when did saul attack the gibeonites

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WebWhich city did Saul destroy when he found that its priests had given David's men provision? Why was Satan so effective in influencing the actions of Eve? 0 responses It's much too heavy any more!" Most people living in modern, Western culture better identify with flawed heroes, rather than perfect heroes. God has torn the kingdom from you. So Joshua made peace with them, and made a covenant with them to let them live; and the rulers of the congregation swore to them. Christ says, Luke 21:34-35 "But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that Day come on you unexpectedly. Weba motive for Saul's attack on them. For it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth.". Why is it just now that you are waking up to this? We do not know how long before II Samuel 21 this incident happened. 21:2, NIV).2 Saul did this in his zeal for Israel and Judah. So for nationalistic reasons Saul was guilty of attempted genocide. The Gibeonites achieved their short term goal - survival; but they paid a terribly long term price for it - virtual slavery! There is a very important difference. The world's arsenal is growing daily in material strength and sophisticated intimidation. They had remembered it for 40 or 50 years. A brief, but important, reference to the Gibeonites can also be found in 2 Samuel 21:1-14. The chronicler, herewhoever he wasis giving us a big hint that David's attention was elsewhere for three whole years. Based on this principle, I think we can be confident that justice was carried out in this very nasty incident, even though we are not told all the details of what happened. That would be such a carnal thing to dojust let the Gibeonites kill seven of Saul's kids who could claim the Israelite throne and get them out of the way. ", "She's been doing that for six months? WebSaul slew the Gibeonites, not simply as the son of Kish, but as the king of Israel, and therefore involved all Israel with him in the violation of the national oath; and hence, until the evil should be put away by the execution of the immediate offender or his representatives, all Israel must suffer. Jerusalem is almost directly west a few miles, but it is quite high from the Jordan to the Jerusalem. Oh, fear the LORD, you His saints! 2Samuel 21:1, There is bloodguilt on Saul and on his house, because he put the Gibeonites to death.. David asked. This shows that this portion of the story in II Samuel 21, hanging the bodies for six months or so, was an additional curse upon the land. Of course, a part of it is being able to look at ourselves and see how dirty, nasty, and rotten we are, and saying, "There is no way that anybody could live in this world without sin; even God's beloved Son.". Then they answered the king, "As for the man who consumed us and plotted against us, that we should be destroyed from remaining in any of the territories of Israel, "let seven men of his descendants be delivered to us, and we will hang them before the LORD in Gibeah of Saul, whom the LORD chose." When God called Saul to be king, Israel was on the verge of collapse. During the time of the judges, the Israelites had repeatedly turned away, lea However, the Gibeonites did. The Gibeonites deceived Israel, but God's people had really deceived themselves. We would like to make a covenant with you.". Because David had been good friends with Jonathan, he at first allowed all of Sauls family to continue to live peaceably in the land. Today, I want to visit one of King David's lesser-known black marks, and draw some lessons from it at the end. Gibeon was situated very close to Gibeah the home town of Sauls family. Berean Literal Bible Acts 13:21. WebWhen Sauls agents came up, she pretended that David was ill and placed a household idol and a net of goats hair in his bed, as if her husband were still lying there (vv. Throughout the Scriptures warnings of spiritual dangers are signaled by the flash cards of attention getting words like: "Take heed" or "Consider". We can't withstand them. God did not necessarily overlook all their sins, but He certainly forgave them. the LORD answered, It is for Saul, and for his bloody house, because he slew the The last time Saul did swear not to kill David, Saul swore "by YHWH" not to kill david he broke it many times over since. It is not pretty when we allow the people of the land to dictate to us. The "Man of Steel" is just too perfect, too smart, and too invincible. This was a long time ago. Time to retire!" WebThis points to their employment in the sanctuary; and possibly may shed some light on the massacre of the Gibeonites by Saul (2 Samuel 21:1). He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. Before she married David, Abigail had been the wife of _____. No silver or gold from that house. There are so many things I have got to do.". 0 responses But what actually did Saul do to the Gibeonites? He was the king. In addition, his own soldiers had to tell him, "David, you just don't have it anymore. 