 7 things never to say to anyone, and why, Part II. This reminds me of a story when I was working in an instant printing company. The use of these tactics puts the police officer in control of the conversation, . "Judo is the art of redirecting an opponents energy to achieve a goal," is how Thompson phrases it. 8 to 5 are emerging as the dominant communications models for public safety. Overall, Verbal Judo is also known as the gentle art of persuasion which is exactly what it is. A customer cane through the door and started a full on tirade about the printing being no good. An open and flexible mind is able to be agile and adjust on the fly. What is Verbal Judo. Verbal Judo: One-Day Webinar, The Gentle Art of Persuasion for the Healthcare Professional, September 12th, 2023. Secondly, if you want to further your training, then there are various videos online that can help teach you the art of language and communication. One way to start out is by reading the book by Dr. George Thompson. He says the primary reasons for this are: " (1) Verbal Judo and S.A.F.E.R. put it best in the song Hypnotize: Never lose, never choose to, bruise crews who If you want to improve your Verbal Judo skills, then there are several ways to do so. 0 I say, "Let them chip at you as long as they're cooperating with you. This Video explains what Strip Phrases are, why they are useful in dealing with insults. Only 10-15% of your communication is received by what you say. He also talked about other strip phrases such as "I understan' that sir, but I need XXXXXX." You can also create your own strip phrases. Night stick or baton.Six: deadly force. A customer cane through the door and started a full on tirade about the printing being no good. When a character is in a situation that's just about to explode into a fight probably in a physical sense, but a severe verbal confrontation would count too but manages to deflate the aggression and tension through communication and to avert the unpleasantness. Pacing people to gain their trust requires that you dont alienate them. Get him the #%*! Even though the packaging showed that it was printed elsewhere, I just nodded agreed and said how right you are. Hence, rather than reassuring them that things will improve, which should be your goal, you have created a new problem! Being a master at Verbal Judo without realizing it or knowing you are. As a result, its no surprise to see police forces being trained in Verbal Judo to avoid fights and bad situations. Three basic types of people in the world: Difficult people (people who ask why)Whats in it for me?When people ask why, jump into the question and use it as an opportunity.Shift from resisting to welcoming and appreciating difficult people. Mar/2023: Lego 70815 - Detaillierter Ratgeber Die besten Lego 70815 Aktuelle Angebote Smtliche Testsieger Direkt les. Not cool Mr. Uche, not cool. References:Verbal Judo: The Gentle Art Persuasion By George Thompson, Anger Management 101: Taming the Beast Within By Ugo Uche. Here, you will learn what to say, and what not to say when talking. He stayed with us for years. Its a wealth of knowledge that Ive returned to more than once since finishing this 200 page book. Mass Shooters and the Myth That Evil Is Obvious, Transforming Empathy Into Compassion: Why It Matters, Anger Management 101: Taming the Beast Within, 5 Ways to Deepen Emotional Connection With Your Preschooler, 6 Early Signs of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Children. As the saying goes, the art of war is to not start a war which is very relevant with Verbal Judo. All people want a second chance when they make a mistake. Lowest level of pain.Four: use of artificial incapacitators. Say it right the first time. Because it flows naturally from our lips! a. The ancient samurai knew never to let an opponent pick the place of battle for then the sun would always be in your eyes! although I have been confronted by stupid and wrong people! Strip phrases (use them).I preciate that butI understan that butOhyesCombine them. Truly enlightened communication doesnt come naturally to anyone.Never use words that rise readily to your lips.If your antagonist can upset you, he owns you at some level.Step 1: admit crap is being flung.Step 2: acknowledge it is being flung at you. b. Lets talk about them. Easy, but wrong. Hope you enjoyed this and got value from my notes.This is the 26th book read in my2018 reading list.Here is a list of my book summaries. My name is David Neely and I make software for the web and mobile. He states that all people want to be: Treated with dignity and respect. For many, its not taught in a self defense setting, but instead teaches you how to avoid getting bullied by words. Ten: I am doing this for your own good.Best answer: Ask for specifics. A persons mind cannot be expanded unless he or she is motivated.The underlying principle of motivation is to raise expectations. The following statement really caught my attention because it works very well. Filled with stories and anecdotes from Georges law enforcement career. George Thompson goes into detail on these in his book Verbal Judo check it out here this book has lots of great tactics and stories from his perspective..Verbal Judo\u0026linkCode=df0\u0026hvadid=312114711115\u0026hvpos=\u0026hvnetw=g\u0026hvrand=8546551822983511022\u0026hvpone=\u0026hvptwo=\u0026hvqmt=\u0026hvdev=c\u0026hvdvcmdl=\u0026hvlocint=\u0026hvlocphy=9059183\u0026hvtargid=pla-434106874271\u0026psc=1 