current event article on deviance and crime

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Available online at:, Cohen, A. K. (1955). At this stage, we added specific codes to the preliminary classification for including the predictors of deviance, as well as of cyber-deviance mentioned in the abstracts and codes that relate to the main influencing factors. An Explorative and Qualitative Study of Parents Disposition Towards Childrens Involvement in Cybercrimes, The Symbolic Boundary Work of Incels: Subcultural Negotiation of Meaning and Identity Online, Electric Empires: From Countercultural Movement to Corporate Enterprise, Successful Offending: The Salience of Performance Criteria for Understanding and Addressing Crime, The Role of Perceived Injustice and Need for Esteem on Incel Membership Online, Provisioning, Self-Efficacy, and Womens Economic Crime: A Quantitative Examination, Child Abuse Myths are Pedophilic Myths: Cognitive Distortions are Stronger in Individuals Convicted of Sexual Offenses Diagnosed with Pedophilia Compared to Those Without Such Diagnosis, The Paradoxes of Normalization: Cannabis as Nuisance Crime, Medicine, and Consumer Good in British Columbia Before and After Legalization, Crime, Substance Use, and Offensive Content: Exploring the Link Between Low Self-Control and Social Media Posting Behaviors among Young Adults, The Makings of a Terrorist: Continuity and Change Across Left-, Right- and Jihadist Extremists and Terrorists in Europe and North-America, 1960s-Present, A Network Approach to Examine Neighborhood Interdependence Through the Target Selection of Repeat Buyers of Commercial Sex in the United States, To Speed or Not to Speed: Applying Situational Action Theory to Speeding Behavior, A Scoping Review and Qualitative Investigations to Develop A Workplace Deviance Typology, Using Crack or Smoking Cocaine, That Is the Question: The Association of Sociodemographic Factors with Self-Labeling Choices in France. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. For building our database, we chose words that referred to deviance in general, deviance as occurring in adolescence, and online deviance during teenage years. Forces 73, 12671278. 78, 192232. J. The STRIVE program offers at-risk students academic help and teaches strategies for coping with emotions. Paul is accused of hitting her boyfriend with a metal chair that then hit her 5-year-old daughter. The extensive number of identified studies focused on online deviance and adolescents is connected to the popularity of Internet among teenagers and compulsive use of it (Wachs et al., 2015; Kapoor et al., 2017; Ohannessian and Vannucci, 2020). DiMaggio, P., and Hargittai, E. (2001). (2019b). Goode, E. (2016). Sociol. nightclub killed five people last year and injured 17. 12:1143. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-21465-0, Turkel, G. (1990). Before effectively applying the coding schema, we conducted a preliminary analysis. Factors associated with digital piracy among early adolescents. Sociological theories of deviance are those that use social context and social pressures to explain deviance. The correspondence analysis revealed co-occurrent topics. Commun. Delinquent youths and family. doi: 10.1080/01639625.2019.1597321, Garcia-Gomez, A. Deviance acts as a fine lens to bring the boundaries back into focus and clarify the will of the collective conscience. Public Health 17:3036. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17093036, Tth, G., Wachs, J., Di Clemente, R., Jakobi, ., Sgvri, B., Kertsz, J., et al. doi: 10.1146/annurev.soc.012809.102545. To provide an understanding and an overview of this field, we considered it necessary to categorize these predictors, which are widely presented in the literature. doi: 10.1177/0044118X94026002001. At the same time, our research revealed theories developed both by sociologists and criminologists to explain the nature of deviant behavior, including differential association, routine activities and opportunities theories, social control, social disorganization, anomie and strain theories, subcultural theories, power relations, and neutralization and deterrence theories. The wide range of fields interested in defining and studying deviance shows the level of complexity of this phenomenon. Q. It is rare for jurors to visit crime scenes, and doing so can be a risk for both the prosecution and defense. Becoming Deviant. U.S. PLoS Med. Psychol. Soc. Spect. Engstrm, A. Underage drinking, alcohol sales and collective efficacy: informal control and opportunity in the study of alcohol use. Ann. J. Psychol. doi: 10.1080/01639620903004903, Matsueda, R. L., and Anderson, K. (1998). Familial and religious influences on adolescent alcohol use: a multi-level study of students and school communities. Militon Park: Routledge. The giant bug was found during a trip to Walmart in 2012: "I put it in my hand and did the rest of my shopping with it between my fingers. Criminology 17, 194207. In the article, located in Taipei, Taiwan, a man fatally stabbed six nurses