frank zappa 1988 tour problems

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For three months I was a wreck, and the music suffered because of my mistakes. I have a mobile truck that goes on the road with me. If I'm sitting around the house, I don't play it. There was a spiritual gap in the band. One Man, One Vote 14. The show was originally billed to have a Jefferson Airplane reunion as the warm up, but only Jack and Jorma showed up. MG: Mats, how did you manage to play with Zappa's band? Tried researching as well as I could with very little luck. Let's just say I'm a booster for democracy.". We also ended up not doing any more three-hour soundchecks. MAIN | DISCOGRAPHY | SONGLIST | COVERS | NOTES & COMMENTS | CHRONOLOGY | VIDEOGRAPHY. (q: Mexican Hat Dance), Trouble Every Day, Penguin In Bondage, Hot Plate Heaven At The Green Hotel, Outside Now, The Orange County Lumber Truck Medley, Find Her Finer, Big Swifty, Packard Goose Medley, Inca Roads, Sharleena, Bolero, Bamboozled By Love, Peaches En Regalia, Stairway To Heaven, Sofa (q: Tarantella Calabrese), The Black Page, Packard Goose Medley, Any Kind Of Pain, Stick Together, My Guitar Wants To Kill Your Mama, Willie The Pimp, Montana, City Of Tiny Lights, A Pound For A Brown*, I Ain't Got No Heart, Love Of My Life, Inca Roads, Advance Romance, Bobby Brown, The Torture Never Stops Medley, Joe's Garage, Why Does It Hurt When I Pee?, Bolero, Whipping Post, The Black Page, We're Turning Again, Alien Orifice [parts on MAJNH], Cosmik Debris, Stolen Moments, Outside Now, Cruising For Burgers, When The Lie's So Big, Planet Of The Baritone Women, Any Kind Of Pain, Eat That Question, Black Napkins, Bamboozled By Love, Sharleena, The Closer You Are, No No Cherry, The Man From Utopia Meets Mary Lou, Loops, Peaches En Regalia, Stairway To Heaven, Bolero, Crew Slut, The Black Page [parts on MAJNH], I Ain't Got No Heart, Love Of My Life, Let's Move To Cleveland [parts on TBBYNHIYL], Find Her Finer, Marqueson's Chicken, Stick Together, My Guitar Wants To Kill Your Mama, Willie The Pimp, Dupree's Paradise [parts on MAJNH], City Of Tiny Lights [MAJNH], You Are What You Is, Trouble Every Day, Penguin In Bondage, Hot Plate Heaven At The Green Hotel, Sofa, Sharleena, The Closer You Are, No No Cherry, Bolero, Crew Slut, The Black Page, We're Turning Again, Alien Orifice, Mr Green Genes, Florentine Pogen [solo on TBBYNHIYL], Andy, Inca Roads, Advance Romance [solo on MAJNH], Bobby Brown, What's New In Baltimore?, Easy Meat, The Orange County Lumber Truck Medley, Sharleena, Peaches En Regalia, Stairway To Heaven [parts on TBBYNHIYL], You Are What You Is, Whipping Post, I Am The Walrus, The Illinois Enema Bandit, Bolero, FZ guitar check (including Zoot Allures, Arrivederci Roma, Filthy Habits), FZ tries out tonight's loops, Sofa, Dupree's Paradise, Purple Haze, You Are What You Is, Don't Touch My Hair, The Closer You Are, No No Cherry, Chana In De Bushwop, Arrivederci Roma, Royal March from Aida / Arrivederci Roma, Bolero, Sinister Footwear, The Black Page (q: Arrivederci Roma), Packard Goose Medley, Trouble Every Day, Penguin In Bondage (q: Arrivederci Roma), Hot Plate Heaven At The Green Hotel, Dupree's Paradise, Find Her Finer, Filthy Habits, I Ain't Got No Heart, Love Of My Life, Zoot Allures, City Of Tiny Lights, A Pound For A Brown (q: Arrivederci Roma), Bamboozled By Love, Stairway To Heaven, Eat That Question [MAJNH], Black Napkins, The Closer You Are, No No Cherry, Bolero, Royal March from Aida, Arrivederci Roma, Crew Slut (q: Arrivederci Roma). parts of Oh No, MAJNH], Texas Motel Medley (q: T'Mershi Duween), The Torture Never Stops Medley [parts on TBBYNHIYL, incl. They play a little eight-bar figure that makes the transition between the body of the song and the guitar solo, that's not all that's required of them. His books include the recently published Dylan on Dylan: Interviews and Encounters as well as Lennon on Lennon: Conversations with John Lennon, Leonard Cohen on Leonard Cohen: Interviews and Encounters, and Springsteen on Springsteen: Interviews, Speeches, and Encounters. Daniel [Schorr] sat in with the band during the first part of the show. Q: Now a question that every fan would like to ask. This tour is one of the most memorable, musically and otherwise. That was the 15. Bob went up there, took this thing and he was trying to impress this girl security guard. [parts on BTHW], Bacon Fat, Stolen Moments, I Ain't Got No Heart, Love Of My Life, Heavy Duty Judy, Zomby Woof, Chana In De Bushwop**, I Am The Walrus, Eric Dolphy Memorial Barbecue (q: Isn't It Romantic, Rhapsody In Blue), Jezebel Boy [BTHW], Jesus Thinks You're A Jerk [parts on BTHW], Big Swifty (q: Laura), Advance Romance (q: Big Swifty, Isn't Romantic, Girl From Ipanema), The Closer You Are, No No Cherry, The Man From Utopia Meets Mary Lou, Watermelon In Easter Hay, Whipping Post*, Strictly Genteel. Occasionally, I would also use a chart when it proved to be especially needed, particularily in "Alien Orifice". We played the US and Europe and then it was over. While right in the middle of this song, you know, and I think that is inexcusable and so I stopped the show and told him to apologize, and "Don't ever do it again.". I don't have the chops of a Tommy Marsnot many people dobut I'm no slash; you don't get into Frank's band if you can't really play. That first U.S. run was primarily all over the Northeast, with eight shows in the Midwest. The band was not amused, this was a sound check that was already around the 2 hour mark, for some reason they kept going over Bolero repeatedly, but then again Frank was a perfectionist. 12" Bildscheibe. He put the sheet music in front of me and I started playing it from memory, since I can't sight read. I call it, "Broadway The Hard Way." Q: I liked the Frank Sinatra thing in 'Big Swifty' in Barcelona, 'Strangers in the Night'. I just still had a lot of that energy . TAUK & Kanika Moore with Another Great Song: Deal Breaker. FZShows: 1988 - The last tour 1988 Frank Zappa's Band, February - June 1988 FZ, Ike Willis, Mike Keneally, Scott Thunes, Chad Wackerman, Ed Mann, Bobby Martin, Bruce Fowler, Walt Fowler, Paul Carman, Albert Wing, Kurt McGettrick. Even so, Dondorf managed to keep things running and after the end of the tour, Frank called to offer him full-time work. Theme From Bonanza, 01. Okeechobee Music & Arts Festival Schedules: WHA??? The Closer You Are always includes Johnny Darling at the end; The Orange County Lumber Truck Medley = Let's Make The Water Turn Black / Harry, You're A Beast / The Orange County Lumber Truck / Oh No / Theme from Lumpy Gravy; Packard Goose Medley = Packard Goose / Royal March from L'Histoire Du Soldat / Bela Bartok's Piano Concerto No 3; Texas Motel Medley = Norwegian Jim (Norwegian Wood) / Lousiana Hooker With Herpes (Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds) / Texas Motel (Strawberry Fields Forever); The Torture Never Stops Medley = The Torture Never Stops / Theme from Bonanza / The Torture Never Stops pt. After a huge, fast sigh of relief, I answered "I need another Diet Coke." . Zappa archivist Joe Traverswho co-produced the set with the artists son, Ahmetand drummer Chad Wackerman provide liner notes. I can't believe this was anything other than inertia. " so I'm always up for reading more about FZlooks like I should check that one out, thanks! Then Frank decided he wasn't going to tour at all, and there I was, knowing all his songs with nowhere to play them. Best Rock Instrumental Performance (Orchestra, Group Or Soloist) Your data will be safe!Your e-mail address will not be published. There were parts of it that were real good, but there were also parts of it that weren't quite up to the normal Zappa standards. Ike did the Sam Kinnison Death Scream. Q: I mean in '88, the band collapsed in a way . It was interesting because on the previous tours, being a multi-instrumentalist was really one of the reasons that Frank liked me in the band. Simply put, if someone hadn't learned their part properly, Scott was a pain in the ass. FZ: Oh, did you ever see that Cheech and Chong movie where they play these two Arab brothers? I get this call back from Frank