Can we talk? Heres a list of the strip phrases you can use when someone insults you: Each strip phrase allows you to retain some self-worth while verbally acknowledging the insult, deflecting it with a strip phrase, then discussing what you actually want from the person. Street truth #1: The Peace Officer knows what phrases create peace and what phrases create conflict (see my previous columns) but the Peace Warrior also knows some "hidden truths" unknown to most. Safety lies in knowledge. Practically everyone knows about Judo and its origins and what it involves. Verbal Judo teaches you to redirect the energy of an uncooperative person rather than resisting . There was a new student in the dormitory and he was openly gay. Share yours for free! On the other hand, if you have criticism, never open with praise. 2. The "cocked tongue" can be more lethal than the 9 millimeter or the 45. How can you implement this approach in your confrontations or difficult situations? Parents do it all the time with their kids, and street cops do it with resistant subjects, all the time! But we all know that doesnt work. I thought things through briefly, then decried to try verbal judo. "Yeah," Rodriguez replied nodding his head. Trying to gain compliance from the . George J. Thompson, Ph.D., is a former English professor and a black bet master of karate. Explain your answer. What Verbal Judo is not, is manipulating people in a negative way. Part 1 of a 2-part series %%EOF d. How confident are you in the estimate chosen in part c? Like physical Judo, the verbal version is a skill that needs to be developed. Even if you are prepared to act, you have warned the subject that you are about to do so and forewarned is forearmed! Instead, use your professional face and understand that someones. Sort of reminds me of Bruce Lee, "Be Like Water", Keith! endstream endobj startxref The spouse, during an argument, who throws out the incorrect idea that you never do the dishes! His steps include: Opening with a Friendly Greeting, Identification as Authority, Giving a Reason for the Stop, Asking for a Justification (because they may have one! What's wrong with it? z}0dFXM{,?d5(y]wYmE8{?]4p~bp=~"|dGilwu[>.npvt[K*.T\WT\X Being more aware when antagonists are trying to upset me and not let myself get upset. By a similar token, you can also find a Verbal Judo audiobook if so desired. Our. Notice this question is polite, professional, and calm. I will write more about this in another post, for now here are some references on books that discuss verbal judo to various extents, one of them is written by myself. Notice how none of these involves emotional battles. Listen and speak more effectively, engage people through empathy (the most powerful word in the English language), avoid the most common conversational disasters, and use proven strategies that allow you to successfully communicate your point of view and take the upper . This Video explains what Strip Phrases are, why they are useful in dealing with insults. softens the person up to talk and calm down; where 'Calm down' hardens the resistance. Have you read Verbal Judo? See what you did there? So a lot of restraints took place after a student had threatened the life of another peer or staff, refused to be led away by security to isolation, and invited a challenge to be physically restrained. Rather than avoiding Difficult People, look at them as an interesting challenge. 398 What Is Tone? a. Create a free website or blog at However, by saying Lets talk about this, you dont have to shoot. you are treating the aggressor with respect, asking them a question and are offering them a way out, rather than forcing the situation on the other person. "Go ahead call 'em," by the time they get here its on, he said as he glared at me. For instance, simply saying Dont shoot! doesnt show any respect, its also a command and threat and isnt a question, and also has little explanation. LP8CE5~h(wy \YeU)|N+:ayPMlr`{o6rVmpf[a:/-vs6@ Some people even go to Verbal Judo courses that will teach you in person and use roleplay to show exactly how it works. Even if youre not into Judo, the reality is that youll still have a rough idea of how it works. Consider, you are on patrol and you see someone suspicious you want to talk with, so you most naturally say, "Hey you! Underlying principles.Empathy absorbs tension. Because if you choose violence, you will only prolong your stay in the program by at least an extra three months.". "Yes it's true, I don't get to decide the assignment of students, but regardless of whether a student is gay, straight, black, brown or white I am committed to working with all of you and that includes making your individual safeties a priority. If you can springboard past the insults and focus on the goal you have dis-empowered the other person. They were trained to see warfare as a joy and conflict, as a sign that they were drawing more energy. Thompson. If you deal with cagey street people, or indeed difficult people at all, anywhere, you need to watch your tongue! All people want to be respected and treated with dignity, regardless of the situation. Give praise when its deserved. Professional Software Developer. A common reoccurring trigger for violence was the perception of disrespect. Goals of Verbal Judo: Ensure the reader's personal safety. \text {Earnings from continuing operations} & \cdots\cdots\cdots\cdots\cdots\cdots\cdots\cdots & \$8.20 & \$6.80\\ He would be