4. What would be some verses from the Bible to save a marriage? He was not thinking spiritually. & "Take heed that you be not deceived." II Samuel 21:1-14 Now there was a famine in the days of David for three years, year after year; and David inquired of the L ORD. Israel was totally swindled and bamboozled. He does not live long past the end of II Samuel. Moreover, Samuel said, "What have you done? THE BATTLES OF THE LORD WebThe consequences of Israels covenant with the Gibeonites were not short-term. We have an easier time identifying with the flawed, but heroic, Lancelot from the legends of King Arthur, because he is a lot more like ushe commits sin; he has faults. WebThe LORD answered, It is for Saul, and for his bloody house, because he slew the Gibeonites. It was common knowledge. Where are they from? But it does not say so here in so many words. They are still there. Vote Up There is no record in the Bible of Saul killing Gibeonites. So, he kept his own covenant, but he did not go any further to figure out from God's law to know what should be done in this situation. God was not in all his thoughts during this time. Matt 24:4/Mk 13:5/Lk 21:8. You had only black and white television if you had television. So he said, "Whatever you say, I will do for you." How many died in sicknesses? They looked to Him and were radiant, and their faces were not ashamed. 1316). Evidently, that is what he did. So they performed all that the king commanded. Why did Herod like to listen to John the Baptist, who criticized Herods lifestyle? I know that is how I always read itas straight historyand I did not think about it very much. Why were two of Saul's sons and five of Saul's grandsons killed for a crime they didn't commit? In fact, it can be read as if David approached it as only a minor administrative matter. There is more space given to David's flaws than anyone else in the whole Bible. There is no indication in II Samuel 21 that David got advice from any of his ministers about how to deal with this situation. What is meaning of 2 Cor. Much later, King Saul ignored this covenant of peace and killed some Gibeonites. 1. My reading between the lines concludes that King David was at a spiritual low point at this time. Were they participants in killing the Gibeonites? However, if he did not lie in wait, but God delivered him into his hand, then I will appoint for you a place where he may flee.". We have to understand that the people of the land represent the things we need to overcomeour human nature and our problems; the world and its pulls to its ways; and Satan and all the ways that he tries to manipulate us. If people grow up in a society and culture that does not have God at their beck and call, they do whatever they wantwhatever comes naturally. Just tell me and I will do it for you.. It must have been a satisfactory solution from Gods point of view, because he sent the rain on the land after the measures had been taken. Saul committed a great crime against Gibeon and the Gibeonites. From the time of Joshua, throughout the long period of the Judges, the very presence of these deceitful people had not only been a thorn in the side of the Israelis; their position in the land was a dividing wedge that separated southern Judah from the rest of the Kingdom. Joshua and that generation did not do their entire job, and so they were stuck. There were big problems, and one of them was the consequences and effects of Saul and his bloodthirsty house. "Now therefore, you are cursed, and none of you shall be freed from being slaveswoodcutters and water carriers for the house of my God." God is warning here that sin has consequences. The world's arsenal is growing daily in material strength and sophisticated intimidation. Throughout the centuries, the original Gibeonites continued to exist as a people, although King Saul schemed to destroy them. The Gibeonites, howev I think he was distracted by all the cares of his office of being king. But the consequences of their sinswhat it means to us; what happened because of their sinstill affects us today. God punished Adam and Eve for their sin. Why were genealogies so important to Israel? King David is mentioned by name as a hero of faith. Why didnt Abraham bargain with God when it came to Isaac being offered as a burnt offering like he did when it came to Sodom and Gomorrah? Numbers 35:34 "Therefore do not defile the land which you inhabit, in the midst of which I dwell; for I the LORD dwell among the children of Israel.'". So the king called the Gibeonites and spoke to them. Why was David so loyal to Saul after everything Saul had done to him? It would take three or four generations for perversion to be kicked out of a society. Share Had him over to the palace a few times." I am putting this all together from history. With all the recent rebellions, he was probably worried that his alliances were going to fail, because he may have appeared to weaken. So let seven of Sauls sons or grandsons be handed over to us, and we will execute them before the Lord at Gibeon, on the mountain of the Lord.. And when Saul saw any strong man or any valiant man, he took him for himself. 