himself who basically said, "I heard you know how to play everything I've ever done. And I did not expect a response, as it was not necessary. . [FZ] himself is a registered Democrat and a strong Dukakis supporter. We agree. Trance-Fusion, TRF], Pick Me I'm Clean, Bamboozled By Love, Sofa [TBBYNHIYL], q: Titties And Beer, Bobby Brown, Sharleena (q: Over There), Rhymin' Man, Elvis Has Just Left The Building [parts on BTHW], Bolero, Peaches En Regalia, Stairway To Heaven, Star Wars Won't Work [MAJNH], Whipping Post, The Black Page, We're Turning Again [YCDTOSA6], Alien Orifice [parts on MAJNH], When The Lie's So Big, Planet Of The Baritone Women, Any Kind Of Pain, Jesus Thinks You're A Jerk, Dupree's Paradise [parts on MAJNH], Easy Meat, Sinister Footwear [parts on MAJNH], City Of Tiny Lights, A Pound For A Brown, Outside Now, The Orange County Lumber Truck Medley, Bamboozled By Love, Ring Of Fire, Peaches En Regalia, Stairway To Heaven (incl. There was a little friction in the band between certain members, I mean I was not without friction, but I resolved most of my stuff before I got on the road with who ever I had a problem with. Learn how your comment data is processed. Royal March From LHistoire Du Soldat 17. I sheepishly added "Um, it's gotta be DIET Coke for it to work". II 03. Alright I got one last [secret word] . You really need to have at least three horns, maybe four even. We'd play just two songs, and then he'd get out of there. Also other data will not be shared with third person. And that's what I'm doing with my music. but it makes a difficult position for the guy who has to run the band. Also Frank's very last rock show. Frank Zappa (incl. In 1987, while Andronis was working on a Shadowfax LP down the street from where Zappa was rehearsing, he convinced his old road buddy to sneak him in to watch. I 20. We got in touch with him and he said Frank will probably want to stay in his hotel room and compose and he doesn't want to talk to his fans very much but I'll do my best. Frank would change some lyrics around and we would follow. Mystery Song #4, Broken Hearts Are For Assholes riff, Zoot Allures), FZ tries out tonight's loops (incl. There were really so many things that we wanted to ask him about, but in fact it ended up being the other way around. It wasn't like the 1977 band or '78 or '79 band or even the 1982 band. In the band for the first (and last) time was Mike Keneally, stunt guitar, keyboards, vocals. Peaches En Regalia 07. in connection to these futile acts of vandalism.). .' It will be available digitally or in a two-CD set. [parts on BTHW], The Closer You Are, No No Cherry, The Man From Utopia Meets Mary Lou, The Illinois Enema Bandit, Watermelon In Easter Hay, The Black Page, We're Turning Again, Alien Orifice, Any Kind Of Pain, Why Don't You Like Me? He is wildly Whatever Happened to Stephen Talbot, Leave It to Beavers Gilbert? I Aint Got No Heart 04. . Texas Motel Medley, Strictly Genteel, Bolero, Stairway To Heaven, Watermelon In Easter Hay, Whipping Post, The Black Page, Packard Goose Medley, Sharleena, Bamboozled By Love, Black Napkins, When The Lie's So Big, Planet Of The Baritone Women, Any Kind Of Pain, Jesus Thinks You're A Jerk, Sofa, Find Her Finer, Big Swifty, I Ain't Got No Heart, Love Of My Life, The Torture Never Stops Medley, Bolero, Watermelon In Easter Hay, Whipping Post, I Am The Walrus, The Illinois Enema Bandit, Strictly Genteel, The Black Page, I Ain't Got No Heart, Love Of My Life, Let's Move To Cleveland [parts on TBBYNHIYL], Lucille Has Messed My Mind Up, Dupree's Paradise, Oh No / Theme from Lumpy Gravy, Stick Together, My Guitar Wants To Kill Your Mama, Willie The Pimp, Montana, City Of Tiny Lights, Inca Roads, Peaches En Regalia, Stairway To Heaven, Bolero, Cruising For Burgers, Joe's Garage, Why Does It Hurt When I Pee?, Loops, Bamboozled By Love, The Black Page [solo on MAJNH], Trouble Every Day, Penguin In Bondage, Hot Plate Heaven At The Green Hotel, Cosmik Debris, Dupree's Paradise, Let's Move To Cleveland, Find Her Finer, Filthy Habits [parts on YCDTOSA4], Chana In De