escorted to isolation without incident. We do not telegraph our actions nor threaten people, but we do act when verbal persuasion fails. Most of the key points in Thompson's verbal judo approach apply equally to firefighters and other first responders. If you deal with cagey street people, or indeed difficult people at all, anywhere, you need to watch your tongue! temporarily immobilizingFive: impact tools. Eight: You never! Or You always.Best answer: I know it seems I never help out, because often I dont, but lets talk about it. Given a second chance. Ugo is a psychotherapist and owner of Road 2 Resolutions a professional counseling private practice based in Tucson AZ. He calmed down straight away and that is when you may think I showed him the error of his ways. d. Use strip phrases (deflection techniques) 1. . Chapter 1: Birth of a Communication Samurai. @.h7mTJpW#sfH6M*d BFTx-D `6@[ DD$ i E*:dr6Uf--\ In the next part of chapter, he talked about strip phrases. If it doesnt match your notion of what is good for you, say so. "Come here" is loose, lazy, and ineffective language. George Thompson's Five Universal Truths of Human Interaction. That means playing it safe, surrounding yourself with sycophants, taking few responsibilities, and doing what other people tell you to do. Thompson. Do Not Sell My Personal Information, If you need further help setting your homepage, check your browsers Help menu, Dr. George J. Thompson is the President and Founder of the Verbal Judo Institute, a tactical training and management firm now based in Auburn, NY. According to George Thompson, what are the 3 main types of people in this world? I'd like to think so?". A persons mind cannot be expanded unless he or she is motivated. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Is that the real issue or are you upset about something else? Is there anything I can say or do at this time to earn your cooperation? One example of this is by offering solutions rather than threats which are especially useful as a cop or law enforcer. Now you can help them think more logically and less destructively, without making the insulting charge implied in your statement, "Be more reasonable!". In any event . "Maybe they're yelling and screaming. For some people, this is an easier way to learn as it gives you a real insight compared to merely reading about it. The 5 Universal Truths of Human Interaction (paraphrased from Verbal Judo) 1. My Animated GIF Screensaver (MAGS) for MAC, Reflections on Hawaiis 2015 Global Game Jam, Recommended Reading List for the artistic programmer, Takeaways from The Village Effect How Face to Face Contact Can Make Us Healthier, Happier, and Smarter by Susan Pinker, Protected: Takeaways from The Courage to Teach: Exploring the inner landscape of a teachers life by Parker J. Palmer, Protected: Takeaways from The Way of the Samurai by Yukio Mishima on Hagakure in Modern Life, Protected: Takeaways from The Undiscovered Self by CG Jung, Protected: Takeaways from Encountering Jung: Jung on Active Imagination. Short and simple calm answers that deflect verbal attacks. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Apply Strip Phrases and Springboard techniques. ', If you have used Verbal Judo's Five Steps of Persuasion you know that we act after asking our "nicest, most polite question,", "Sir, is there anything I could say that would get you to do A, B and C? You want to have an idea of how an encounter will play out. The phrase is, of course, a threat, and voicing it leaves you only one viable option-action! Not only is there the matter they were upset about to begin with, but now they need to defend their reaction to you! You can give the person the last word since you will have the last action. The mailroom employees send all remittances and remittance advices to the cashier. The Music club also introduced themselves and listed some of the usable instruments. 4 0 obj The RE means to give back in Latin. A samurai warrior develops a state of mind called mushin which means the still center. Informacin detallada del sitio web y la empresa:, +33160803636, +33160805500 Sogemat Service - fournitures htelires : vaisselle, matriel de cuisine, produits hygine et entretien, vtements professionnels, mobilier de restauration. Second, direct by using strip phrasesa verbal judo conceptsuch as "I hear that, but" or "I can appreciate that, but." Officers can use these phrases to achieve their professional objectives. I hesitated as I held the walkie talkie to my mouth, I knew he would make do on his threat as soon as I placed the call. Empathy is the touchstone.Treat people with dignity and respect. If you cant empathize with people you dont stand a chance of getting them to listen to you. Offered options rather than threats. Feel the need to even the score. % Created by calibre 3.39.1 [] If you are willing to take it, you should be commended. Sort of reminds me of Bruce Lee, "Be Like Water", Keith! What's the matter?" We can deflect words meant to trigger us, and we can use words to absorb tension and gain compliance. In the context of persuasion, the Golden Rule means to empathize with someones current position (pace them) until he (or she) feels you understand him, and can lead him to a desirable outcome. In these examples, actions, not words, make the difference. If the first two do not work, try one of the next four force options.Three: lay hands, come along holds from martial arts. Why Are So Many Young Men Single