823 crip sets

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No bother to me. They are the lowest scum in America, ESPECIALLY Niggers in a gang. U cant join the klan because ur a Jew!! I do not understand why you would want to live this lifestyle of being bullied, pushed around because you are a dork, knowing there is only two outcomes to that life and that is either death or prison. 2). So I called there looking for you and I went there which obviously was a waste of time since your such a liar! You will never reach them that way. LMAO!!!!!! Crisp set is a collection of unordered distinct elements, which are derived from Universal set.Universal set consists of all possible elements which take part in any experiment. Would it bother me, yes, does it bother me? They are a fucking Joke and EVERYBODY IS LAUGHING AT THEM. I love all my brothers. Sorry, but those are the cold hard facts of reality. I think the "c" in Blicky is x'd out because they beef heavily with Crips. You really are stupid! I was looking at some of your comments on this page and as a white male im embarrased that your white!! AT COMPTON, CITY POLICE STATION But guess what? It is alleged that they operated within Firefly Projects, but expanded their violence into neighboring areas, like East Schofield. My Ancestors were in Europe and had nothing to do with having Niggers as Slaves. WOOO and CHOO members allegedly engaged in a type of gang war, where members of each group would search for rival members in rival territories and then shoot them on sight, the indictment states. Set is quite useful and important way of representing data. Your not a gangster and i highly doubt you use ANYONE for target practice!! EAST SIDE BUENA PARKE GANGA ETGCK DONTWANT NONE OF THE BULLY GANG YOU FOOS R BUSTERS. Also a real ab or peni would never say we use crips and bloods as target practice cause they arent about getting into a street war with crips or bloods. But if a person has racist views like rocco then that person HAS NO BUSINESS being connected to any law enforcement group in any capacity whatsoever cause it can affect there judgement and decision making!!!! So, let me make it clear to you: If you are in the Valley, name the time you want to come to the Van Nuys Station. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. I am sure Watt you Consider a Crooked bKlaCC lawyer is only a bKlaCC lawyer who will not share your raCist view points aCout another bKlaCC person,one will not take your Case,prosecute,or lie on an innocent bKlaCC person.So if by Ceing a good and honest,and fair bKlaCC lawyer is Crooked then I guess all bKlaCC lawyers are Crooked then Im just playing their are no Crooked bKlaCC lawyers Im just Ceing a wise guy right now or Ceing a smart ass right now.There are only Crooked Cops and all the Crooked Cops are the same Color ass sperm that means their only (hONKEYS) you sperm filled empty jar head.And I been knew that you were only on the CripKs,bKloods,and pKirus website pretending that your only objeCtive on these gang websites was to post raCist Comments and sure that is one of your objeCtives Cut your biggest objeCtives is to learn aCout us bKlaCC gang bangers CeCause even though you hate us you are fasCinated wit all of Codes,rules,and laws you will one day try to pass yourself off as a gang banger 1 day wit all that you try to learn 4rum these websites when you makes us mad.And (roCCo) I mean riCo I know that you think that you are suCh a smart or a wise guy Cut a wise man or a man that is truly wise would never let his left hand know Watt his right hand is doing and he would definitely never let his enemies know his plans.I am talking aCout how you said if you make a person mad they might sometimes reveal more things to you in this Case meaning inside gang knowledge sinCe you are on a gang website.And go liCC one of your bordering jumping,wet baCC,taCo friends asshole Clean I mean thats not going to affeCt my reputation or make me look bad Cuz if anything it will only serve to make you look bad Cuz.And in order foe someCodys to aCtually Care if you like Chinks,spiCs,somoans,or gooks,and any raCe exCept foe the bKlaCC raCe that means that someone would aCtually have to Care about you first and nobody on the internet Cares about (roCCo) the internet trolling, fake ass ku klux klansman, fake ass neo-nazi,fake ass hONKEY supremiCists.And I Ceing str8 up honest wit your less than miCro fake unaCCepted raCist ass. Also, youre the Liar saying you dont belong to any of these Gang Sets. Defunct gangs in the area include: The L.A. Crips, which first appeared in 1987; Las Vegas. That, and somebodys Mother ( who you dont even know). .ur on this site its a black site WOW you most like usim not on any cracker site talking stupid shit like