2. Who was the father of Mephibosheth? Their deceit, Israel's lack of vigilance and Saul's deep delusion caused God's people centuries of grief and embarrassment. It seems as though he was spiritually sleepwalking through this whole thing. How many died in bar-fights? Yet, because of the long time that has passed since then until now, when the Gibeonites were asked to bring it up, how many of the guilty ones had died? He attempted the genocide of But, they like the dark one because he is moody, and doing things not for quite the right reasons. The angel of the LORD encamps all around those who fear Him, and delivers them. Spiritual virtues and qualities are largely unseen yet are more real and potent in lasting effects than the most formidable nuclear pile. At the time the Israelites under Joshua invaded the Promised Land of Canaan, most of the inhabitants rose up in arms against them. One of the things He specifically mentions is famine, which happens to be the third sealphysical famine, but we remember from Amos that there is a spiritual famine as well. Then, I am sure, he started to think about other things that were happening, and he started to make some reforms in himself. Now the Gibeonites were not of the children of Israel, but of the remnant of the Amorites; the children of Israel had sworn protection to them, but Saul had sought to kill them in his zeal for the children of Israel and Judah. How long was the average lifespan at the time? We have our own sins to pay for; we do not pay for theirs. There is nothing to give you any indication that God was involved in anything except the faminetrying to teach David a lesson. 1 Then there was a famine in the days of David three years, year after year; and David enquired of the LORD. They probably went from Gibeon by some circuitous route so they did not come directly from the west where they actually lived. II Samuel 21:7 But the king spared Mephibosheth the son of Jonathan, the son of Saul, because of the LORD's oath that was between them, between David and Jonathan the son of Saul. Because of what had been going on, all the turmoil in this life and the kingdom, David was not spiritually prepared to face it. This would be in the spring during or after the Days of Unleavened Bread. If you read 2Samuel 21 carefully, it seems possible that Saul and his house may have been trying to get the Gibeonites territory. The second is at the end of verse 2, that "Saul had sought to kill them in his zeal for Israel and Judah." They knew all the things God had stipulated about what they were to do when Israel was going to come into the land. Hearing that Joshua was camped in their general neighborhood, after his devastating defeat of the strategic cities of Jericho and Ai, the Gibeonites sent a delegation to him at nearby Gilgal. Now Rizpah the daughter of Aiah took sackcloth and spread it for herself on the rock, from the beginning of harvest until the late rains poured on them from heaven. The words "thirty" and "forty" are not in the original Hebrew. The midrash states that when Saul learned of this, he was angry with his daughter and demanded of her: Why did you deceive me and let my enemy escape? The latter believed that Saul's desire was to destroy them utterly. I will break the pride of your power; I will make your heavens like iron and your earth like bronze. This was history now. I think he was looking at Adonijah and Solomon, and seeing the positioning for the throne, and he just wanted to throw up his handsflee like some bird (Psalm 139). Although he had peace at this time, I think he was worried because they just had two successive rebellions, and were almost to the point of victory over King David until they were eliminated. They are going to cause problems. The consequences are not the guilt. What did David do to end the famine caused by Saul breaking a treaty with the Gibeonites? God told Joshua to get rid of all these foreigners in the land. He simply folded, giving the Gibeonites everything they wanted. It wouldnt be surprising if these people had become worshippers of God, from their exposure to the tabernacle and teaching. They haven't been put in Kish's sepulcher yet. On the other hand, when people do well, like Abraham, and they live God's way of life, this allows God the leeway to show mercy unto thousands of generations of people. And the LORD answered, It is for Saul, and for his bloody house, because he slew the Gibeonites. So they answered Joshua and said, "Because your servants were clearly told that the LORD your God commanded His servant Moses to give you all the land, and to destroy all the inhabitants of the land from before you.". The Gibeonites were not Israelites, but the remnant of the Amorites, which Saul pursued from within Israel. Joshua 9:3-6 But when the inhabitants of Gibeon heard what Joshua had done to Jericho and Ai, they worked craftily [remember that], and went and pretended to be ambassadors. So he brought up the bones of Saul and the bones of Jonathan his son from there; and they gathered the bones of those who had been hanged. The Bible barely alludes to the king's mad scheme, but we know that Saul's plot miserably failed. We have all these things coming at the end time, which is very short. They have a discussion in the next few verses, and many Israelites want to go ahead and kill these Gibeonites for what they did. He had to sit there and judge people with all the little things they constantly brought up to him that seemed to need his decision on. What have they done? WebAnd the Lord answered, Saul and his family of murderers are the reason for the famine, because he killed the Gibeonites. 