star trek fanfiction kirk has a vulcan child

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He shepherds starving kids on his back, holds their frigid, bony hands and hides them in caves or shrubs that are never safe for long. Im He feeds them bitter roots and berries, steals from camps when he can, and takes none for himself. With a loud sucking sound, both men pulled the unconscious woman from the tank. Spock Looms over feeling all the heavy emotion trying to suppress it as best he can avoiding another explosion. update: now with a chapter two from Spocks perspective! Work Search: I dont need anyone to protect me. Jim becomes a dadslowly but surely. Firm hands grab his shoulders, jerking him until he meets Spocks eyes. Spock and Kirk had been Completed He'd been curious about her people, her culture, the half of him he didn't know. She is 3/4 Vulcan. Currently under editing, fixing grammar/spelling mistakes With Khans blood coursing through his veins, James Tiberius Kirks life has been extended for several decades. Its a new beginning, and he thinks hes ready to put the past behind him. But this is Captain Kirk and for some reason, the universe just wants to kick him in the face one more time. Spocks brow furrows in confusion for a moment, before recognition clicks behind his gaze. soon as possible, Spock said as he waved the hand scanner over Kirks body, intent A sudden need to flee bursts within him, to escape this humiliation, and he tries to pull away. not my blood, still my brother, a star trek: 2009 fanfic | FanFiction Spock had never seen a human child before, though he'd always thought he'd rather like to. He more or less expected that. Kirk has tried, and failed, to hint at his desires enough times to know they arent returned. I'm looking for anything with Kirk/Spock, hopefully longer fics and preferably in the reboot 'verse but anything will be good. Spock wont let him. This one is a sequel to a much longer fic that doesn't have any babies in it, but you don't need to read it to understand this one where Jim and Spock adopt baby Saavik: Oh, and this series is the motherlode of baby Vulcans: I loved this one. When Spock met Lieutenant James T. Kirk and his son, David, he did not expect them to become a permanent fixture in his life. Tyberick, who looks exactly like Kirk. James Kirk is thirteen years old, and his world is ice, and bile, and terror. The thing people always forget is that it was a Vulcan ship that reached Tarsus IV first. Thank you very much, Mister Spock, Kirk says, stepping off the transporter and resisting the ridiculous urge to wrap his arms around his first officer. oddly subdued. Whos Deck . James Kirk is eighteen years old when he sets eyes on a Vulcan for the first time since Tarsus IV. When Kirk, Spock and Sulu decide to help out Starfleet (and the Admiral trying to court-martial them) by posing for a calendar, Uhura saves the day - well, at least she wins the fights. McCoys words arent mean to injure, and its not like Kirk doesnt know the truth of them already, but he cant fight the crippling remorse they induce. The crew of theEnterprise continues to search for their Captain, Spock working as active Captain and refusing to let someone else have the ship. These are the voyages of the starship USS And Another Note, a ship that, unbeknownst to the vast majority of her crew, has been stolen by the horrifically unqualified Captain Emily Claus. This story is about Jim graduating from Starfleet Academy and finding himself on the Enterprise, where he must spend six weeks training to work on a starship. James Kirk is thirty-five years old when a Vulcan becomes the love of his life. The only time a Vulcan will admit to having emotions is when it concerns their mates. This version includes "Forty-Five Hours in Riverside," the mini-sequel. His face must be beet red. I dont own any of these characters except Kali :D i hope you enjoy this story. Death lost all meaning beyond an end to pain. He stares, lost in such a haze that he doesnt notice when McCoy leaves the room. Predators lurk in the shadows. When Spock saves McCoy's life from hostile aliens, he is not prepared for the consequences. you could just take me back to your room, Yuuri slurs, shooting Victor a downright . (Or, the one where Jim has a Vulcan daughter, and it leads to all sorts of emotions.). I overestimated our ability The danger has passed, the war is over, and while traumatic memories linger, their Captain and Commander in particular are ready to accept some brightness into their lives. One day, the Enterprise crosses into the Neutral Zone on a top secret mission to rescue some half-Vulcan, half-Romulan kids. Parenting with Logic & Jim KirkbyLillithgarden. And yet, he cant deny the resemblance between the performer Karidian and the man who slaughtered four thousand people in the name of preservation and eugenics. In a universe where humans find their soulmate by feeling a shock when they touch, James T. Kirk struggles to find the one person in this world who belongs to him. Starship Enterprise (Star Trek) First Time First Kiss Jim was adopted at age 7 by Winona and George Kirk, after Jim was rescued from Tarus. You know your day is going to be weird when some kid youve never seen before calls you Papa. Readers can read all books for free, without any ads and give the authors feedback. I can feel your shame, and I assure you, it is entirely illogical., You believe that I will think less of you now that I possess this knowledge of your past. Kirk and Spock meet as teenagers one summer and it sets in motion the events for their future together, when they meet up again as adults. He doesnt do that anymore. After the explosion, the two other Romulan vessels disappear and with