u because i dont care about u are what your doing. STOP TALKIN TO ME GET YOUR WARRANT! All my associates enjoy watching the Savage Niggers kill each other in Chicago. And no matter how smart you were if you got a job it wasnt higher than a janitor. Sgt Marina i agree this gang mess should not be happening in any way shape or form!! WAKE UP!!! >>>>>>>>STOMPER<<<<<<<<<< PENI DEATH SQUAD. Whatz craccin cuzz M8V3N 3 to all trey 83rd hxm3 in ga cracc at m3 hxmi3z 678 913 7496 t.lxc, FUCC EGGS TOAST GRITS CRIP TRAMP KILLA 2x, Fucc all u egg bitches, u niggas gettin pushed 6acc cuh. The Folks used to be cliqued up with a Brim set from Bergen Street in Crown Heights called Bergen Family. My job is to put Asshole Niggers like you in Jail before some other Nigger kills you. Knowing that history it is truly a shame that all of that struggle was in vein. You are one lying white boy u aint real ab or peni. You are a typical INSECURE NIGGER WITH A HUGE INFERIORITY COMPLEX. Youre afraid to come by because if you do, this Cracker will Crack the Whip and Whip your Nigger Ass like the way your Nigger Slave Ancestors got whipped. I HEAR YALL DIRTY COPS GOT a LOT MONEY So, STOP WHINING AND CRYING about it like a little fucking Girl. Rocco, you have no idea what law enforcement even does, do you? Im down to do whatever it takes to get into a gang even pull a 211 while commuting a 187. LMAO. 1). My CIVIL RIGHTS YOUR A LIER. [26] The Laos Crips is a nationwide Laotian gang. Take your own advice and ignore me if it doesnt apply to you, and worry about your own fucking life. The biggest enemy of Black people are OTHER Black people like these Niggers in these Neighborhood Sets who VICTIMIZE THEM. LMAO, im not black im Irish r u coming 2 the bar r what The Eight Trey Crips were based in and around the Flatbush Gardens housing complex. I love how rocco keeps hiding the fact that he has little dick! THAN BURN IN HELL im more wise then that i rather fuck white girls instead and have them swollow my load.lol. If you called me a Honkey, it wouldnt matter to me at all. Ive talked to many different Niggers from different Crip Sets who absolutely hate this Big talking Blowhard Nigger and one of them is going to put a fucking hole through his head. So if you respond YOU BETTER SAY YOUR NAME!!!!! Duck. And the good thing about us whites is we all think of you as stinky greasy eating up all the chicken thinking your the best dancer niggers. After she said how can I help you I said I wanna come down there to meet my friend Rocco is he there? She said there is no one that goes by that name. Third its not ok for ANYONE TO CALL SOMEONE RACIAL SLURS! Rocco ur not going 2 do shit but snitch and get someone locked up u pussy.cant fight worth a licc.and the AB told me 2 tell u 2 come on home diccs been mighty dry sense u left. Does that make you happy? Thats all you can talk about. Copyright @ 2020-2023 Liberty City Roleplay New York City has a 200 year history of street gangs going back to the early 1800s. What?!? such as theAvalon Gangster Cripsand theMain Street Mafia Cripsas well as theBroadway Gangster Cripsand certain fractions of theHoover Criminals Gang(primarily theEight Tray Hoover Criminals Gang). You truly sound like an ignorant Nigger on Crack. H-Block (Hawthorne Street in Flatbush, Brooklyn), which is made up of GDs is cliqued up with Feni Gz aka Feni Block aka Fenihanas (Fenimore Street in Flatbush, Brooklyn). Hurry to the welfare line. You have know intention of ever meeting me anywhere! ON NIGGERS!! whats cracc loc this is yg murda loc 823 g-stone offical wit mines naw mean but other locs wanna trade knowledge holla at my cell 206 600 2644 ladies 2 c-40 c-safe . Then i come on this site for the first time and i come across your comments. Your Half breed Nigger President will go down in history as the WORST American President EVER in this Country. !,wit your Coward ass naw you didnt aCtually admit to Ceing sCared of us blaCC people Cut you really did say that you wouldnt make a YouTube video and I only lied and said you made a Comment saying that u sCared of tha blaCC raCe CeCause you said on another Comment that I was sCared of you and trying to baCC peddel my way out of fighting you.And now you want to go 4rum talking aCout fighting to all of this legal talk whiCh I eventually knew you would flip and start Ceing and talking aCout either getting me arrested and thrown in jail,trying to press Charges,or get money out of foe damages in the Court room after I aCtually broke your jaw.And fuCC Coth the sheriffs,the sheriffs deputies and fuCC the poliCe also your luCCy my parents arent dead CeCause other than that I would kill the sheriffs,sheriffs deputies,and the poliCe in any City or state in tha world so that whole I fear tha sheriffs,sheriffs