2 (The Gibeonites were not Israelites. Spiritual virtues and qualities are largely unseen yet are more real and potent in lasting effects than the most formidable nuclear pile. But they refused the offer. And that day Joshua made them woodcutters and water carriers for the congregation and for the altar of the LORD, in the place which He would choose, even to this day. Where have you been, David? If we think that we have it all figured out, I am sorry, we do not. Saul also had sound state reasons for his action, for the Gibeonites were occupying an enclave in the very Or as the That is the bottom line. Now, we move forward, not very long in time, to Joshua 9. He was distracted by the cares of this world, by the pulls of this, that, and the other thing, and so he gives in and compromises with the people of the land. Go back with me to Deuteronomy 7 and see the instruction that God gave to Israel about how to deal with these kinds of people. Notice verse 2 says that Saul tried to strike them down in his zeal (also means jealously or envy) for the people of Israel and Judah. WebKing Saul later broke the treaty that Joshua had signed and attacked the Gibeonites. God did not perform a miracle to end this famine after these men were executed. Perhaps if I go and kill all the Gibeonites like Joshua was supposed to do, maybe God will let me back into the chair.". For all his misguided efforts and pains, Saul reaped the fruits of his delusion. God sent the rain, it says specifically, "from heaven," verse 10, "in the latter rains," which is their normal cycle. * 1 Samuel 18:12 KJV And Saul was afraid of David, because the LORD was with him, and was departed from Saul. * 1 Samuel 18:15 KJV Wherefore when S Your threshing shall last till the time of vintage, and the vintage shall last till the time of sowing; you shall eat your bread to the full, and dwell in your land safely. He keeps his word even to his own disadvantage and does not change it [for his own benefit] (Psalm 15:1, 4; AMP). 2 So the king called the Gibeonites and spoke to them. 12 Saul said, Listen now, son of Ahitub.. For the Gibeonites, their wily guile and deception gained them survival and nothing more. All I do know is that they do hold a solid place in world history and one of their offshoots or branches were the Gibeonites. It would be the equivalent of an event somewhere between the Korean War and the Vietnam War. Is there something I'm missing? This may have only been a couple of months later. Obviously, having seen what happened to Jericho and Ai, they knew God and Israel were serious. They agree to the death of seven of Saul's descendants. King David came at it from a position of weakness, not of one who knew God's law and could answer these people from spiritual strength. He went after a people that God did not want exterminated anymore. According to a May 2007 George Barna Poll, 63% of Americans, mostly professing Christians, believe that Jesus sinned during His physical life! During Davids reign, the people of Gibeon demanded that all of Sauls children be put to death so as to atone for a severe famine. persecuted and killed the Gibeonites men in a covenant relationship with Israel who served at the tabernacle. WebThe Lord answered, Saul and his family of murderers are the reason for this shortage, because he killed the Gibeonites. 2 Samuel 21:1 American Standard Version (ASV) 1 And there was a famine in the days of David three years, year after year; and David sought the face of Jehovah. Pagan cultures were killed because they were pagan cultures and they were making war on Gods people. Exodus 21:23-25 But if any harm follows, then you shall give life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, stripe for stripe. Matt 24:4/Mk 13:5/Lk 21:8. He did not do a thing that a king or judge should do. God affirms that the famine is punishment for Sauls massacre of the Gibeonites, who had been protected by a treaty since the Israelites first invaded the Promised Land ( Joshua 9:127 ). . Therefore, your kingdom is taken away and given to another. David did not make any counter demands. Because he may have been still depressed by Absalom's death. There was a covenant with those people that not only Joshua and the people honored, but also God Himself honored as well. Report, September 02 2013 There is less bloodshed, and there will not be much opportunity like in Gentile nations for these blood feuds to last for years and generations. God punished the whole nation for breaking the covenant. This is interesting. God is not bloodthirsty, but He had told them what to do. Who are the twenty four elders that John foresaw? Perhaps those first two, Armoni, and Mephibosheth were old enough to have participated in the event. 1 Now there was a famine in the days of David for three years, year after year. Only in one sense, there was a fall of man, but certainly not in the traditional sense. WebSaul, Israel's first king thought he knew better than God. He keeps his word even to his own disadvantage and does not change it [for his own benefit] (Psalm 15:1, 4; AMP). And the Gibeonites said to him, "We will have no silver or gold from Saul or from his house, nor shall you kill any man in Israel for us." Israel and Judah," who may have fretted at the inconvenience of having the Gibeonites among them. This is a bit unusual. Instead, they told a story that either ignored the truth completely or, at least, shaded the truth in such a way that it was full of guile and deceit. WebVetus Testamentum 24:1 (January 1974):1-7.] Something is wrong. As mentioned earlier, there was the rebellion of Absalom. 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when did saul attack the gibeonites