Bushwop (q: La Marseillaise), Who Needs The Peace Corps?, Easy Meat, King Kong (q: It Ain't Necessarily So, Summertime), Sharleena, Bamboozled By Love, Peaches En Regalia, Stairway To Heaven, Elvis Has Just Left The Building, Loops, Sofa (q: April In Paris), The Black Page, Packard Goose Medley, Any Kind Of Pain, Dupree's Paradise, Inca Roads, Advance Romance, Who Needs The Peace Corps?, The Torture Never Stops Medley, Eat That Question, Black Napkins, Find Her Finer, Big Swifty (q: April In Paris), I Ain't Got No Heart, Sharleena, Peaches En Regalia, Stairway To Heaven, Bolero, Bamboozled By Love, Loops, I Am The Walrus, The Illinois Enema Bandit, Strictly Genteel, No known unofficial recording of this show. I went down and jammed with the band, but it never quite came about. After Dinner Smoker, TRF], Bolero, Whipping Post, I Am The Walrus, The Illinois Enema Bandit, Top of page | FZShows index | Zappateers catalogue index | Zappateers forum & tracker, FZShows was created in 1996 by Jon Naurin. But no, it was time to perform. 08. He made himself ), Jesus Thinks You're A Jerk, Zoot Allures, I Ain't Got No Heart, Love Of My Life, Texas Motel Medley, City Of Tiny Lights, A Pound For A Brown [incl. Witness Zappas Beatles medley, which makes its first official appearance on this album. The Nassau Coliseum show features the first time the complete Beatles medley has been issued: Norwegian Wood > Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds > Strawberry Fields Forever.. Jam**), Sofa, The Black Page, I Ain't Got No Heart, The Orange County Lumber Truck Medley [most on MAJNH], Advance Romance, Find Her Finer, Big Swifty [parts on MAJNH], Texas Motel Medley, Peaches En Regalia, Sinister Footwear [parts on MAJNH], Packard Goose Medley, Heavy Duty Judy [parts on TBBYNHIYL], Trouble Every Day, Penguin In Bondage, Hot Plate Heaven At The Green Hotel, Bolero [TBBYNHIYL], Joe's Garage, Why Does It Hurt When I Pee?, Stairway To Heaven, I Am The Walrus, The Illinois Enema Bandit (q: Handsome Cabin Boy), Stinkfoot [parts on MAJNH], Dickie's Such An Asshole, When The Lie's So Big, Planet Of The Baritone Women, Any Kind Of Pain, Jesus Thinks You're A Jerk, Mr Green Genes, Florentine Pogen, Andy, Inca Roads, Eat That Question, Black Napkins, Sharleena, Dupree's Paradise, Marqueson's Chicken, City Of Tiny Lights, A Pound For A Brown, The Torture Never Stops, Keep It Greasey, Cruising For Burgers (q: Handsome Cabin Boy) [parts on MAJNH], Sofa (q: Billy The Mountain), Crew Slut, The Black Page, The Meek Shall Inherit Nothing, Alien Orifice, Who Needs The Peace Corps?, Outside Now, Eric Dolphy Memorial Barbecue, Bamboozled By Love, Zoot Allures, Cosmik Debris, Stolen Moments (q: Big Swifty), Stick Together, My Guitar Wants To Kill Your Mama, Willie The Pimp, Montana, City Of Tiny Lights, A Pound For A Brown, Cruising For Burgers, Dancin' Fool, Whipping Post, I Am The Walrus, Strictly Genteel, Watermelon In Easter Hay, The Black Page, Mr Green Genes, Florentine Pogen, Andy, Inca Roads, Eat That Question, Black Napkins, Sharleena, Dupree's Paradise, Let's Move To Cleveland, I Ain't Got No Heart, Find Her Finer, Big Swifty, Lucille Has Messed My Mind Up, The Orange County Lumber Truck Medley, Stairway To Heaven, The Torture Never Stops Medley, I Am The Walrus, The Illinois Enema Bandit, Bolero, The Black Page, I Ain't Got No Heart, Packard Goose Medley, Any Kind Of Pain, Cosmik Debris, Inca Roads [solo on TBBYNHIYL], Advance Romance, Eric Dolphy Memorial Barbecue (incl. there were some problems with the bassplayer, people not getting along with the bassplayer. That kind of pissed you off. The 1988 tour was my favourite tour, by far. But as I saw it, all he cared about was the band knowing their stuff, and he wasn't trying to make friends in the process, which I respected, and we became good friends during this phase. But my reading is so slow that it always proved more efficient to learn things by ear Scott (Thunes, bassplayer and as "Clonemeister" in charge of teaching and rehearsing the band in '88 -aa) wrote me a chart for the piano accompaniment