deputies or tha poliCe or I Cetter fear tha poliCe CeCause Im a blaCC man and most of tha people in law enforCement are Honkey!!!!! CHESTERS ASS CRACKER! FUCK ESBP YALL SOME GAY ASS MOFOS THAT TAKE UP THE ASS. We located him just off of St. Louis Blvd on the south side of Chicago. Go ahead. Im at work. Rocco, can not handle someone calling him out on the fact that he does not put anyone in jail, nor does he even work for any law enforcement agency. You know why? It is adjacent to the East Schofield, Outlook, Beachwood, Firefly Island, and East Liberty City neighborhoods. I have all day. Canarsie, Broker, is sometimes called Floss or Flossy. The name comes from the rap song Brooklyn (2007) by Fabolous, which contains the lyrics Canarsie flossing. Early on Monday night,six people were shot in Canarsie in just 14 minutesduring three connected drive-by shootings. Since you claim to be in law enforcement I want to know the answer to this. You see my brother I personally remember growing up and SEEING my friends tell there fathers bye in the morning. Sorry for the misspells. I live where there are MS-13 everywhere. Rocco.. Well my favorite color is blue so Im definitely leaning towards becoming a Crip but there are so many different Crip sets to choose from. I was going to put my daughter in private school when I got my first job promotion. Rocco has unorthodox tact in dealing with you, but he IS a man of the law as we have found out and not this child molester named George Rocco, because George Rocco passed away 8 months ago from pulmonary heart failure. If your one of them why would you say your name and then tell everybody where youll be at tonite?!? Go ahead and make the Video you fucking Coward OR come over to that address and fight me. And, youre a fucking bullshitting Liar, because you ARE in a Set and thats why you take offense to everything we say. Dazzie Dee (rapper) 107th street Crips. Listen to the pain hidden behind ones eyes. I can also spray paint tag really sick and do really cool ass old English letters and traditional block letters too! I scrolled through and checked out his comments and he says nigger every other word! Dude do you feel it is ok to call Black people Niggers? The Rollin 60's are considered the largest and most powerful set in the Neighbor Hood Crips alliance. I dont give a fuck what happened to your ancestors 150 years ago when there was Slavery in this Country because my Relatives were in Europe and had NOTHING to do with it. Fucc skissiesk Fandom's Exclusive Digital Community. Pop Smoke died 24 days after Kobe Bryant did. You can call me a Liar or a Honkey or whatever you want, doesnt mean shit to me. Pop Smoke was tussling with some legal issues prior to his death. We call it the Nigger Freak Show. AYE DWAYNE lil home NOW YOU SAYING YOU LIED ON PURPOSE.. LMAO LOL LETT ITT GO BITCH.. It was done by you. Youre just a Dumb Ignorant Nigger. I always admired them and thought wow they really paved the way for a lot of our people today . This is outrageous and will not be tolerated. 5). F.Y.I., Im really MAINLY Racist against Niggers who belong to these neighborhood gangs and VICTIMIZE their OWN PEOPLE. Wait I thought u were a cop! LOL. Stay in sac town. !The only reason I even responded to you for the 6th time is on one hand your a racist but then add in I put people in jail. Until then be safe my brother. I already know who you are in real life you dumb asshole and youre TOO SCARED to fight me. What the Fuck do you do for a living besides WHINING AND CRYING like a little Jealous Faggot on a Gang Web Site??? My dick is very big Faggot ..jealous lol. YOUR PAGES SGT MURDERER! Im a 2nd Degree Black Belt and things have to be done a certain way that you are too Dumb to Understand. Let me know when you want to come by so you can see what a pussy I am. About you. New fans may not know, but the Brooklyn D.A. Black men who belong to these neighborhood Sets ARE Niggers. Rocco Rocco what are you talking about?!? Huh?!? He even insulted me Im not a gang banger. why do you wear your flag to the left? He has a lil dick by the way. Get a entima. pussy. Need I say anymore? 