and a manager at the Chinese military hospital, 7, 29149. (2009). Devel. Rev. to minor antisocial acts that are not sanctioned by the penal system (Gorman-Smith et al., 1998). With reference to the occurring medium, we distinguished the terms indicating the digital environment, namely, online (45), digital (41), Internet (39), technology (15), Facebook (10), ICT (9), computer (7), informational (6), cyber (5), and cyberspace (2), and the offline context: family (52), school (47), life (39), parent (24), neighborhood (14), physical (13), offline (110), country (5), and gentrification (7). Health Soc. Assessing the links between punitive parenting, peer deviance, social isolation and bullying perpetration and victimization in South Korean adolescents. Spect. An investigation by CBS News and Kaiser Health News found a dental device allegedly left a trail of mangled mouths and devastated patients. Law enforcement officials seized dark clothing, medical gloves, a flashlight and more from Bryan Kohberger's Pennsylvania home, according to a newly unsealed search warrant. 46, 201211. Although extremely rich, the existing literature is narrow in terms of its focus, and there is a need for a more structured presentation of common topics by researchers in the field from a systematic point of view. Thus, the main groups consist of predictors of deviance and cyber deviance (clusters 1 and 2), online deviance and digital environment (clusters 3 and 6), post-positivist and integrative theories of deviance (cluster 5), and a smaller group related to a constructional approach of deviance focused on identity, inequality, and power relations (cluster 4). Niagara Regional Police said in a series of tweets before 8 p.m. on Tuesday that a shooting was reported in the area of Concession Road 6 and Wellandport Road. Figure 7. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher. Figure 11. Crime in the breaking: gender differences in desistance. WebView Essay - SOC 101- Deviance and Crime Current Event Essay from SOC 101 at Wilmington University. Holt, T. J. Hence, terms such as cyberbullying (10), sexting [sext (5), sexting (4), sexter (1)], suggest deviant behaviors online, while words such as bullying (12), harassment (10), violence (9), aggression (5), violent (4), grooming (2) indicate deviant offline behaviors. Deviant Behav. 34, 487496. The resulting networks facilitate the identification of the terms that are mainly associated with them. Show 100 More Items. IE 11 is 45, 8397. 26, 147177. CBS News congressional correspondent Nikole Killion joined CBS News to discuss. A Colorado school district is prioritizing mental health by building a new facility that will double up as a school and a mental health day-treatment center. Acad. doi: 10.1177/0038040712448862, Kohlberg, L., and Hersh, R. H. (1977). Ethnogr. Durkin, K. F., Wolfe, T. W., and Clark, G. A. In addition, with the spread of Internet technology, a new type of deviant behavior emerged, which is known as cyber-deviance, particularly prevalent in adolescents' lives. Soc. Relig. A dental device called AGGA has been used on about 10,000 patients without FDA approval or proof that it works. doi: 10.1080/1369118X.2012.674959, Linnr, R. K., Biroli, P., Kong, E., Meddens, S. F. W., Wedow, R., Fontana, M. A., et al. Some criminologists and some students of deviance contend that all forms of behavior, including specific acts or types of crime or deviance, are more or less distinct, requiring unique explanations. Health Psychol. In this sense, one has to acknowledge the role of cultural differences in labeling an act as deviant (Goffman, 1978; Clinard and Meier, 2015), although criminal acts are universally defined as deviant. doi: 10.1080/01972240309487, Vejmelka, L., Strabic, N., and Jazvo, M. (2017). Behav. (2004). A more detailed assessment of the results of in extenso articles highlights that the main themes in the 61 most cited articles published in the Web of Science database on the topic of deviance among adolescents refer to the predictors of deviance (61 articles), as a category in which all predictors are included such as school education, socioeconomic status, as well as two important categories that also represent predictors but taken as separately. (2005). Cybercrime and Digital Deviance. doi: 10.1002/isd2.12063, Alzunitan, M., Edmond, M., Alsuhaibani, M., Samuelson, R., Schweizer, M., and Marra, A. LeFlore, L. (1988). P. 280. The second group, which encompasses cluster 2 (3 articles) and 3 (14 articles), focuses on aspects related to identity and communication in the online sphere. Look for language within the article Soc. Available online at:, Juvonen, J., and Graham, S. (2014). Criminology 38, 931964. 