And Sexless? Verbal judo uses words to gain leverage in the conversation. Throughout the current year, the company had 3 million shares of common stock and a large quantity of convertible preferred stock outstanding. We teach in Verbal Judo that 'repetition is weakness on the streets!' Does a Dog's Head Shape Predict How Smart It Is? How to use Verbal Judo. If you want to stress the seriousness of your words, say something like, 'Listen, it's important that you get this point, so pay close attention to what I'm about to tell you. The kid (or coworker) that grumbles throughout a task is still doing that task (even though shes not framing it in a positive way). (Determination of appropriate action). "We should develop a state of mind that will allow us to skillfully interact with these people--whether they are criminals, customers, spouses, kids, or salesclerks.-and not let them get our goats?". Remember, Verbal Judo is like a muscle, the more you use it, the stronger it will become. An open and flexible mind is able to be agile and adjust on the fly. You need to strip the two-face of their camouflage! Listen and speak more effectively, engage people through empathy (the most powerful word in the English language), avoid the most common conversational disasters, and use proven strategies that allow you to successfully communicate your point of view and take the upper . The driver, who appeared to be twice . You are feeling X because of Y, is that correct? Verbal Judo, the Martial Art of the Mind and Mouth, Chapter 9 Review. Instead of insulting them back or treating them harshly, take the blow. A close mind makes mistakes, misreads people, and causes aggression to escalate. The only way to avoid criticism is either to live in a capsule or spend your whole life trying to please everyone. The first requisite for easing a tense verbal encounter is actually two-pronged. Of course, Verbal Judo isnt exclusively used in law enforcement or self defense scenarios. All people want to be treated with dignity and respect. On the negative side in regard to Verbal Judo, Thompson displays a persistent problem with wordiness and repetitiveness, saying phrases like "Verbal Judo is ____" over and over. Its okay to be questioned, heckled, or even attacked. audience . Maybe they're sitting there silently. The key is "REspect to all, with dignity, pride, and assertiveness.". Two principles for dealing with difficult people: Paraphrasing.The sword of insertion: (use these to interrupt)Whoa!Wait a second.Let me be sure I heard what you just said. The second sentence is worded differently and offers a verbal solution. On condition of his return to the dorm, he wrote an apology letter to Luke, committing never to address him with slurs and never to threaten Lukes safety. $$ However, as hes not. Verbal judo is best defined as a gentle yet powerful way of persuasion. and this provides a wonderful example. Verbal Judo is the martial art of the mind and mouth that can show you how to be better prepared in every verbal encounter. Here's an example of how you could . Get the help you need from a therapist near youa FREE service from Psychology Today. $$. Use the language of reassurance-"Let me see if I understand your position," and then paraphrase-another VJ tactic!-back to them their meaning, as you see it, in your words! Verbal Judo offers a creative look at conflict that will help you defuse confrontations and generate cooperation from your spouse, your boss, and even your teenager. All people want to be asked, rather than told to do something. All rights reserved. Mar 1, 2006. Samurai quote:If you do not know yourself you lose 100% of the time.If you know yourself, but you do not know the opponent, you will be lucky to win 50% of the time.If you know yourself, and you know the opponent, you can win 100% of the time. ), Requesting Cooperation to resolve the situation, Clarification, Making a Decision, and Closing the encounter in a polite manner. Paraphrasing is the best way to empathize with someone (pace them), the first step towards leading them towards a beneficial outcome. When you paraphrase you want to understand their position well enough that the other party says, exactly! You might need to paraphrase more than once to make sure you understand! Psychology Today 2023 Sussex Publishers, LLC, If You Need to Pull an All-Nighter, This Should Be Your Diet, Mass Shootings Are a Symptom, Not the Root Problem. What are the three great traits of a good police officer/communicator? Being restrained by a staff member, particularly a large male, was a student's way of communicating fearlessness and dominance to the rest of his peers in the dormitory. This is because most people understand examples easier than other explanations. Why Verbal Judo? Honestly, there is so much in Verbal Judo that I cant cover it all. Get ideas for your own presentations. Being no good the police officer in control of the usable instruments is weakness on streets! On tirade about the printing being no good and simple verbal judo strip phrases answers that Verbal. You implement this approach in your confrontations or difficult situations second chance they... But Lets talk about it three great traits of a story when was... And bad situations to firefighters and other first responders Verbal solution be: treated dignity... You how to avoid criticism is either to live in a calm and welcoming way and... 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