092MLBOA is a crip set, includes GSC members. Kooda B is Ape from Brownsville, Brooklyn. Not entima. And that is all I have to say about that. Not a Eunuch Nigger eating from a garage can! U love fags and u love illegals. Come on yall, theres countless examples of other people who came before you and were on that same road you all were and are now doing LIFE in prison or there DEAD!! Youre completely Full of Shitand you know exposed yourself. I dont need to give my name cause im not on here talking tough!! You all know the history of our people and all that we went through, and yet you gangsters have the opportunity to make something of yourselves but instead choose to do this?!? Somebody with such valuable information has gotten the attention of the authoritys . Also Rocco isnt even his real name, so no one knows who he is! Rocco i was wondering whenoh wait a minute theres a site wide boycott on you. Ive tapped into your INFERIORITY COMPLEX. FUCK NIGGERS I HATE THOSE BIG LIP SEXY ASS BODY BIG DICK NIGGERS U SOUND LIKE A FAGGOT GO AWAY AND GO WATCH DUCK DYNASTY AND DUKE OF HAZARDS ALSO KARATE KID U FUCKEN WHIMP ASS FAGGOT. Rocco has said he like Hispanics, he just doesnt like blacks. NATION, GEORGE ROCCO IS A CONVICTED CHILDMOLESTER, ALMIGHTY. Like rocco r whoever. Yes, I remember. I never looked at it from your point of view, especially since your on the front lines day in and day out. DONT WASTE YOUR TIME!! REALLY TRYING TO YOU DONT HAVE SHIT !FUCK OUT IN RIVERSIDE. Stay behind the computer screen until your ready to play with the big boys. That would never happen and you saying that lets me know your not a real ab or peni member! .WHATS YOUR REAL NAME & TAKE THE 30 2 THE BODY LIKE A REAL SNITCH THAT YOU R He is a pathetic loser. The reason my response is late is because this time instead of calling there I DECIDED TO GO IN PERSON! where can I find a complete list of signals with his hands? Im talking about THESE SPECIFIC Niggers, not Cam Newton. Dont reach for youre weapon, Ill take the weapon. NHPK NHK GSMK, Fuck tragniew park and brother this Tree Top Bompton Pirus, WS TRAGNIEW PARK COMPTON CRIPS 159 PARK STARZ SLOB KILLA BK PK ALL DAY. LMAO. On April 29, 1992, the police officers who were involved in the Rodney King beating, were found not guilty. Skrell Paid used to be a 730 GSC but he flipped GD after his good friend Rich Flocks was k*lled. (ALLAH) s Let me explain why. FOLLOW. Gangs who aligned themselves with the Rollin 60s adapted the Neighborhood Cripsalso known as Deuces (2x)and gangs who aligned themselves with theEight Tray Gangster Cripsadapted the Gangster Crips also known asTrays or Tray Gangs (3x). Thats why I do what I do. They also beef with the Bergen Family Hats in Crown Heights and a local gang called BMW aka Brooklyn's Most Wanted. I get paid to be on this Site. Southside Perris Loc Crip Gang__Perou Street Front Line Gunnas on me! The Main Street Crips consist of two sub-sets the 98 Main Street Mafia Crips and the 84 Main Street Mafia Crips. Its ok man faggots are everywhere these days commercials and movies and most of the rap community even. ES BU PK 13 BULLY GANGA ITS ON NOW, you and your gang set from Anaheim will get destroyed by these 83 gangsta crip niggas your hood cant bully nobody in the ghetto your gang is irrelevant thats why you net banging so hard LAME. You know what you are a waste of time you still WONT TELL ME YOUR NAME or give me a DESCRIPTION of yourself!! go on the Post Office website, The Post Office wont hire any of these Niggers because they cant read or write. Respect is earned and to you MUCH RESPECT!! Maybe not face to face, but I will be on the line. In your previous comment you used the term revolt, anyone reading that would assume you meant something along the lines of a race war being that your and ignorant racist! (You might have a clue about this possibility) OR And then I think to myself Who do I hate worse?!? YEAH I SAID it! What would you know about being raised to believe in something that gives you purpose? You lied on purpose about going to that address because you are too scared to fight me. I love how you keep talking about roccos Dick. In NYC, certain Blood sets beef heavily with each other. And i bet your the reason why cops are suspicious of all of us black males!! I think law Enforcement Guys who are Black are generally very fine gentlemen. HE CHALLENGED ME, I ACCEPTED, AND NOW IM SUPPOSED TO GO INTO THE MOVIE BUSINESS. As the night went on, six more would be shot on the streets of Canarsie and East Liberty City. Does anyone still do the Cripk whistle? you keep sayin no respond to rocco, rocco banned, no talkin to rocco, yet you respond to all his racist shit all da time like it bother you. LMAO, Hi buddy just checkin in to let ya lmo im thinking of you,and btw jimi hendrix told em to tell you made classic rock suck his dick oops he said it was just janis joplin, On. Black men are chosen to be killed by other Niggers. Im so sorry, anonymous please forgive me!!!! Boycott. A LOT OF PEOPLE involved in putting these people in Jail that go to Court ARE NOT NECCESSARILY COPS. Or, you can respond yelling and screaming about some other democrat bullshit but I have life to live. The ONLY Black Power is Niggers killing Niggers. He even has a song called "Blixky's Funeral" that I believe has a little over a million views. Tiny rascals or eight tray homos? I dont care what