them, the hope of knowing where Kirk has gone. His pupils dilate, an eyebrow arching up his forehead. There will be some nice bickering with Spock. It took a massive amount of encouragement from Kirks parents for him to accept it. The one truth that had gotten him through years of flashbacks and fear, was that Kodos was pronounced dead. Carol Marcus, possessed of a young son and an engineering degree, was asked to help in reverse-engineering parts of the drill Nero had dropped into San Francisco Bay. Ostracized and shamed, S'Jenes tends to hide his form and feels that no one will ever bond with him; Spock is willing to protect him and his honorby any means necessary. Jim takes care of eight kids on a hostile planet; then, the aftermath. Would anyone happen to have suggestions for Star Trek tos books that have some of that good ole homoerotic spirk subtext? He wishes that his mother never fell for his stupid human father, whos legacy he cant seem to match up to.". Hey, Spock, I was wondering if sometime you wanted to, You seem to have difficulty concentrating in class, Cadet Kirk. He had held back his tears as a child when Vulcan youth sought to torment him over his mixed heritage. Victor Youre not listening to me, are I think James T. Kirk had led a difficult life from birth. And will he ever be able to understand his new First Officer? Now they need to figure out how to switch back, but in the meantime- they both have some biological differences to get used to. Perhaps now is a good time for them to bond, though and let Kirk come to a startling conclusion. The Medical Institute on Vulcan responded quickly to Spock's inquiry. But for Jim, still broken from the events of Tarsus IV, David was just what he needed to pull him out of his rut. Ive seen posts saying that these books exist, but Im having trouble sifting through the countless Star Trek novels to find them. It hits I missed you. He bites his lip, chastising himself for letting the confession slip free. Id love to read a fic of the pairing in this verse. He had been wrong. gripped his shoulders and held him steady until it passed. undershirt over his head, and stepped out of his bedroom with a scowl. His corpse had been found. not have found himself in the most uncomfortable position hed ever endured: Trapped in a small cage, with This tag belongs to the Additional Tags Category. When Jim gets it in his head to adopt an eight year old Vulcan, Spock presents a logical solution to the issue of Jims humanity: marriage to a Vulcan citizen. James Kirk is eighteen, and he doesnt believe in love at first sight, but if he did. He did not expect that. But how can he tell him? Carol Marcus, possessed of a young son and an engineering degree, was asked to help in reverse-engineering parts of the drill Nero had dropped into San Francisco Bay. He should be told the difference between empiricism and stubbornness, doctor. James Kirk is eighteen years old when he sets eyes on a Vulcan for the first time since Tarsus IV. Drabble on if Kirk was secretly a rare type of Vulcan and Spock found out only after they'd bonded. Spock abandoned logic to save Kirk, and still thought hed lost him forever. Meanwhile, Spock and the Enterprise are in hot pursuit until a message from Starfleet and the work of highly intelligent kidnappers lead them astray. "Jim wishes he could burn away the eyes of respective disappointment and superiority that melt into his back, watching him walk away. He doesnt add that he cant fully trust himself. By not telling me, you have put your life in danger. You know what happened now. But when he steps into his first course, Astrophysics, and collides with a tall, slender figure, his world grinds to a halt. A small gasp escapes Kirks lips, unbidden. Scifi Takes place after 'City on the Edge of Forever'; a dying Captain Kirk is brought to the planet Vulcan where he is healed by a young woman with secrets of her own. Work Search: He has put his command in jeopardy. Joy that is damn near painful bursts in his chest. He asks Bones for some tips for smiling for his date that night. But I admire Gene Roddenberry's dreams. you. It wasnt a question. His T'hy'la Kirk plans to do everything he can to help his First Officer & Best Friend & Secret Love Interest.This story obviously takes place in AOS, but the date is not long after Beyond, so it takes place around 2263 - 2264. Note: This story plays off the reputation, however unjustified, that Captain Kirk was always getting the girl. This is a domestic fluff marathon with sprinklings of OTP Feels. Kirk didnt, at least, or Spock knew hed be pulsing Tarsus IV happened and Jim got 7 amazing kids out of it. Kirk feels like an animal backed into a corner, like a little boy, scared and hunted by other little boys with guns. The only thing he knows is that he is one-quarter Vulcan. His leadership abilities, his quick thinking, and his intellect are contributing factors to his potential for becoming a great starship captain. Spock knocks on his door, and Kirk is so distracted that he grants him entry before he can think better of it. This is a fic about Jim accidentally running into them and then them all reuniting. These visions are rarely pleasant. Spock is suffering from PTSD after witnessing the death of his poor mother, Kirk's and Pike's. A quick little story on love. He kicks a bench, Her father married a Vulcan women and they had T'Mar. Pike knows what the duo can do and how much he has invested in defending them. says a familiar voice from behind him. Kirk sucks in a deep, shaking breath. . However, the memory of Spock insulting his intelligence still smarts, and helps him compose himself. Six years ago Carol Marcus gave birth to Jim Kirks son, dumping him and running as far away from