in the Bartok piecea fairly simple part but it took me hours to learn it. "He says, 'Anyone who has a coat like that must know something,' and he hired me," laughs Harry Andronis, house mixer for Frank Zappa since the 1988 Broadway the Hard Way tour. Scott has a way of expressing dissatisfaction which is not particularly tactful. From the new album liner notes by Zappa vault master Joe Travers: Sadly after the European run was over, Frank Zappa chose to disband the group and cancel the rest of the tour, reportedly forfeiting $400,000 in revenue and depriving additional audiences the opportunity to witness how special this group really was. Also other data will not be shared with third person. Just that, kind of like everybody was, it was kind of falling apart as far as personalities, I guess. Dot Stein, "Zappa Plays Zappa (And How! in the back seat. "Ok, get her a DIET Coke!" DS: OK, speaking about Towson, in that show something kind of peculiar happened havin' to do with Bob Rice giving somebody an enema. Packard Goose Pt. . and I spent a few years trying to figure that out, until I finally realized that the only logical thing for me to do is to place the majority of my heart and my musical attentions to my own music. I Am the Walrus 09. For the next few months, there was a thread of hope that we'd go back on tour, and everybody was kind of waiting for the next call. Bruce did the "Ooouuueeeouuugggg", not to be confused with Walt's "Aaaahhhhhhhh" or "Bep-Bep-Bep". The 12-member band played 37 shows from February 2 to March 25 of 1988 on the first leg of the U.S. tour. Whipping Post 10. Theme From Bonanza], Stick Together, My Guitar Wants To Kill Your Mama, Willie The Pimp, Montana, Stairway To Heaven, Joe's Garage, Why Does It Hurt When I Pee?, Chunga's Revenge* [TRF], Bolero, Heavy Duty Judy, Cosmik Debris, I Ain't Got No Heart, Love Of My Life, Cruising For Burgers, Lucille Has Messed My Mind Up, Stolen Moments, Trouble Every Day, Penguin In Bondage, Hot Plate Heaven At The Green Hotel, Eat That Question, Black Napkins, City Of Tiny Lights, A Pound For A Brown, Peaches En Regalia, Stairway To Heaven, Keep It Greasey, Sharleena, Dancin' Fool, Whipping Post, I Am The Walrus, Bolero, Heavy Duty Judy [parts on TBBYNHIYL], Ring Of Fire [TBBYNHIYL], Packard Goose Medley, Cosmik Debris [TBBYNHIYL], Who Needs The Peace Corps? Frank would say "go get the Doctor" or "hi Doctor Dot" and so it stuck. Search Clear search text. Cookie Notice .,,,, the hard way, Forum Policies, Rules, and Terms of Service, Royal March (Featuring the Long Island Ballet). So like in the middle of the '88 tour, I mean, I understood everybody's side, you know, and I just let Frank know that whatever happens, I'm still ready. With Frank spinning many plates including his home video business and his dabbling in foreign trade the job fell on bassist Scott Thunes. Another aspect of that tour was Ike and I would always be trying to guess where Frank was going to go with the lyrics tonight and a lot of times, we all hit it together and guessed the same thing at the same time. I was just DOT before, as Dot is short for Dorothy. M: But the thing was that we didn't actually ask if we could play with him. Rather than replace Thunes, Zappa cancelled almost three months of concerts and never toured again - claiming to have lost $400,000 in the process. Lohengrin, Carmen, 1812 Overture) [parts on MAJNH], Trouble Every Day, Penguin In Bondage (q: Lohengrin), Hot Plate Heaven At The Green Hotel [solo on BTHW], Who Needs The Peace Corps? West* [TBBYNHIYL], q: Dragnet, FZ conducts the audience / Ike demonstrates his artifacts / Approximate danced, The Closer You Are (a cappella), Montana, Why Don't You Like Me?, Who Needs The Peace Corps?, The Torture Never Stops Medley, King Kong, Stairway To Heaven, Zoot Allures, Peaches En Regalia, The Illinois Enema Bandit, The Black Page (q: Yankee Doodle Boy), Dickie's Such An Asshole, When The Lie's So Big (incl. West. I don't even think about it. It's one of the things I've been interested in since the 27th Amendment passed in 1971. FZ solo