you look like, I do my job with the utmost integrity. Cause if you had any warrants you wouldnt say your alias or where you would be at LMAOOOO!!!! WAS ONE THE WITH THE THREATS Wait no like they just got a promoti. ..black is the most copyed race .see it for yourself. Ahhhhhhhh cmon joto dont be mad cuz you can bang that BPx3. SO Rocco we all wanna meet you so again WHAT IS YOUR REAL NAME or GIVE ME A DESCRIPTION of yourself!!! YOUR GOING TO BURN FOR YOU FAGGING SATANIC Pop Smoke agreed to cancel the concert but he and his lawyer maintained his innocence. If you want to compare it to Chicago, Brower Boys are what Jaro is to TW. And dont say any regular black guy could care less i highly doubt you have any friends or associates let alone any black ones, so again your in fantasy land if you think any of us would see you type it and then in the next sentence say I help put people in jail and wouldnt call you on it. lol joke. But thanks for it hes poision a lonely dying bitch missary luvs company. I know plenty of white people who are in some way tied to law enforcement and they have way more class than you. If you believe Im a pussy, then come by, Nigger. Marina. Maybe I would have a problem. BULLSHIT. And how there shooting and dealing drugs turning our people into zombies with that poison. He and I are working on a few things together and thats why Im on this Site. Never put anyone down. And by the way do you know who the number one killers of abs are. I remember all this stuff and I appreciate what the brothers and sisters did for us and I appreciate it!! We all fucking know, its quite obvious. MAKE ME get off this Site. LMAO. I got that name haha because I used to get into it with Rocco and I used to laugh after I clown him and I would put sign Hahahaha, Ps: for the record I never smell!!! LIKE YOUE SELF. Dont you know the difference between a verb and a pronoun??????????????? ROCCO, lame Eunuch, cannot raise his dukes, Hes A CONVICTED CHILDMOLESTER So why dont you tell me you first and last name, and ill send a check to you post haste. Who like to make comments about shit that doesnt involve you. One of these things is talked about in EVERY FUCKING COMMENT. GEORGE ROCCO DID NOT CARE ABOUT VILOATEING MY CIVIL RIGHTS! This Muslim Nigger from Chicago is a Crazy Religious Fanatic and has a huge Inferiority Complex because he yells and screams about every little thing anybody says on here. And whenever I do meet you im black, 61 210 pounds and I will be wearing my favorite team gear, which is the Pittsburgh Steelers. Your even dumber than Dwayne Cross/Blue Mustang31 your Crip bullshit Homo Buddy. Anonymous, I do not think all Blacks are Niggers. !,.And I left you another Comment on tha east side pain bKloods website you might be done making Comments on that website you might be done on making Comments on that website Cut Im going to Continue to make you look like a lil inbred and inCest born jaCC ass Honkey!!!!! Or. fuCC you dd16211@hotmail.Com and fuCC trampKs you aint no rollxn 0 killa and you never will C you boy,bitCh!!!!! You obviously havent been to the pen cause all the races do business together at some point. Some of the finest and bravest men and woman i have had the pleasure to work with were African American, or homosexual, or Iranian and even some that were yiddish. so punCh a m8v3n in the lip and make him or her say that Im a bitCh and admit that I am a Ca rip.bK,pK,fK,hK,dvbK,kCbK,v l 13K,esl 13K,nsl 13K,wsl 13K,trgK,abzK,ttp,slp,mob diruK,double m gang K,insanesK. STOP C.O.C.K.S.U.C.K.I.N.G. So lets not call each other names, HAHAHA shut up with your stupid shit know one cares you smelly turd gobbler, Oh, I think you got me mixed up with that raggedy busted bad breath sewer smelling mother of yours, Oh you think so there HAHAHAHA besides your name is stupid and you smell like a stink fart. But Im sure my boys in blue down on ST. LUIS BLVD can take care of you. ECC, I get what the gentleman is saying Instead of killing each other for no reason at all other than living in a Different neighborhood. That doesnt involve you name and then I come across your comments on site! Never happen and you saying you LIED on purpose about going to BURN for you and I there... Help you I said I wan na meet you so again what is your real,! Anonymous, I do not think all blacks are Niggers Digital Community it like a little fucking Girl I to! Go BITCH your even dumber than DWAYNE Cross/Blue Mustang31 your Crip bullshit Homo Buddy MUCH... 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Form!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Remember growing up and SEEING my friends tell there fathers bye in the Neighbor Hood Crips alliance got!

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823 crip sets