36, 537570. J. Sociol. Transferring subcultural knowledge on-line: practices and beliefs of persistent digital pirates. Intersectionality and crime: an exploratory look at how gender and race influence responses to injustice associated with strain. Moreover, teenagers who have a higher sensation-seeking attitude have a positive attitude toward risk-taking and most often indulge in illegal downloading of music, games, and sexual content (Weisskirch and Murphy, 2004). For completing the database with relevant articles in the field of teenagers' engagement in deviant behavior, we decided to include the 21 most cited articles that correspond to these two criteria such that the number of articles is the same as that for the first criterion. Socioeconomic status and bullying: a meta-analysis. 32, 363398. The analysis of the second dataset was conducted in five stages: manual inspection of study field and research methods, word frequency, correspondence analysis of clusters and codes, crosstabulations of clusters and codes, and similarity matrix. T. J. Holt and A. M. Bossler (Cham: Springer International Publishing), 513526. This was possible by using computational text analysis, method which allowed an accurate screening of nearly 500 sources. Criminol. Parsons, T. (1951). Youth Soc. Behav. Rev. The Truly Disadvantaged: The Inner City, the Underclass, and Public Policy. The Power Elite [1956]. doi: 10.1007/s10940-017-9368-3, Sellin, T. (1938). Thus, all 488 articles were from the field of sociology. Merton's Strain Theory of Anomie and Deviance Robert Merton (1938, 1957) extended the theory of anomie to the United States and argued that anomie is not simply about unregulated goals, but a broken relationship between cultural goals and legitimate means of accessing them. The systematic literature review process. Friday, February 24. Computer proficiency and technology use correlate with cyber deviant acts, including hacking, digital piracy, and online harassment (Lee, 2018). doi: 10.1023/A:1021995621302, Gostjev, F. A., and Nielsen, A. L. (2017). 3:752. doi: 10.1177/2056305117735752, Lindsay, M., and Krysik, J. Rev. The Politics and Morality of Deviance: Moral Panics, Drug Abuse, Deviant Science, and Reversed Stigmatization. The results emphasized four main clusters of topics, namely, predictors of deviance, online deviance, socio-constructivist theories, and research based theories of deviant behavior. Ethnogr. In an integrative approach, Thio et al. The Regulation of Salvia Divinorum in Canada, 1991-2019, A Socio-Spatial Analysis of Race and Crime in New Orleans, The Group Nature of Academic Dishonesty & Diffusion of Responsibility in Online Student Chat Groups, Far from a Few Bad Apples: The Role of Public Confessions in a Veteran Social Movement, Parental Attachment and Digital Self-Harm, Yahoo Boys, Yahoo Parents? Rev. Retrieved from, Welsh, W. N., Greene, J. R., and Jenkins, P. H. (1999). What is considered deviant depends on the circumstances in which it occurs and varies by location and time period. doi: 10.2307/591577, Davies, S. (1999). Furthermore, there is a significant concern for online deviance and online deviant behaviors (Marcum et al., 2010; Oksanen et al., 2014; Rafalow, 2015; Vejmelka et al., 2017; Mesch, 2018; Tomczyk, 2018; Chester et al., 2019; Granic et al., 2020; Semenza, 2021). J. Cyber Criminol. doi: 10.2307/2084686, Mesch, G. S. (2018). Merrill Palmer Q. The police said two 15-year-olds were charged with murder on Wednesday after Brianna Ghey, a transgender 16-year-old, was found fatally stabbed in a park. Res. Ann. Foucault, M. (2007). 32, 339366. The findings of this literature review are useful for experts in the fields of psychology, sociology, and other related fields. Research suggests multiple drivers of deviance, including unawareness or indifference to a norm (more likely among weakly identified members), as well as dissent intended to challenge a norm (more likely among strongly identified members; Packer, 2008 ). Criminology 25, 863892. ]: New York, NY: Random House Publishing Group. After applying this filter for the first criterion, 21 sources were found. Deviant Behav. 68, 10841104. Ben-Yehuda, N. (1990). Swagger, ratings and masculinity: theorising the circulation of social and cultural value in teenage boys' digital peer networks. Thio, A., Taylor, J. D., and Schwartz, M. D. (1978). Culture conflict and crime. Authorities say the automaker declined to track the stolen vehicle until payment was made to reactivate its GPS system. I got homeand promptly forgot about it for almost a decade.". Inform. School and neighborhood characteristics associated with school rates of alcohol, cigarette, and marijuana use. [S.I. Ann. In the end, the final coding schema had 33 codes, with the most recurrent being predictors of deviance, school and education, socioeconomic status, age, children and adolescents, discipline and power relations, family factors (Figure 4). doi: 10.2307/798544, Estvez, E., Caas, E., Estvez, J. F., and Povedano, A. The consequences of impaired driving in Saskatchewan. Please help stop the spread of #COVID19 by staying at home.If you are thinking of heading to one of our parks today: Use them to walk/run/cycleKeep movingKeep 2m distance at all times DON'T picnicDON'T sunbatheDON'T play sports#StayHomeSaveLives

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current event article on deviance and crime