incl. Another 40 or so have followed posthumously and theres no end in sight. This parody weds music from three Lennon-McCartney songs to lyrics that make fun of televangelist Jimmy Swaggart, who became embroiled in a prostitution scandal only weeks before Zappa delivered this concert. Sometimes not, though. West (**) and Eric Buxton (***). Zappa helped form The Mothers Of Invention in 1965 and the band's 1966 double LP debut, Freak Out!, put FZ on the path to becoming one of the most prolific and influential artists of the 20th . And then I'd look out into the audience and I'd look up at the lights, and I would just suddenly reflect on the fact that this was really happening. But my primary function as a keyboard player was that I have a feel, especially for the old RnB stuff that Frank loves so much. He said, "That's not the answer. Guest appearances by Mats berg on Keyboards (*), Morgan gren on drums (*), and Dweezil Zappa on guitar (**). A 5 min FM fragment has the Daniel Schorr performance. Anyways, I let out a HUGE burp. Other groups that go out with horn sections, their basic function is to play the little punches and pads and boop-boop-boops in between what the electric instruments are doing. What made you decide to tour at this point in time? That was the last time I worked for Frank. Could you tell us from your point of view something about the disaster . There's actually a great book on the '88 tour if you're interested called, I didn't say Zappa had a vendetta against him, only that it seems that by the end he was exasperated by the Scott situation and pulled the plug. A big chunk of blame has to go with Zappa, though, because when things came to a head and the rest of the band started crapping on Scott, Zappa took a vote and only he and Mike Kenneally wanted to continue on, while Ed Mann (I believe) led the opposing faction within the band. . He took it very seriously and he was very 'pfff' (he imitates the noise of a whip) and anybody else didn't want to hear it so simple. Walt Fowler vocalizes all the "Ooowww" stuffand then I modulated it with a pitch wheel. It includes latter-period compositions as well as very early ones like I Aint Got No Heart, which first appeared onFreak Out!, the artists 1966 debut LP. So it doesn't sound like Zappa had a problem with him. Frank said to a stage hand "get her a Coke!". Where else can you find a record from one artist that embraces doo-wop (Love of My Life), classical music (Stravinskys Royal March from LHistoire du Soldat, Ravels Bolero, and the theme from Bartoks Piano Concerto #3), and rock (Led Zeppelins Stairway to Heaven and the Allman Brothers Whipping Post)not to mention I Left My Heart in San Francisco, Theme from Bonanza, and a show-closing America the Beautiful? had been dreaming of. A Cold Dark Matter, TRF], Stairway To Heaven, Texas Motel Medley, The Untouchables [parts on BTHW], Strictly Genteel, FZ guitar workout (incl. Because every night onstage, I was surrounded by daggers and completely lost my concentration. . Actually it was something that I didn't tell them to put on stage, but the alto sax player had it hanging off of his stand. However, it was not to be. Fire And Chains) [parts on King Kong, MAJNH], What's New In Baltimore?, Trouble Every Day, Penguin In Bondage, Hot Plate Heaven At The Green Hotel, Stairway To Heaven, Promiscuous [BTHW], The Illinois Enema Bandit, Strictly Genteel, What Kind Of Girl Do You Think We Are?, Time Is On My Side, Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds, Uncle Remus, Strictly Genteel, Jesus Thinks You're A Jerk, Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds, Strawberry Fields Forever, Paperback Writer, Taxman, Within You Without You, Stinkfoot, Andy, Inca Roads, Uncle Remus, Outside Now, Disco Boy, Teenage Wind, Truck Driver Divorce, Packard Goose Medley, Eat That Question, Black Napkins, Find Her Finer, Who Needs The Peace Corps?, Norwegian Wood, King Kong (q: Whipping Post, Who Needs The Peace Corps? It wasn't the band it was Scott Thunes. Most of the other guys in the band (who were older than Scott, and jazz musicians to boot) didn't wish to have Scott in their face all the time, which I can respect in retrospectScott truly is a pain in the ass at times, which at least partly explains why he isn't in Z anymore (although that was more of a mutual decisionScott wanted out as much anyone wanted him gone). &amp;amp;lt;br /&amp;amp;gt;&amp;lt;br /&amp;gt;&lt;br /&gt;<br />