the scandal as she possibly could. From red to green, now he's Vulcan. James Kirk is thirty-four when he stops trying to banish his feelings for Spock. It is his friends who will have to be there to help him pick up the pieces in the aftermath. So were you.. Based on The Conscience of the King from Star Trek TOS. calm, piercing gaze. That is, until the moment he sees Spock again after years of separation. Spock goes to the bridge to complete some later duties and work when he finds kirk watching the stars, he finds himself in an emotional state, and his humanity begins to break though the surface. Kudos: 1 Hits: 39 Catch a Hint by USS_Genderprise An Alternate Universe take on a Vulcan James Kirk. Kirk listens to his footsteps as he approaches. James Kirk is thirteen, and he is being hunted on Tarsus IV. Only problem is, he's not a Vulcan citizen. James Kirk is thirty-four years old when he becomes the youngest captain in the history of Starfleet. In the summer of 2262, she died. "This shit's dense," he grunted, working an arm beneath Maggie's legs. Books that perform well based on their reader engagement are published by Inkitt in different formats and channels. I like the sneaky grampa willie/tpau mashup. Regardless, Kirk believes he has buried his longing sufficiently. The full text can be found here. At first, he refuses to believe its him, memories of Tarsus IV buried so deep they feel like old nightmares. In the summer of 2262 . How many times does he have to be rebuffed before he gets the message? When the door slides shut behind him, Kirk bends over, hands on his knees, and tries to catch his breath. It takes another Vulcan to save him when a man resembling Kodos comes aboard the Enterprise, reminding Kirk that he never truly escaped his past. Alternately: In which Spock is landed with a kid and Kirk and Bones decide to help. A malfunction during transport causes some surprising side effects. This page was loaded Mar 2nd 2023, 9:47 am GMT. Blinking, Kirks gaze focuses. Meanwhile he is also helping care for a Vulcan child that enjoys lullabies. This is so sweet it will give you cavities. in his chest. I didnt have anyone then. (reading it on ao3 might be easier since its kinda long). The only means by which to properly exercise the scientific method in this matter is to experiment on ones own child, which is by its very nature morally reprehensible.. During his captivity, he gets to know a young Vulcan boy who was taken in the aftermath of Vulcans destruction. Due to a transporter malfunction durning a rescue mission, James Kirk is severely altered. Hes ecstatic and motivated, his nerves only fanning his verve to excel. Jim's obviously in love with Carol.wait. they will drive you to the airport and then you will make them soup when they're sick. kirk with vulcan child I am trying to find the story (star trek 2009 au) where kirk has a half human/half vulcan child that is his. Would love to read more. to stay here with me if something happens. That is, of course, because he was a Human-Vulcan hybrid. (Preferably daughter but I really don't care) I'm struggling to find any that feature adoption or something of the like rather than m-preg thanks :) I love this blog so much thank you!!! He first has the pleasure of meeting the infamous James Tiberius Kirk, son of Commodore Winona Kirk and hero George Kirk, when the cadet appears in the advanced testing room 8.7 days prior to the start of the upcoming semester. insects were crawling all over his skin, burrowing into his pores and setting By Vulcan law it is forbidden to pursue anothers mate, however before the bonding takes place anyone may challenge for the right to mate with the one they desire. Please add a subject line and tags to your entry. odds with the severity of their situation. If this is Kodos, Spock says from behind him, we need to know. captured by native alien tribes before. Writing Challenge: Kirk gets a virus that makes him think only logically; Bones is frantically trying to find a cure while Spock is happy with his friends new attitude. of here, Otabek. :insert from Lord Bryon poem: This all may be woefully unfamiliar (and fleeting, he remembers with a pang) but hes determined to enjoy it while it lasts, so he joins the table and pretends to steal a piece of Jos bacon, revelling in her indignant squeak and Bones bark of laughter. Sorry for what? If it is expedient, the child will be sent to join you on the Enterprise withing the week., The First Four Times Spock Expected a Child and the Fifth Time He Didnt by lalazee. You are the most capable Captain in the fleet. He sees the moment Spock feels his longing through his skin. I was totally into this. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. I am listening, sir. It seems that Mr. Mallory is responsible for your admittance to Starfleet Academy, despite your inconsistent academic record. Set around the year 2290, somewhere between The Final Frontier and The Undiscovered Country; the boys are still in command of the Enterprise-A but their workload is winding down in preparation for their eventual retirement, so they get to spend a good deal of time on Earth, at the Academy, and generally just at home in their San Francisco apartment. That his mother never fell for his date that night hes ecstatic and motivated, his quick,... Him compose himself marathon with sprinklings of OTP feels from behind him, memories of Tarsus IV first this. Inkitt in different formats and channels to banish his feelings for Spock the one truth that had gotten him years... Is thirty-four when he sets eyes on a hostile planet ; then, the two other Romulan vessels disappear with! 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star trek fanfiction kirk has a vulcan child