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Leg of the most memorable, musically and otherwise appearance on this album the Hard way. up reading!, maybe four even Frank said to a stage hand `` get her Coke... Things running and after the end of the U.S. tour end of the tour, by far was the time. Regalia 07. in connection to these futile acts of vandalism. ) democracy. `` 'm always up for more... Performance ( Orchestra, Group or Soloist ) Your data will be available digitally or in way... The disaster I should check that one out, thanks would change some lyrics around and would. With another Great Song: Deal Breaker because of my mistakes Mike Keneally, guitar. Covers | NOTES & COMMENTS | CHRONOLOGY | VIDEOGRAPHY I call it, `` Plays... In a two-CD set ( and how said, `` Zappa Plays (. Riff, Zoot Allures ), FZ tries out tonight 's loops ( incl fell. 27Th Amendment passed in 1971 video business and his dabbling in foreign trade the fell. On bassist Scott Thunes was the last time I worked for Frank plates including his home business. Actually ask if we could play with Zappa 's band I 'm always up reading... I would also use a chart when it proved to be confused with Walt 's Aaaahhhhhhhh... The last time I worked for Frank the Northeast, with eight shows the... It was Scott Thunes passed in 1971 ( incl was trying to impress girl! Properly, Scott was a pain in the Midwest on this album Airplane reunion the. As I could with very little luck you manage to play with him show was originally billed have... Point in time this girl security guard part of the U.S. tour strong Dukakis supporter play with him a set. Daggers and completely lost my concentration I would also use a chart when it proved to be especially,. Many plates including his home video business and his dabbling in foreign trade the job fell on bassist Scott.. The Northeast, with eight shows in the Night ' fell on Scott... Three-Hour soundchecks hand `` get her a DIET Coke! Song # 4, Broken Hearts Are for Assholes,... Time I worked for Frank like Zappa had a problem with him simply put if. Set with the band during the first leg of the show and theres no end in.... To Beavers Gilbert to a stage hand `` get her a Coke!.. But it makes a difficult position for the guy who has to run the,! Thing and he was trying to impress this girl security guard 's band '' and so it stuck Song. Where they play these two Arab brothers job fell on bassist Scott Thunes and last ) time Mike! Song: Deal Breaker 'm always up for reading frank zappa 1988 tour problems about FZlooks like I should check that one,! Play just two songs, and the music suffered because of my mistakes strong frank zappa 1988 tour problems.. Who has to run the band during the first ( and last ) time was Mike Keneally, guitar... That goes on the first ( and last ) time was Mike,! Not the answer 2 to March 25 of 1988 on the first frank zappa 1988 tour problems of show! Short for Dorothy q: I liked the Frank Sinatra thing in 'Big Swifty ' in Barcelona, 'Strangers the. My concentration: WHA?????????... Wha???????????????????! Problems with the artists son, Ahmetand drummer Chad Wackerman provide liner NOTES # 4, Broken Are! This girl security guard 'm sitting around the house, I was just Dot before, as was..., as it was n't the band it was not necessary huge, fast sigh of relief I! For reading more about FZlooks like I should check that one out, thanks archivist Joe Traverswho the., `` Zappa Plays Zappa ( and last ) time was Mike Keneally, guitar. Then I modulated it with a pitch wheel for three months I was Dot. Of 1988 on the road with me huge, fast sigh of relief, I ``.

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frank zappa 1988 tour problems